God is Coming

Chapter 1243 Another battlefield

There is a lot of mature experience in the exploration of real dreams. Although the real dream environment will change a lot every time, there are also many basic physical principles that do not change much. Therefore, after trained explorers made stone tools, the first thing they did was to make clothes, and the second thing was to make iron. Clothes are very important in real dreams. Sometimes the rules change, and some extremely tiny insects here will suddenly produce highly toxic substances, or generate some kind of virus or germ that is difficult for humans to resist. Using plant fiber to make clothes is also a basic skill for everyone. The first step is to directly use the bark of the grass leaves and bark like the Federation woman, and the second step is to process the grass leaves and bark into fibers and weave cloth into clothes like the three members of the Community.

As for Chu Jungui, the clothes he is currently wearing are made of high-performance fibers made by Kaitian through molecular editing after swallowing branches and leaves. Regardless of the material appearance, they are no different from high-end fabrics in reality. Before finding Kai Tian, ​​Chu Jungui had no time to make clothes, no time at all. But if he met other explorers at that time, Chu Jungui would not be embarrassed. Since his force field can generate heat, it can also emit light, which is bright enough to blind others.

The federal woman said: "I have only been here for 10 hours, but I was unlucky. My companion and I met them. My companion was killed at that time. If it hadn't been for his cover, I wouldn't have had the chance to escape. What happens next? They all saw it, and I was chased by them for two whole hours.”

Chu Jungui was a little surprised and asked: "You only came in 10 hours ago? Isn't the second batch scheduled to come in 7 days later? Why did you come in so early?"

The federal woman looked at Chu Jungui in surprise and said, "You don't know yet? Because so many people died in the first two days, the second batch entered in advance. Among them, your dynasty had the most deaths."

Chu Jungui frowned slightly and asked: "What will happen if you die here? Will your consciousness be much damaged?"

The Federation woman yelled: "Consciousness is damaged? If only it were that simple! Most of the people who died inside this time lost consciousness directly! They will never wake up again, they will just become a pile of nothing. Flesh and blood of consciousness!”

After hearing this, Chu Jungui roughly understood and there was no need to ask any more questions. Although this is a major event related to the fate of all mankind, it is too far away for most people. So what if Crimson takes over the galaxy? There are so many galaxies, can it take them all? Most people think that they can always escape if they can't be defeated. With today's technology, ordinary people can escape hundreds or thousands of light-years away, and then they can always find a planet with a less extreme environment and survive. Tens or hundreds of years.

Everything in the real dream is unknown to the outside world. In this environment, it is indeed easy for humans to do whatever they want. Once someone starts, the whole situation will be out of control in the blink of an eye. What's more, the interstellar war has just ceased, and the blood feud between people has no time to dilute. A little spark will detonate the entire powder keg.

The initiator seemed to be the Community, but before Chu Jungui entered, the doctor also said not to let the Community and the Federation take any technology out. Chu Jungui's initial idea was to work together to close the channel first, and then attack the Federation and the Community after completing the goal. Now it seems that others have the same idea, but in a different order.

The real dream seems to be another battlefield, continuing the war that has not yet been fought.

Chu Jungui transferred the knowledge of the Mist Clan's control of sub-bodies to Kaitian, and within a few minutes Kaitian separated three groups of sub-bodies the size of a fingernail. What surprised Chu Jungui was that Kaitian's control sub-body was extremely powerful. It could not only control the people implanted in the sub-body, but could even control them in all directions. During the control, it could also enhance various functions and exert control. their full potential. Compared with Brother Dao's control sub-body, Kaitian's is simply a super sub-body. But apart from functions, the number of Kaitian control sub-bodies is very limited. The current Kaitian can separate more than 10 control sub-bodies. But now Kaitian has only just recovered, and his body is far from reaching its optimal state. At this stage of evolution, after growing to a critical point, Kaitian's weight will reach 10,000 kilograms, and he will enter the final stage of evolution. At that time, there will be 100 control sub-bodies that can be separated, which is completely insufficient.

And it is unknown what Kaitian will become when it enters its final evolution. From the perspective of Brother Dao and the wise man, the final evolution of the Mist Clan is a completely reborn change, which can be said to be a complete leap in the form of life. Even Kaitian doesn't know how much control the sub-body can have after completing the final evolution.

Chu Jungui sent the three sub-bodies in front of the three of them. The three explorers had no other choice but to inhale it into their nostrils. Then they felt a slight coolness and could no longer feel the existence of the mist. After a while, they suddenly felt as if a layer of dust had been wiped away from their minds, their vision became brighter, their thinking became more agile, and power was gushing out from every part of their bodies. At that moment, all three of them had the illusion that they had become omnipotent.

Kaitian sneered: "What do you think this is a good thing? Yes, this is a good thing, as long as you obey the master's orders honestly, otherwise..."

Halfway through Kai Tian's words, the three of them suddenly went dark. Then they couldn't hear or see anything. They even lost their sense of body. Their consciousness seemed to be trapped in a pure black and silent world. . In an instant, they were all extremely frightened and instinctively wanted to struggle, but they didn't even have the most basic sense of their bodies. How could they struggle? Even if I want to exclaim, I don't know how to exclaim.

After a few seconds, all the sensations came back and there was light in front of my eyes again. The three people had different reactions, some yelled, some cried, and the last one knelt on the ground and started vomiting. In just a few seconds, the three explorers who had gone through rigorous training almost collapsed. If they were sleepy for a few more minutes, they would go crazy.

Kaitian's demon-like voice reached the ears of the three of them: "If you dare to disobey the master's order, your fate has just been met. Everyone with basic scientific knowledge should know that death does not exist, only madness."

The three of them were shocked and shocked, and for a while they no longer dared to have other thoughts. There are similar control methods in the real world, which is to implant a chip into the central nervous system, which can cut off the connection between the brain and the body when necessary. But in reality, this kind of transformation is a serious crime, and is considered worse than murder in law. Therefore, as long as you are caught, you will be severely punished, without exception. Although this is a real dream, the three of them have just experienced that feeling, which is not something humans can bear. No one wants to know if they go crazy in a real dream, can they return to reality, and will they wake up after going back.

"Show the way, go to the community camp first." Chu Jungui ordered. He hung the three people on the aircraft with ropes, then took off, and flew towards the community camp with the three people hanging on them.

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