God is Coming

Chapter 1215 Them

There was another silence in the conference hall. A marshal said: "Marshal Austin has repeatedly emphasized the other side of the galaxy and tried his best to go there. I think he should be invited to attend the meeting and listen to his views."

"I object!" Schiller said.

"The objection is invalid and Austin's participation in the meeting is agreed." The marshal on duty said expressionlessly. Since the last meeting, Schiller has been suspended from his rotation and is now a regular member of the committee.

A moment later, Austin's image appeared in the conference room. He first looked at the recorded images of the galaxy on the other side, thought for a moment, and then asked: "What are Dr. Zero's recent movements?"

The marshal who presided over the meeting said: "Under the escort of Chu Jungui, he broke into the other side of the galaxy and stayed there for about 4 hours before leaving."

"He's here too..." Austin's face became a little more solemn and he said: "As far as I know, Dr. Zero has been studying real dreams and has never stopped. Most of the mutations in the galaxy on the other side are related to real dreams, so he is the first Time has attracted him. Our research on the real dream has been interrupted, and the progress is far behind that of the Dynasty. If you want to ask my opinion, it is to immediately negotiate a truce with the Dynasty, and then use all our strength to block the galaxy on the other side. No matter who destroys our fleet, Whatever it is, we must not let it spread!"

"I object!" Schiller stood up again and said: "The Dynasty is already on the verge of total defeat, and their last reserves have been brought out! As long as we maintain the offensive, it won't take more than a month, no, half a month, to defeat the Dynasty. The fleet will be completely defeated! This is a historic opportunity, a moment that has never happened in the past hundreds of years! We can dismember our biggest enemy and eliminate threats for the next 200 years!"

"Marshal Schiller, please abide by the meeting rules! Otherwise, I will temporarily disqualify you from speaking." The chairman presiding over the meeting slammed the table in front of him.

Schiller sat down resentfully.

Austin looked around the venue and said: "The last time I went to the other side of the galaxy, I saw a star port that was attacked. The people inside had a brief escape experience, but unfortunately they failed. But this time, the people in the galaxy They are all gone. A powerful fleet was annihilated by countless unknown weapons. The enemy even 'produced' a starship in front of us. This reminds me of a word..."

Austin paused, and then said word by word: "Reproduce!"

The expressions of all the marshals changed.

In the N77 star field, Chu Jungui was repeatedly reviewing the images recorded in the galaxy on the other side. From the moment the first drone took shape and flew out, until the last drone hit the hull and exploded. Wise men are also watching, analyzing data at high speed.

Chu Jungui froze the images of the first attacking drone and the last exploding drone, and said: "The internal temperature of the latter one is more than 10,000 degrees, while the first one is only 1,200 degrees. In addition, the speed of the latter is higher than that of the former. Doubled, the explosion power is 7 times the original."

"They are learning," said the wise man.


"That's what's hiding inside these drones. They're learning from human technology and constantly improving."

Chu Jungui was stunned, a little hard to believe. But if you think about it carefully, it seems so.

The wise man called up the image of Chu Jungui being chased by hundreds of drones and circled three of them. These three drones were inconspicuous among hundreds of drones, and they lagged far behind when they were pursued. Chu Jungui didn't pay attention to these three drones at first.

The wise man listed all the parameters of the three drones and said: "Judging from their flight trajectories, chemical energy thrust is the main force in the first stage, but after entering low orbit, the gravity of the star is used as the main force, while the other unmanned aerial vehicles are The machines are still driven by chemical energy. These three drones should all appear later."

In other words, these three drones have quietly completed the upgrade of their power systems. Chemical energy drive itself is a very backward method, and it is very difficult to fly out of the galaxy. But the gravity engine is completely a generation ahead of the technology, and it can fly to the end of the world. Whatever they are, the galaxy can't contain them now.

But Chu Jungui still has a question: "The doctor said that the technological level of civilizations that create real dreams is far above that of humans, and interstellar travel should not be a problem for them."

The wise man said: "There is a possibility that they come from a universe with different dimensions from ours and are learning and adapting to the basic rules of our universe."

"This is... really not good news." Chu Jungui took a deep breath and opened up the entire production process of Lightyear.

Now Lightyear is like a behemoth, its size is beyond imagination. Nowadays, 100 billion cubic meters of raw materials need to be processed every day, which is equivalent to digging a large pit one kilometer deep and covering an area of ​​100 square kilometers on the earth's surface. Brother Dao's children have exceeded 30 million, and the growth is still accelerating. There are more than 5 million engineering ships supporting the sub-body. This number alone exceeds that of any starship manufacturing group in mankind, and is equivalent to 2-5 people combined. However, engineers who operate engineering ships must take breaks. They cannot work more than 3 hours per 24 hours and can only work 4 days a week. It is illegal to exceed the limit. The Mist sub-bodies are all 24-hour perpetual motion machines, and will be automatically scrapped and recycled upon expiration, saving even maintenance.

At present, all production of Lightyear is based on maximizing combat power in the long term as the core goal, and there is nothing that can be adjusted and optimized. The current bottleneck is energy and some detailed shipboard equipment. But some of the extra capacity was spent on prisoners of war. At present, Lightyear has sent back more than 100,000 Community prisoners of war, and successfully recruited another 3 million prisoners of war, but there are still 15 million prisoners of war still in custody. But the troublesome thing is that recently there are some thorny heads among the prisoners of war who are working together to demand that Lightyear abide by the prisoner of war convention and improve their treatment. This group of people has planned several operations to try to sabotage facilities and put pressure on Lightyear.

This is just that these people have completely mistaken their opponents. Wise people have no such thing as psychological pressure. The result of destroying the facilities was that the entire space station was starved for two days, because the only facilities that could be destroyed were the equipment for feeding food and water. As for the walls and floors, no one dares to touch them. If they are damaged, they will be directly exposed to space and everyone will die.

Chu Jungui was not in a good mood at the moment, so he issued an order to catch all the thorns and lock them in a separate space station, and then give them a meal every three days. When people are half-starved, they are not even willing to speak, let alone destroy facilities.

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