God is Coming

Chapter 1209 Necessary

There was no one in the base, and no dead bodies. The base has no power, artificial gravity no longer exists, and the room is full of debris. Unfortunately, the mastermind of the base happens to be in the missing part of the base, so there is no way to look up the records. There is still a small amount of memory in the remaining part, and some data can be recovered. Intelligence and data specialists were among those following Austin, and some images were quickly recovered from the memory of some small devices.

This video is only a dozen seconds long, and it can be seen that the base is in chaos. Many people rushed through the passageway and rushed into a safe cabin, and then closed and locked the cabin door. A few more people ran over in the passage, they desperately slapped on the safety door and shouted something hoarsely, but the people inside said nothing to open the door. Someone wanted to open the door, but was firmly pressed to the ground by the people around him.

Suddenly, a cloud of dark red appeared at the end of the passage, like a cloud of smoke quickly catching up with the person who was knocking on the door. Which part of those people's body is touched by the dark red, which part will disappear out of thin air. In a blink of an eye, there was no one in front of the security door, only the surging dark red. The dark red continued to expand, and then touched the camera, and the picture ended.

After a while, someone asked: "What is that thing...?"

No one answered.

Austin came back to his senses and said: "Find that safety door! Anthony, you go back to the starship and contact the rear, report what happened here, and ask for support. Also check why there is no response to the distress signal here. Miller, take someone See if there are traces left by unknown creatures in the base."

The Xinggang base is a standard base, and Austin is familiar with the structure, and he quickly found the security door in the image. There was no one in front of the security door, only a few bloody fingerprints remained on the door.

A security expert floated over, unlocked the security door a few minutes later, and everyone slowly pushed open the heavy security door. Behind the door is a cabin for emergency survival, which can be launched and separated if necessary. But there was just a pile of sundries floating in the cabin, and there were no people or corpses.

Austin came to the wall, stretched out his hand to wipe it lightly, and there was an extra layer of off-white powder on his hand. There were two faint fingerprints left on the wall. The walls of the escape cabin are specially made to withstand the high temperature of magma, and they are not afraid of being soaked in strong acids and alkalis. They can resist the bombardment of cosmic rays, and they will not be damaged if they are placed in space for hundreds of years. But the surface of this wall is like weathered rock, which turns into powder when touched.

Austin took a container, put the powder in it, covered it carefully, and said, "Let's get out first, seal the scene, and don't destroy the traces here. First, send an application to the Joint Chiefs of Staff to send a fleet over. A complete blockade of the galaxy on the other side, all jumping points must be blocked!"

After a while, the captain received a reply, saying: "The committee rejected our request, and asked us to leave the galaxy on the other side immediately and go back for investigation."

Austin snorted, and said slowly: "It seems that someone wants to change positions."

Federation, the big conference room of the Joint Chiefs of Staff appeared once again. Just a few days after the last meeting, another meeting was held. This is quite rare. Even in times of war, the committee only holds a plenary meeting once a month to deal with the most important matters.

As the rotating chairman, Schiller was stationed at the headquarters and was the only person who attended the meeting in person.

At the beginning of the meeting, a marshal took the lead in launching an attack: "I propose to hold this emergency meeting. Everyone has seen the video, and I will replay it here."

A video was played in the center of the meeting room, which was the recovered video from the star port base in the other side of the galaxy.

The video was only half a minute long, and all the participating Marshals had watched it beforehand, and they were all silent at the moment. The marshal who proposed to hold the meeting said coldly: "Everyone knows what happened. I would like to ask a few questions here. The star port base in the other side galaxy was destroyed and the garrison fleet disappeared. It is impossible that there is no news. Then, where did these messages go? Secondly, who did the request for help from the planetary ground forces go to, and why didn’t they deal with it? Thirdly, is it a vision or a dynasty that appeared in the galaxy on the other side?”

The conference room was silent. After a while, another marshal said: "If no one speaks, then I will speak. From the recovered images, the galaxy on the other side is a cosmic vision, and it cannot be a dynasty. This vision has very strong The aggressiveness and attributes are unknown. I think the galaxy should be blocked immediately and all residents should be evacuated. As for accountability, we can talk about it in the next step.”

Many generals and marshals immediately reconsidered.

At this time, Schiller finally said: "The information of the other side galaxy has reached me. Based on a comprehensive judgment, the cause of the change should not be the dynasty. The details need to be investigated. But I do not agree to block the other side galaxy now! The decisive battle between us and the dynasty is the key At this moment, there is no extra fleet to blockade, and no extra transport ships to evacuate the residents!"

The marshal who proposed to call an emergency meeting said coldly: "Schiller, you are only the rotating chairman, not the lifetime chairman! You withheld the information of the galaxy on the other side, intercepted the distress message, lowered the authority of Marshal Austin without authorization, and recruited the personnel belonging to Marshal Austin in violation of regulations. And the starship, these are far beyond your authority! I think that Schiller is no longer suitable to serve as the rotating chairman, and I propose to terminate his rotating term immediately, and at the same time be transferred from the military to accept investigation!"

In an instant, many generals and marshals seconded their opinions, almost half of them! The remaining marshals were watching, wanting to see what Schiller was going to say. With just two more votes, Schiller would be ousted.

Schiller seemed to have expected such a day, and did not panic at all. He said: "When this battle is over and the dynasty is completely defeated, I will naturally end my rotation, accept the investigation, and bear all the responsibilities I should bear."

The generals and marshals who had not yet made a decision were even more hesitant. Schiller was definitely the best person to command the great battle. Originally there was Austin, but Austin's attitude towards dynastic war was ambiguous, so there was only one Schiller left.

Schiller continued: "No matter what this vision is, its impact is very limited. But the war with the dynasty is the most important thing related to the fate of the federation! We only have one chance to completely defeat the dynasty. If we miss it, we don't know how many confrontations we will have. century……"

"I don't think so!" Austin's image appeared in the conference room.

Schiller's face darkened: "Why are you here?"

The marshal who proposed convening a meeting said at this time: "Marshal Austin was invited by me to come to the meeting to give a hearing as a witness to the vision of the galaxy on the other side."

"This is not in accordance with procedure." Schiller objected.

"Have you done too few things that are not in compliance with the procedures? In addition, I have the signatures of two other marshals here, which meet the requirements for inviting witnesses to participate in the meeting."

Austin ignored Schiller and said slowly to everyone: "The vision of the galaxy on the other side is probably caused by a real dream. Its seriousness is far beyond everyone's imagination, and it is more important than the current war..."

Schiller sat still and just sneered. After Austin finished speaking, he said calmly: "We heard the same words a year ago, and I also know that some people just don't want to see me in this position. My idea is simple, that is, to completely defeat Dynasty, dismemberment of the dynasty! Everything must make way for this. This is the greatest interest of the Federation! As for the fate of mankind, I’m sorry, it’s too far away from us. Without the Federation, there is no need for humanity to exist!”

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