God is Coming

Chapter 1211 Not Good Enough

After finalizing the transfer of the starship, Cheng Weiqi and Chu Jungui chatted for another 10 minutes before ending the communication. These ten minutes seemed to be chatting, but in fact Chu Jungui got a lot of information. The current dynasty is at its most tense time. The large-scale shipbuilding plan takes time. It will take 4 months before the first batch of 4 capital ships will be out of dock, and then another 4 months will be 6 ships, and then the next batch There are 12 ships. It is really vicious for the Federation and the Community to choose a decisive battle with the dynasty in this lean period.

There are also hidden dangers within the dynasty. The old man and family who were purged last time are not reconciled to failure and are planning a comeback. But Cheng Weiqi is not worried about them for the time being. Many of these people are speculators, and they are also very clear that they will only face failure when they come to power at this time.

Finally, there is a promise that the dynasty will immediately recognize the local territory occupied by the king of Chu during the war. However, Cheng Weiqi also hinted that the effect of this promise is limited. Once the wartime government steps down, the next government is likely to overturn the promise. He hinted that during this period Chu Jungui cultivated more of his own team and formed his own power network within the dynasty, so that he could have some protection after the war.

All in all, in this position, Cheng Weiqi can give almost everything, and the rest can't be given, or Chu Jungui doesn't need it.

Not long after, Chu Jungui received another communication from Dr. Ling.

"Have you talked with Marshal Cheng? How does it feel?" asked the doctor.

"The people are nice, the dynasty is dangerous."

The doctor shook his head: "The dynasty will be fine. We have internal problems, and the enemy has even bigger problems. As long as we continue to bleed the community, they will soon be unable to persist, and civil strife will occur. Of course, without you, the dynasty will also be very difficult. It has been delayed until now. Marshal Cheng is a very good person, and he has arranged retreats for many people around him, except himself."


"He's going to use himself as an exchange after the war to get some people to land safely. After all, although many of the things he is doing now are said to be for the purpose of winning the war, they are strictly speaking illegal. For example..."

"For example, what?" Chu Jungui asked.

"The equipment and technology given to you cannot stand scrutiny."

Chu Jungui said coldly: "If those equipments are not given to me, they are just inventory! The equipment given to me by the Dynasty may not account for 3% of the total inventory, but the enemies I have eliminated are equivalent to half of the Dynasty. Whoever can play the same record, then I am willing to obey the law!"

The doctor said: "The law is the law, there must be procedural justice, and it is not wrong for others to pursue it afterwards. You can't do whatever you want just because you played well. These are two different things. Of course, it is also a way to carry public opinion and self-respect, but you are now It’s clearly not good enough.”

"What should I do?" Chu Jungui was really unfamiliar with this field.

The doctor smiled slightly, and said: "Didn't many families come to you? Your method of bringing ships into the team is very good, and you can make it bigger. Among those who plan to counterattack after the war in the future, the family will be one of the main forces. You Make it bigger, and half of the main force will be abolished. After all, if your position is not guaranteed, then the status and meritorious service of their children will also be lost."

Chu Jungui was no longer a rookie at the moment, he immediately understood, and said: "I understand, I will get a few generals for points later, and then let these people go to the dynasty to ask for equipment, technology and materials for me."

The doctor nodded: "The intermediate link needs to be designed a little bit, and it must be able to generate benefits. As long as there are benefits, they will not turn a blind eye."

"Okay." Chu Jun understood.

Then the doctor turned serious and said: "With people like Cheng Weiqi in charge of the overall situation, the dynasty will not be easily defeated, so there is no need to worry. But there is something right now, and if it is not handled well, it may be the real crisis. The last time I talked to you Is the body of the Mist Clan that entered the real dream together still alive?"

"Yes, there is activity, but no conscious response."

The doctor nodded and said, "The technology that completely separates the consciousness from the body is the greatest value of real dreams. If you can master this technology, you understand what it means."

Of course Chu Jungui understood, that is eternal life.

The doctor paced around in place, and after turning around a few times, he said, "The teleportation device I gave you before is still working. Send me a copy of the cell sample from the Fog Tribe."

"Okay, but I think Kai Tian is still alive."

The doctor said: "Don't worry, I won't hurt it. On the one hand, I have made a breakthrough in the research of real dreams, and there is only one last hurdle left to crack its true location. If I can enter the real dream again this time, I will It is completely different from the last time. With the foundation of last time, we will have a higher starting point and faster progress. The deeper we study the real dream, the greater our advantage. On the other hand, the real dream itself has appeared Something happened, and it started leaking into our universe."

"Leak?" Chu Jungui noticed this unusual word.

"The real dream is different from our cosmic dimension. It is not like an independent space, but the intersection of a certain space-time and our universe, or a node or a bridge. Originally, its state was very stable, and it was about to leave us. A sign of the universe. But recently, driven by some unknown reason, it is being integrated into our universe, and this process is similar to a leak.”

"Is it good or bad?"

Dr. Zero sighed, and said: "It's just a technology of separation of consciousness, which is several generations ahead of us. I can't see the direction of breakthrough now, let alone the technology of constructing real dreams. You say that we and such Is contact with civilizations a good thing or a bad thing?"

"what should I do?"

"I will push the closely related military-industrial group to transfer technology to you. You design and build a new generation of starships and fighters as soon as possible according to the technology you get. There are both human version and fog version. Once an accident happens, after all, how many human beings are left?" With a population of hundreds of billions, it should be used or used, and a few fog tribes alone may not be enough. The second thing is to prepare an expedition fleet to raid the galaxy on the other side. According to my research, leaks have already occurred, and nine out of ten are in the The other shore galaxy. But the other shore galaxy is now in the hands of the Federation. If you want to see it, you have to defeat the garrison fleet there. But the good news is that the garrison fleet there is average.”

Chu Jungui looked at the location of the Bi'an Galaxy and said, "This is a bit troublesome. The Bi'an Galaxy is now surrounded by Federation territory, and even if the raid is successful, it may not be able to occupy it. The Federation's support fleet will arrive within 72 hours at most. "

"You don't need to occupy, or even destroy the garrison fleet, just drive them away. I'll come when you control the galaxy, and I just need to collect data in a few hours."

"That's no problem. Do you have any information on the garrison fleet?"

"This is information from a month ago, but there is no recent record of large-scale deployment of the fleet. The main force of the Federation is concentrated in the Second Theater to attack, and there is no extra force to reinforce the unimportant galaxy on the other side."

Chu Jungui glanced at the information, and the garrison fleet recorded on it only had one light cruiser and a few frigates. The light cruiser is still an old model 200 years ago. Chu Jungui took an inventory of the fleet in his hands. The fleet sent to Tianyu Li's family has ended the battle there, defeated the federal fleet that fought against the Li family, and can be redeployed. Chu Jungui immediately issued an order, the flagship was dispatched, and the intact starships fighting in the Tianyu Li family also jumped at the same time, and finally converged in the galaxy on the other side to form a fast strike fleet with 3 heavy cruisers and 3 light cruisers.

Chu Jungui notified the plan to the doctor, left the office, boarded the flagship, and jumped out of the N77 star field.

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