God is Coming

Chapter 1233 Conditions are passable

The second way? Chu Jungui subconsciously thought of the hall where materials were piled in the Crimson factory. Due to limited time, he only captured a corner of this huge building, and it was unclear where the materials came from. But one thing is obvious. All materials are uniform in texture and shape, and are obviously processed products. And the storage capacity of just one hall is quite huge, with tens of millions of tons of metal materials alone. This kind of processing ability is quite amazing in light years, and this is just a base of Crimson, and it is not that important.

At this time, a new image appeared in front of the doctor. Starships of different sizes and structures were constantly switching. Some of them were nearly completely transparent, with the internal structure clearly visible, while others were only partially visible. In part, only a little bit of the internal structure can be seen.

"These are early Crimson starships, starship structural diagrams restored based on battlefield records. So far, except for your raid, we have not been able to achieve any victory in the battle with Crimson, so we can't Without the right to clean the battlefield, all these starship structures can only be restored through recorded images. Even if there are not many images, after all, our entire army was wiped out in most battles, and not a single starship escaped."

Chu Jungui carefully looked at the structural diagrams that flashed by at high speed. With his current strength, he could memorize and analyze them with just one glance.

"The main structure of the early crimson starships was basically made of human materials. Some even directly used starships where humans were captured or semi-finished products. There are also traces of direct use of human equipment inside. Those starships were pieced together with materials. , the interior is filled with a large amount of organic matter, which we can understand as a kind of adhesive, the adhesive that binds the waste and debris together. And in order for the starship to have basic functions, these organic substances are not random. Stacked. We can understand that they have become organs with various functions, but these organs are piled together randomly and can be used. Well, from a human point of view, that’s it.”

Chu Jungui suddenly felt a little weird. From a human point of view? The two Mist Tribes often said this.

The image in front of the doctor has undergone some changes. Although it is still a structural diagram of starships, it is obviously much cleaner and tidier, and it is no longer the completely abstract style of early starships. These starships have complete structures, smooth lines, and obvious functional divisions inside, making them quite comfortable to watch.

"This is the latest crimson starship, and you can see very obvious changes. The design of the starship is more scientific, and the materials are no longer piled up randomly, but are completely made of waste. There are a large number of complete structural parts in the hull. These The structural parts have never appeared in Dynasty or Federation starships, and are completely processed and manufactured by Crimson. In other words, Crimson has completed the initial optimization of the early starships, and the effect is obvious. These stars The estimated combat power per unit volume of the ship has increased by more than 50% compared to the original model."

Chu Jungui had already guessed. After hearing this, he understood what the second way the doctor was talking about was. Crimson already had the ability to make basic materials by himself! And the production capacity is quite scary!

But Chu Jungui still has a question: "Where did the organic matter used as fillers, adhesives and functional organs come from?"

The doctor paused for a rare moment before saying, "This is what I plan to tell you. A large number of human gene fragments were detected in the samples you sent."

Chu Jungui trembled slightly, a chill growing in his heart quietly, and said, "Could it be that all the people in the occupied galaxy..."

"It cannot be ruled out that there are still survivors."

Chu Jungui was silent again, and after a moment he said: "It seems we have no choice but to fight to the end!"

"War may not be an option." The doctor stretched out his hand, and an image of a spaceship appeared in front of him. It was the unfinished starship that Chu Jungui found in the Crimson Base.

The image of this starship quickly overlapped with another influence, which was the self-nurturing starship captured by Chu Jungui. The two images merged into one, and then countless tiny points of light lit up inside. These light spots are so dense that if an ordinary person looks at them, they will only see a patch of light. However, Chu Jungui's visual field resolution is two orders of magnitude higher than that of normal humans, and he can clearly see that there are countless nanometers. light spot.

Between every flash of light, there will be something extra, most of which are substances absorbed from the surroundings, and a small part of them come from unknown sources, as if they appear out of thin air. And countless light points combined together are a starship under construction.

"This is Crimson's production technology, which is true three-dimensional manufacturing. Humanity's existing complex manufacturing technology is only pseudo-three-dimensional, relying on the accumulation of multiple planes layer by layer. At most, it is multiple points of planes manufactured at the same time. The essence is still Two-dimensional manufacturing. But in Crimson’s manufacturing, there are a large number of manufacturing points constructed simultaneously in the entire space, and it is nanoscale manufacturing. This is also the reason why Crimson’s construction speed is orders of magnitude different from that of humans.”

