God is Coming

Chapter 1213 Dark Red

The image of Planet No. 2 has appeared on the star map in front of Chu Jungui. As the number of scans increases, the details of the planet become more and more abundant. However, Chu Jungui soon discovered something unusual: "This is a resource planet. There are more than a dozen mines on the planet, and hundreds of thousands of workers and family members live on it. How come we approached so openly and no one took the initiative to contact us? ?”

The public channel near the planet was silent, without any sound. No questions, no warnings, no surprise at seeing one of your own, nothing.

The doctor's scanner was far more powerful than Chu Jungui's. He was silent for a moment before saying, "I have detected no signs of life on the planet."

Chu Jungui was shocked: "Where are those people? They were all transferred by the Federation? Impossible! Could it be...killed?"

Chu Jungui didn't quite believe the last sentence. In today's era, there are very few mass killings of civilians. Even Xu Bingyan only destroyed the infrastructure and then sent the civilians to the Federation, or let the Federation take them back. There are hundreds of thousands of people on this resource star. As long as there is no armed resistance, there is actually no need to relocate. Once the people leave, most of the remaining production facilities will be abandoned, and restarting them will be very expensive.

Dr. Zero did not answer Chu Jungui's guess, his face was a little gloomy, he slowed down, began to enter a low orbit, and then circled to the side behind the planet facing the sun.

Chu Jungui was also scanning the planet, but he could only scan the outlines of buildings and did not have such advanced functions as life detection.

The fleet quickly circled the planet, and then an incomplete starport appeared in front of them. Only half of this star port is left, and the gap shows strange arcs. The cut surface is very smooth, as if it has been polished by a mirror. There was deathly silence in the star port. With it being like this, there must be no living people inside. What surprised Chu Jungui was that this was the Federation's standard military star port, used to repair and supply the garrisoned fleet.

The doctor's ship stopped when it was still some distance away from the star port, and no landing craft was sent out.

"The whole ship is ready to fight!" Chu Jungui gave the order in his mind. The various weapon systems of the starship were already on alert. After Chu Jungui gave the order, the Fog Clan child immediately began to charge the main gun. From the doctor's cautious attitude, Chu Jungui had already sensed the danger. The doctor didn't even want to get close to the starport, and he had no intention of boarding it for a closer look. This shows that the doctor believes that there is an unknown danger in this abandoned star port.

"Jun Gui, come and take a look." The doctor shared the data. A perspective view of the star port appeared in front of Chu Jungui, and all the internal structures were scanned. In the scanned images, many rooms in the starport were filled with debris, and there were obvious signs of human activity. But for some reason, no one could be seen. Chu Jungui then looked at the rescue area and found that except for a few boats, almost all the rescue cabins were there and were completely unused. There are hundreds of large rescue capsules in the star port, which are enough to rescue 90% of people in the event of a destruction crisis, but almost none of them are used. Could it be that the crisis comes so fast that people have no time to escape into the rescue capsules?

The doctor lit up several areas and said: "This was supposed to be the location of the main brain and main storage server, but now they are all empty. No matter what attacked the star port, they chose to move the main brain and storage."

"what do you mean?"

"Don't worry, take another look, I'm just guessing."

The doctor reaches out and touches the control screen, and the ship emits a special invisible light to illuminate the star port. After switching between several types of invisible light, the starport in front of Chu Jungui suddenly changed. Large areas of dark red appeared inside, smeared everywhere inside the starport like dried blood.

Dark red extends from the star port gap, like a dry river bed, extending all the way to the planet's surface. At the end of the dark red riverbed is a large mining base.

The doctor adjusted the beam, extending it along the dark red river bed, and finally illuminated the large base. The entire lifeless base suddenly changed, and its appearance was covered by a thick layer of dark red. And these dark reds are not dead and motionless, but are constantly squirming and flowing, as if they have a life of their own!

But in Chu Jungui's scanner, the base was just a building, without any life response or any artificial signal.

Looking at the dark red mass, Chu Jungui suddenly felt a creepy feeling, and kept screaming deep in his consciousness, wanting to stay away.

"What is that?" Chu Jungui asked while letting the starship's main gun lock onto the base.

The doctor's face was rare and solemn, and he said: "We can't confirm it yet, but it is very likely that the real dream has been leaked. We may be facing a highly intelligent civilization. Are your main guns ready? Give the following a shot. Cannon, let’s see the reaction.”

Chu Jungui's consciousness flashed, and the frigate's bow flashed, and a high-energy beam struck the dark red base below.

In Chu Jungui's normal field of vision, the high-energy beam easily blasted away the base's protective shield, and then melted half of a building. But there was still silence in the base, with no movement at all. The planet's atmosphere is very thin, and the protective shield is mainly to maintain a breathable environment for humans. But when the protective cover was blown open, there was no sight of jet air and debris, indicating that the base had long been damaged and the oxygen had leaked out.

However, in the field of vision shared by the doctor, the pervasive dark red shrank abruptly, as if frightened, and almost completely retracted into the base. But its surge is obviously accelerating, and it seems that it is gestating some changes.

Chu Jungui noticed that as the dark red surge accelerated, some fine sand and stones on the ground of the base began to fly, as if being blown by the wind. But the atmosphere of this planet is extremely thin, and there is no such thing as wind at all. When Chu Jungui took a closer look, he found that the movement of the sand and gravel was in the same rhythm as the movement of the dark red.

Countless fine particles suddenly began to gather, and in a blink of an eye, they condensed into dozens of mudstone clusters of different sizes. These mudstone clusters are also constantly wriggling, like molluscs. Some even began to float into the air.

This weird scene made people's scalp tingle, but Chu Jungui's feeling was even more different. He stared at the normal vision and the scan image shared by the doctor at the same time. What he saw was countless dark reds coming in and out of the mudstone, and every time he swallowed, the dark red would become thicker and the movement would be faster.

The dark red has penetrated into the ground, bringing countless particles invisible to the naked eye from the ground, and merged into the mudstone clusters, causing them to grow rapidly.

"What are those dark reds?"

"I can't detect it yet, I need time." The doctor replied while scanning in various ways. At this time, Chu Jungui received an alarm in his consciousness. An abnormal space signal appeared outside the galaxy, and a fleet had just completed the jump. You don't need to think about it to know that it is the Federation Fleet, which has arrived much faster than expected.

"Doctor, I'm afraid our time is running out. If we want to successfully complete the jump on the other side of the galaxy, we can only stay for another 2 hours at most."

"Two hours, I'm afraid it's not enough. Forget it, I'll see if I can get some samples first." The doctor's spaceship fired a drone, flew to the planetary base, and went straight to the largest mass of debris . The drone flew into the dark red, and it was not affected at all, and the dark red did not have any changes, as if the two had nothing to do with each other.

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