God is Coming

Chapter 1232 Too late

The two starships approached, Chu Jungui walked through the connecting bridge and walked into the starship where the wise man's body was. Passing through the bridge, and then through a closed hatch, a huge space appeared in front of Chu Jungui. The entire ship was almost hollow, and there was a dense and substantial mist everywhere. The visibility in the fog was only two or three meters, flowing slowly, and a little light kept emerging from inside.

This is a heavy cruise ship, a place specially customized for the wise man's body. I remember that when the wise man first moved in, he couldn't fill the entire space, but now it seems that it is very crowded... Chu Jungui's heart moved slightly, and his eyes Move toward the bulkhead. The bulkhead is gray-black and looks matte, but is actually composed of countless tiny data interfaces. The wise men connect to the entire light-year network through these interfaces, throughput data, and control tens of millions of sub-bodies.

Unknowingly, the Mist Tribe, which weighed only grams at the beginning, is now a behemoth weighing more than 10,000 tons.

The total number of interfaces on the inner wall of the cabin exceeds 500,000, and there is still some remaining space. Each interface represents a data channel, and a single data channel can control one intelligent sub-body or a dozen ordinary sub-bodies. Whenever the data processing capabilities of the wise people reach a new level, interfaces will be added accordingly.

In front of Chu Jungui, a cloud of mist condensed, and a young man with neutral beauty appeared. This is the human image set by wise men for themselves. It is said that it refers to the aesthetics of famous figures in history, takes into account the cultural and historical significance, and also contains the meaning of improving human aesthetics and adding some advanced racial elements. However, Chu Jungui looked around and thought he was just a handsome young man, mainly because he had no characteristics.

"...Master, do you have anything to say about this new enemy?" the wise man asked.

Chu Jungui did not answer immediately, but keenly felt that the wise man hesitated a little when he said master. However, Chu Jungui didn't show any special expression, and on the surface he just pretended not to notice. He told the wise man about the current intelligence. The specific data was included in the battle report. The wise man must have read it. For both wise men and test subjects, the concept of memory does not exist.

After Chu Jungui finished speaking, the wise man was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said: "This enemy gives me an instinctive fear, as if I have seen it a long time ago. But judging from human historical records, it has never happened before. Similar to the record of the enemy's appearance, otherwise humankind would have perished long ago. I think maybe the answer lies in the unknown genetic inheritance."

The wise man hesitated again and said, "Master, I want to...evolve."

"Now? Are the conditions ripe?"

"No. Under normal circumstances, my evolution requires the support of huge data and the development of the body. The data is basically enough now, but the body development has not yet reached the limit of maturity. There are some risks if I force evolution now."

"What kind of risk?" Chu Jungui asked.

"There is a risk that my group consciousness will go out of control. In that case, this group consciousness will be killed and replaced by a new consciousness. At that time, I will still be me in a physical sense, but the wise man will no longer exist."

"...I don't want to die." The wise man finally said.

"Then let it grow for a while and wait until it is fully mature before evolving. You can see that Brother Dao's evolution is very smooth."

The wise man shook his head: "I'm afraid it's too late. After evolution, I have to adapt to my body, digest the knowledge inherited by my genes, and then optimize and transform the fleet. This all takes time, and our enemies will not give us time."

Chu Jungui suddenly felt a little heavy when he recalled Crimson's incredible shipbuilding speed. Although it was only a frontal battle of limited scale, it could already be seen that there were many opponents, they were not afraid of life and death, and they never made mistakes. And this enemy has grown in size.

Chu Jungui pondered for a moment and said, "Don't evolve yet, wait. The doctor may have other methods."


Chu Jun returned to look around and said, "This ship is about to become uninhabitable. Let's build ourselves a new home when we have time."

The wise man nodded and watched Chu Jungui leave the cabin. Then the smile on his face faded and turned into a strange coldness.

After leaving the wise man's starship, Chu Jungui thought about the entire meeting and felt that something was wrong. The wise man seemed to want to ask him for help, but in the end he seemed to say nothing. Now Chu Jungui's biggest reliance is on the two Mist tribes, among which the wise men are mainly used to restrict Brother Dao. But who will restrain the wise? If something goes wrong with the wise man, Chu Jungui has nothing to do. Fortunately, several Mist tribes seemed to have a natural fear of Chu Jungui, so Guangnian grew steadily without overturning.

With a heavy heart, Chu Jungui returned to his flagship, and then received a communication from the doctor.

In front of the Doctor is the image of a crimson starship. The starship now only has a frame, but it is being filled in from the inside out, enriching details at a speed visible to the naked eye. For some reason, Chu Jungui always felt that this starship looked familiar.

The doctor never took his eyes off the starship and said, "This is one of the two starships you sent."

"I sent it?" Chu Jungui was surprised. Due to the constraints of the condensation warehouse, the size of the starship captured by Chu Jungui was quite small, less than 100 meters. But in the image in front of the doctor, the length of this starship is 287 meters, which is not the same level as the captured one.

"It should be said that the starship you sent was used as a base, and I restarted its construction, and that's what we saw." The doctor finally withdrew his gaze and gave Chu Jungui a piece of data. After the completion of this starship, it was estimated that its combat power was equivalent to that of the Dynasty's standard frigate, but originally it was only equivalent to a large fighter plane.

While Chu Jungui was watching, the construction process of the starship jumped a little further. Although it was a percentage with two decimal places, Chu Jungui immediately concluded that the starship would be completed in 23 days.

The doctor said: "I reconstructed multiple environments in an attempt to allow the starship you sent to grow, and then I found that the experiment was successful in almost all environments."

The doctor showed a helpless smile, and then continued: "The internal mechanism of the Crimson Starship is very messy, as if countless functions were pieced together at once, just enough to make the starship move. But the key is the darkness inside the starship. Red energy is the key to starship construction. The two starships you sent have dark red energy inside, but the original amounts are different. No matter in any environment, as long as the surroundings are safe, this dark red energy will When the expansion is started, the original starship will become the basis of the next-level starship. The materials will come from two parts. One part is qualified materials already in the surrounding environment, such as the wreckage of human starships. From the records, early The Crimson Starship is entirely made up of products processed by human industry. But recently, a second way has appeared."

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