"How do they do it? How do you feed materials for this kind of multi-point manufacturing?" Chu Jungui saw the production process, but didn't understand it very well. Many of the substances in those light spots are created from nothing. This completely subverts common sense. Today's humans have already realized the transformation from pure energy to matter and achieved mass production. However, the application prospects of this technology are not broad. It consumes too much energy and is more often used to create high-energy substances as energy reserves. Moreover, similar devices are huge in size, and it is still out of reach for humans to achieve nanoscale operations.

Dr. Zero enlarged a light spot and said: "As we can see, it is generated out of thin air, which is how it is in our normal cognition. I have been detecting the entire starship, including itself and the surrounding environment. It turned out that its overall mass was increasing, and it was not clear where the increased mass came from. The problem is, they do exist. In addition, during the whole process, I did not see any traces of abnormal energy, at least changes There is a complete mismatch between the energy and the extra mass."

Chu Jungui had already realized the problem at this time. Take starship manufacturing as an example. Assuming that both parties are at roughly the same technical level and there is no essential difference in the construction speed of each manufacturing point, then the starship construction speed can be simplified to a question of how many manufacturing points there are per unit time.

When humans build starships, each engineering ship is counted as a construction point, so for safety reasons, there is a large gap between each construction point. Each construction site is not working all the time. This is due to labor laws... In some places with strong guild organizations, the actual working time of engineering ships is less than 2 hours a day. This is because multiple shifts have been implemented. Shift change, theoretically there is no time gap. Many engineers boarded the engineering ship, slowly inspected it, and slowly drove to the work station. They looked here and there. Before they even fiddled with the starship work station for a few times, it was already time to get off work. So they went back slowly, handed over slowly, and then went home quickly. This is the reality, because starship engineers are a profession with high threshold, high income, and high benefits, and the union is very powerful, so the reality cannot be changed. The Dynasty wanted to make starship engineers work overtime during the most difficult times of the war and when they were most short of starships, which also triggered dozens of large and small strikes. The first few strikes were suppressed, but the delivered starships had many quality problems. And if we fire those irresponsible engineers, we can't find replacements. After a few times, subsequent strikes were mostly resolved through negotiation and compromise.

In Light Years, the various construction points are almost close to each other, and the density is several times greater than that of humans. At the same time, there is no rest at the construction points, and the continuous working time is maintained at more than 23 hours a day. In terms of construction efficiency, Light Year is at least dozens of times higher than that of a normal shipyard.

However, the engineering ships are very large, the smallest ones are more than ten meters long. There is no need for a safe distance in light years, and some operating space must be left between each other. Moreover, Lightyear, like humans, basically works on the surface of the starship, building it layer by layer. The essence is still two-dimensional manufacturing. Crimson is different. Nano-scale operations eliminate the need for distance between construction points, and true three-dimensional construction allows every point in the space to become a construction point.

To compare only in terms of construction efficiency, it takes Lightyear less than a year to build a large starship, while Crimson only takes less than a month, which is putting it mildly. Theoretically, Crimson can build a capital ship in half a month.

Chu Jungui subconsciously thought of a problem: In that case, there might not be enough crimson 'people'. However, this idea was immediately rejected. Synthesizing organic matter is not difficult. As long as there is sufficient energy, any amount of organic matter is available.

By this time, the problem became very clear. Humanity simply cannot win this war! Even if Crimson stopped at today's technological level and stopped iterating, its manufacturing speed would still be hundreds of times faster than humans.

If humans want to realize the deep red material and energy appearing out of thin air, as well as nanoscale construction, they need not only technology, but a breakthrough in basic science. This cannot be achieved by relying on the number of people, the accumulation of time and money. As the greatest scientist of our time, a figure who single-handedly promoted the entire scientific process of mankind, the fact that the doctor still doesn't know what the surging dark red is is already explained the problem.

Thinking of this, Chu Jungui asked helplessly: "What is their purpose? Is it possible to communicate?"

If the conditions are acceptable, it is better to surrender. Such a voice came out of Chu Jungui's heart.

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