God is Coming

Chapter 1242 That’s it?

The inside of the four disks is actually Kaitian's gravitational micro-organ principle. It has been changed from cell-based to material-based. The basic principle is the same. They all use the power field of real dreams to form an anti-gravity effect and drive the body to fly in suspension. . The energy source is Chu Jungui himself or Kaitian. The energy they obtain increases greatly during movement, and it is more than enough to supply four thrusters.

The speed of this aircraft is much faster than Chu Jungui running on his own, with a top speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour. For a human aeroplane, this speed is as slow as a snail, but on the third day of the real dream, it is a complete artifact. In the past, humans had occasionally built aircraft during real dream exploration, but they were basically single-person rotor helicopters, which were incomparable to Chu Jungui's anti-gravity engine aircraft.

Chu Jungui looked at the festering sky in the distance and chose a route parallel to it, preparing to find the people of the dynasty. The reason why he didn't look for anyone in the first two days was because Chu Jungui found that the real dream world was very vast. He ran more than 1,000 kilometers to find Kaitian, but saw no one along the way. So after finding Kaitian, the first thing Chu Jungui did was to build a means of transportation. Without the ideas provided by Kaitian, Chu Jungui would have planned to build a jet aircraft first. But now I just skip this middle step.

After flying forward for more than three hours and crossing a large river, Chu Jungui finally saw other people.

One person was running in front, and three people were chasing after him. There is an open grassland next to the river, which is hundreds of kilometers long. There is basically no hiding place unless you jump into the river. However, being underwater is always extremely dangerous in real dreams, and everyone is repeatedly warned not to go into the water during training before entering. Therefore, those fleeing in front ran along the river for several kilometers and did not dare to cross the river to escape.

The people chasing behind were leisurely, like beasts teasing their prey. One man even had the mood to shout: "You can't escape! Stay and join us, otherwise you will fall into our hands." It’s not that easy even to get out!”

"A familiar drama." Kaitian muttered, and then asked: "What should we do? Arrest them all?"

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "I need manpower."

The aircraft began to descend and stopped in front of everyone. The one who ran away was a young woman. She looked up in astonishment and was shocked by the aircraft. She didn't know what it was. However, she reacted quickly and immediately changed direction, trying to avoid the aircraft. Then her eyes flashed as a strange knight wearing full armor appeared in front of her, blocking the way.

In the woman's hand she held a short spear with a sharp point ground from a stone. She arched her body, stared at Kaitian, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Woman, put down your weapons!" Kaitian's voice was so cold that it contained no warmth.

The woman instinctively felt the chill and refused to give up her resistance. But before she could do anything, a faint mist extended along the ground, using the cover of grass blades to quietly stick to the woman's calf. In an instant, there was a high voltage of tens of thousands of volts!

The woman's whole body trembled, she screamed and fell to the ground, completely losing her ability to resist. Kaitian directly tore off a strip from her top and used it as a rope to tie the woman's hands.

On the other side, Chu Jungui descended from the sky and stopped in front of the three people. The three of them looked at each other, and the man in the middle looked fiercely and asked, "Are you from the Federation or the Dynasty?"

Before he finished speaking, the woman next to him suddenly raised the crossbow in her hand and shot an arrow straight towards Chu Jungui's throat! This arrow is extremely fast and powerful. Compared with guns, crossbows are more powerful and easier to make, so almost everyone must learn to make a crossbow before entering the real dream world. The quality of the crossbows in the hands of women in this community is quite good.

Chu Jungui moved his neck slightly, and the crossbow arrow almost flew past his skin. The crossbow arrows shone with purple luster and had a pungent smell. They were obviously poisoned.

Chu Jungui is not in a good temper now, and he is indifferent to being attacked by surprise. He held the newly made gun in one hand, and he shot it when he raised his hand! With a bang, the three people on the opposite side were blown away. A strong shock wave came over, blowing Chu Jungui's hair flying in all directions.

When the dust and smoke cleared, Chu Jungui walked towards the three people who fell to the ground. The man who was originally standing on the left was bleeding from his mouth and nose. His eyes were wide open and he was motionless. He was actually killed by the explosion. The man in the center who was asking the question was covered in gray stone and soil and was almost half buried. He struggled to stand up, but was stepped back to his original position by Chu Jungui. The woman's face was covered in blood, and the crossbow flew dozens of meters away. Two of the crossbow arrows on her waist were deeply embedded in her flesh.

"You're so brave, you dare to sneak attack me." Chu Jungui kicked the man and woman who were still alive.

At this time, the two people saw Chu Jungui's face clearly, and their expressions changed. The woman said directly: "We didn't know it was you! If we knew, we would never dare to do such a thing!"

The man smiled bitterly, spat out a mouthful of sand, and said, "We are explorers of the community and currently belong to General Nick's team. The general has been looking for you and wants to cooperate with you."

At this time, a woman from the Federation not far away said loudly: "Don't listen to their nonsense! They kill people from the Dynasty and the Federation when they see them. Several of my companions have died in their hands! Even more people from the Dynasty have died! And in Before killing them, they also tortured me!"

"Impossible!" "Nothing!" The men and women in the community quickly denied.

Chu Jungui was neither angry nor questioning, he just said: "If it is true or false, just go to your camp and find out. Where is your camp, please show me the way."

Only then did the two members of the community dare to get up slowly. They looked at each other, pointed in the direction they came from, and said: "The camp is over there, about 110 kilometers away. General Nick is the boss in the camp, and Colonel Ralph He is the general’s deputy, and we currently have 32 people gathered.”

"Very good, I'm short of manpower." Chu Jungui said, and shot the man who fell to the ground with his backhand. Only a dozen meters away, the shock wave knocked two people over again and fell to the ground. Chu Jungui stood still. The shock wave and sand were blocked by an invisible force field around him, and none of them fell on Chu Jungui.

The man who fell to the ground screamed and was blown away, his hands and feet leaving his body. This man had been pretending to be dead, but now he was really dead.

The woman from the community turned pale and said in a trembling voice, "Didn't you say that we are lacking... we are lacking manpower?"

Chu Jun said calmly: "If I really can't find anyone, I can do it myself."

At this time, Kaitian came over escorting the woman from the Federation. She wore clothes and a short skirt made of long grass leaves, and her shoes were made of bark and grass leaves. In addition to her stone spear, she also had a stone dagger as her weapon. The men and women in the community wear clothes made of fibers. Those fibers are obtained from long grass blades, but they have obviously been pre-processed to turn the grass blades into fibers. This kind of woven clothes is similar to linen clothes. Very similar. In addition, the three members of the community had two crossbows and dozens of crossbow arrows. Melee weapons included iron swords and daggers, as well as throwing darts. The equipment of both sides is not at the same level at first glance. Young girls in the Federation are still in the Stone Age, while the Community has made great strides in the Iron Age.

Chu Jungui looked at the dagger on the Federation woman's waist and asked, "It's been three days since I came here, and you've done this?"

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