God is Coming

Chapter 1214 Once Was

The UAV is close to the mud and rocks, and the belly is opened, and it is ready to pull the mud and rocks into the warehouse. At this moment, the temperature inside the mudstone mass suddenly rose rapidly, exceeding 1000 degrees in a blink of an eye, and it was still rising rapidly!

The drone immediately stopped pulling and was about to flee, but the mass of mudstone that had turned into magma shot out like a cannonball, directly smashing the drone into two pieces. The wreckage of the drone immediately burned violently, and was burned to ashes before it landed.

The doctor's drone is the most cutting-edge product. Not to mention the material of the fuselage is self-igniting, even if it is blown with a high-temperature spray gun, it will not ignite. There is no high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, so don't let it burn. But under the cover of dark red, the entire drone was burned to ashes in just a few seconds. However, during the scan, there was no abnormal temperature change in the ground base, only the mass of mudstone turned into magma, but it was more than 1,000 degrees.

But Chu Jungui accidentally glanced at the picture of the doctor, and was shocked again. In the dark red, there is actually a drone being generated, which is exactly the same as the drone that was just burnt down!

In less than a minute, a drone was generated in dark red. From the perspective of the doctor, it was a complete drone, and a large area of ​​solidified dark red appeared on the body. In Chu Jungui's field of vision, the drone was incomplete, with defects and holes everywhere on the fuselage. The temperature of the resurrected drone began to rise, and then it suddenly shot towards the starship in orbit!

An attack of this level was not a threat. Chu Jungui used his consciousness to control the secondary artillery, and volleyed to blow up the drone. However, more drones appeared in the dark red, and the condensed mudstone clusters also began to turn into drones, shooting at the starships in orbit one after another.

Chu Jungui used the secondary gun to detonate the drones one by one, but he realized something was wrong in a blink of an eye. The drones are shooting faster and faster, their temperature is getting higher and higher, and the number is increasing exponentially! In the blink of an eye, hundreds of drones roared towards Chu Jungui's starship. A large number of drones successfully broke through the interception, and two of them slammed into Chu Jungui's flagship.

The continuous explosions made the flagship vibrate slightly, but the power of the explosions was smaller than Chu Jungui expected, and it couldn't help the heavy patrol's heavy armor. However, the drones generated on the surface of the planet changed immediately, and the temperature of the drones rose again, exceeding 5000 degrees, and faintly glowing with a light blue light.

Another drone broke through Chu Jungui's interception and crashed into the ship. This time the explosion was exceptionally violent, creating a blue halo, several pieces of armor flew out with the explosion, and finally left a gap in Chu Jungui's hull.

The power of this explosion exceeded expectations. Chu Jungui instantly judged that there was already half the power of a heavy-duty space torpedo, and a few more rounds could pose a threat to his flagship.

The dark red in the base below is expanding, and there are hundreds of drones appearing in it at the same time! And the Federation's fleet has already started sailing into the galaxy and is coming at full speed.

"Doctor, we have to retreat!" Chu Jungui said in a deep voice. At this moment, the secondary guns of the two starships were firing at full speed, but obviously they couldn't stop the increasing number of drones.

"Okay, retreat." The doctor no longer insisted, the starship turned and flew away from the planet. Chu Jungui followed closely and left, but was able to get away after being bombarded several times.

The three starships continued to accelerate, quickly leaving the planet and the Federation fleet behind, and flew out of the galaxy. The doctor and Chu Jungui separated at the jumping point and went back separately.

Back in the N77 star field, Chu Jungui received a piece of information from the doctor. The fleet urgently dispatched by the Federation to the galaxy on the other side has lost contact!

According to the scanning results at that time, the federal fleet included at least two heavy cruisers and three light cruisers, plus seven or eight small high-speed starships. The overall strength of the fleet far exceeded Chu Jungui's two starships at the time. It took only a few hours for Chu Jungui to decide to evacuate and jump back to N77. A powerful federal fleet just disappeared?

"what reason?"

The doctor said: "It's mostly related to the vision we saw. Only the Federation knows the specifics."

"What are those dark reds?"

"So far, there is no way to directly detect it. What we see is not it itself, but the traces it left in our world. Although there are still some ways that have not been tried, the result with a high probability is that we There is no way to directly observe its existence, only through some indirect means to observe."

Chu Jungui naturally knew that he couldn't know about the vision that even Dr. Ling couldn't help. Thinking that the hull had been bombed by drones, Chu Jungui immediately ordered to inspect the hull of the starship, but the inspection results only found some ordinary minerals, which came from that planet, and there was nothing noteworthy other than that. thing.

The more no results were found, the more serious Chu Jungui's heart became. He recruited a wise man, let it develop at full strength immediately, and enter the final evolution as soon as possible. Only relying on the ultimate version of Brother Dao, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive this crisis.

Just as Chu Jungui was nervously preparing for the war, the Federal Joint Chiefs of Staff held another plenary meeting. This is the third meeting in the last ten days. Only in extremely serious incidents will a plenary meeting be called at an unconventional meeting time.

A video was playing in the center of the venue. A federal fleet had just approached a planet, and suddenly tens of thousands of drones, missiles, rescue capsules, and even space fighters flew out from the planet, rushing towards the federal fleet like a swarm of bees. Then there were successive explosions. The Federation Fleet suffered heavy losses in the sudden attack. Whether it was a missile or a rescue capsule, they would explode as soon as they got close, and the power of the explosion was still extremely huge. In just a few minutes, a powerful fleet was wiped out and turned into space ruins.

But the weird scene is only now beginning.

The wreckage of the explosion slowly began to gather together, continuously deforming like plasticine, and the outline of a starship slowly appeared. From the outside, it looks very similar to the Federation light cruiser that was just destroyed. After the starship took shape, it wriggled like a mollusk, gliding through deep space, and instantly came to the reconnaissance plane that was taking images. The bow of the ship suddenly cracked and swallowed the reconnaissance plane.

The image ends here.

There was silence in the conference room, and the suffocating silence lasted for a few minutes before the marshal presiding over the meeting broke the silence: "First of all, we don't know what those flying things are. Their appearance may be similar to that of drones and lifesaving drones. The capsules are similar, but they are not. Judging from the parameters of their flight trajectories, they are different from any device we know. Second, it can be confirmed that there is no sign of life in the galaxy."

A marshal frowned and said, "There are more than ten million people in the other side galaxy."

"It used to be, but now there's not a single one."

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