God is Coming

Chapter 1212 Abnormal

A few hours later, Chu Jungui's flagship jumped out of the void outside the other side galaxy. He waited for another half an hour, and the starship from Tianyu Li's house also arrived. After the fleet converged, the flagship sounded an alarm, detecting a large-scale scan.

Chu Jungui frowned slightly. The jump meeting point he chose was far away from the galaxy, a full 5000 light seconds. Such a long distance is afraid of being detected by the regular scan of the galaxy, thus revealing the whereabouts. As a result, such a long distance has been scanned, and it can be seen how large the scanning range is. If it weren't for extremely important military locations, there would never be such a large-scale scan. The energy consumed by one scan is enough for half a month's energy consumption of a planet.

Chu Jungui had just detected a scan when he finished the jump, and now it's another scan not long after. The frequency of this scan is a bit too high, and the other shore galaxy is not a strategic place, and there are not many inhabitants on the planet. The energy of the galaxy itself cannot support such a high-frequency scan. Could it be that Dr. Zero's information is wrong, and a large federal fleet has entered the galaxy on the other side?

Chu Jungui reviewed the information of the dynasty again. He is now qualified to participate in the regular meeting of the joint command center, with almost the highest authority, and all battle reports can be checked. Judging from the information provided by the Dynasty, all capital ships of the Federation are on the front line at the moment, and more than half of them are attacking in the second theater. In other words, it is impossible to have a capital ship in the galaxy on the other side. The whereabouts of the Federation's heavy cruisers are mostly under the control of the dynasty, and only three or four ships are temporarily missing. These ships were all severely damaged before and needed to be returned to the dock for repairs, and I don't know if they have been repaired.

In other words, there are at most three heavy cruisers in the other side galaxy, and they have just been repaired.

Chu Jungui habitually called out to the wise man, but there was only a mechanical answer. It was only then that Chu Jungui remembered that the wise man's body had stayed in the N77 star field, and only the offspring came over. The ability of the wise man to separate the offspring is far inferior to Brother Dao, and the ability of the offspring itself is also very limited, not as good as the high-level starship mastermind of human beings. But only the offspring of the wise can effectively command the Wu clan starship and complete the bottom-level operations. Chu Jungui only needs to issue simple orders, and the rest of the offspring will be completed automatically. This time Chu Jungui's fleet is all Wu Clan warships, and they must be assisted by wise men.

At this time, the fleet has detected two consecutive scans. Although it is at the edge of the scan range, it is still possible to be discovered. Chu Jun Guilue pondered for a while, and ordered to march into the galaxy. No matter how big the federal fleet is, Chu Jungui is ready to fight a battle. Anyway, the Wu clan starships are consumables, and Chu Jungui doesn't feel bad if they are all used up.

When the fleet approached the galaxy, a federal fleet appeared from the edge of the galaxy to meet Chu Jungui's fleet. The Federal Fleet's call sounded in the public channel: "The front fleet stops immediately! Identify yourself! Otherwise, you will be attacked! Repeat..."

Before the federal fleet repeated, Chu Jungui had already seen the composition of the federal fleet, two heavy cruisers and four light cruisers, plus six or seven destroyers and frigates. Dr. Zero's information really went wrong.

Chu Jungui immediately ordered a full-speed assault. The fleet suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the Federation fleet. The three heavy cruisers fired first, and the eye-catching high-energy beams directly bombarded the leading heavy cruiser of the Federation fleet.

A few hours later, there were countless starship wreckage and floating rescue capsules outside the other side galaxy. Chu Jungui only had the flagship and a light cruiser left, while the federal garrison fleet was almost wiped out, with only two frigates escaping. After this battle, Chu Jungui did not take advantage of the slightest advantage, and the loss of starships on both sides was evenly matched. Chu Jungui also had to sigh with emotion that the combat power of the current federal fleet is indeed ridiculously strong, and almost the entire fleet retreats after almost being wiped out, which is completely different from the Commonwealth fleet. Speaking of which, half of the community starships that Chu Jun sank were the results of the pursuit. The best performance of the community fleet was only 50% loss before it began to collapse.

With such an opponent and superior strength, it is no wonder that the Dynasty has produced so many excellent commanders, but it is still extremely difficult.

Chu Jungui asked the light cruiser to fold up the floating rescue capsule, and then put it down on the edge of the battlefield. In the heavy cruiser, dozens of engineering ships flew out, began to repair the damaged hull, and recovered the encapsulated daughters of the Wuzu starship.

Chu Jungui sent a message to the doctor, and an hour later, a light flashed in the distance, and a pale silver starship jumped out of the void and appeared in this star field. That is the doctor's ship, and its performance is naturally top-notch, even the most advanced warships in the military cannot match it.

The doctor just took a look at the battlefield, said "the fight was quite fierce", and greeted Chu Jungui to enter the galaxy. Chu Jungui's remaining two starships protected the doctor's ship one after the other and flew into the galaxy.

There is also a Federation space base on the edge of the galaxy. Chu Jungui just looked at the size of the base and gave up his plan to attack. Although this base is not a mobile fortress, it is also armed to the teeth, and it cannot be eaten by the two starships he currently has. However, the space base does not have any mobility. It will take a few days just to fly to the galaxy, so Chu Jungui simply ignores the fortress. Anyway, what the doctor wants is only half a day. evacuate.

The federal fortress watched Chu Jun return to the fleet away, without any intention of pursuing, but slowly retreating. After Mr. Chu returned to the fleet, it sent a few small boats to recover the rescue capsule.

Chu Jungui felt that the behavior of the federal fortress was a bit strange, but he didn't think too much about it, but instead escorted the doctor's spaceship into the galaxy. At this time, the doctor's communication came over and said: "Be careful, the results of the preliminary scan are a bit strange. The Federation has no fleet in the galaxy, and there is no space station, not a single one."

Chu Jungui recalled the information on the other side galaxy, and said: "It shouldn't be! Isn't there a habitable star in this galaxy? Although the environment is not very good, there are more than 10 million people. There are also two resource stars here."

According to the information obtained by the dynasty, the dynasty also left tens of thousands of armed personnel here. According to the normal deployment, the Federation should put the most basic starport in the galaxy, but now there is no one in the galaxy, what supply and maintenance does the fleet rely on?

The doctor kept looking at the results of the scan feedback and analyzed them at high speed. His ship has only a little self-defense firepower, but its scanning ability is much stronger than Chu Jungui's flagship. The starship mastermind is not comparable to the descendant of a wise man, and the main body is almost the same.

The doctor suddenly said: "I found it, the space structure here is abnormal!"

A mark immediately appeared on the star map in front of Chu Jungui, located behind the second planet.

The doctor's ship accelerated and flew towards the abnormal point. Chu Jungui also accelerated to keep up.

The three starships accelerated to one tenth of the speed of light in a blink of an eye, and quickly flew to the orbit of the second planet.

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