God is Coming

Chapter 1244 Deterrence

During the flight, Chu Jungui had a general understanding of the current development situation of the Community Explorer, so he adjusted the flight altitude upwards to a constant flight of 200 meters.

Animals in the real dream world were almost extinct, and the terrifying and vicious birds that had appeared in the sky in the past were also gone. This time, the flight went smoothly, and they arrived above the community camp in less than half an hour.

Today is only the fourth day of entering the real dreamland, and no one has any concept of air defense. It was not until Chu Jungui was about to fly directly above the camp that there was a reaction from the camp below. Several people rushed to the small high ground next to the camp, pointed their guns at the aircraft in the sky, and started shooting.

According to the standard procedure, everyone is still working in the Iron Age on the fourth day. High-performance steel depends on luck, and the performance of the gun barrel is average, so the accuracy and range of the gun used at this time are very impressive. The explorer's equipment was not good, but his personal quality was still very good. Even at an altitude of 200 meters, people on the ground could clearly see the faces of the three people hanging in the air and recognized two of them as their companions. But they fired without hesitation, and the bullets whizzed past the three of them.

The explorers from the two communities turned pale with fright, then they cursed and threatened the ground. But this had no effect at all. Instead, more people came out of the camp and started shooting in the air. Fortunately, after firing hundreds of bullets, not a single one hit. The guns in the community camp are still iron tube rifles, and the gunpowder is even worse. It is only equivalent to the level of ordinary black powder, and its power is about one-tenth of the gunpowder made by Chu Jungui. This resulted in shooting upward into the air. The bullets lost speed after flying to 200 meters. They were then deflected by Chu Jungui's energy field, and the few bullets aimed at the target also flew to the side.

Chu Jungui watched quietly for a while, then took out his gun and pointed it at the ground below, covering the ground with gunpowder smoke that instantly flooded the entire camp!

It wasn't until he finished firing all forty bullets from the bullet chain that Chu Jungui stopped, intending to see how many living people there were in the camp below.

The aircraft slowly landed next to the camp. The camp was in a mess, with not a single building still standing intact. There were corpses scattered everywhere, many of them seriously injured or unconscious.

Chu Jungui waved his hand, and the invisible high-temperature blazing current cut the ropes of the three people, and said: "Go and have a look, and bring over all the people who are still alive."

The three of them answered yes and dispersed into the camp. When they were in the sky, they had experienced the terror of fire coverage, and now the piles of bomb craters in the camp made them even more frightened. They checked the bodies one by one to see if there were any signs of life, and dragged the seriously injured ones aside for treatment.

At this moment, debris suddenly flew across the ruins of a collapsed wooden house, and a figure flew out of the ruins and headed towards Chu Jungui! The fire flashed in his hand and he fired several shots at Chu Jungui!

There were several crisp sounds, and the moment the figure rushed out of the ruins, Kaitian blocked Chu Jun before he returned. The light alloy armor he wore blocked all the bullets.

What rushed over was a burly and capable man. He was shocked by Kai Tian but did not panic. He staggered forward with his feet, swaying left and right. In an instant, he bypassed Kai Tian with his top fighting skills and continued to rush towards Chu Jungui. . But Kaitian waved his hand lightly, and an arc of electricity flashed through, knocking the man to the ground with a snap. The high voltage of hundreds of thousands of volts is not that easy to bear.

Chu Jungui walked up to the man and asked, "Are you Nick?"

Nick's body was still trembling, so he supported his upper body and first looked at the two people being escorted by Chu Jungui. The two explorers were a little timid, not daring to face his gaze.

Nick looked at Chu Jungui again, spit out something, and said, "The grandsons of your dynasty know how to play tricks! I just said that if you are unwilling to share technology, you must be doing something behind your back. This is Are you relying on me to find a way to sneak things in? But it's useless. We will reach this point in a few days, and your small number is a fatal injury! Anyway, I have personally killed 30 dynasties. Dog, I played with seven or eight bitches, one of whom was named Lin Xi..."

At this point, Nick suddenly became violent and stabbed Chu Jungui in the ribs! At this time, his movements were as fast as lightning, and how could he still seem to have any difficulty in moving?

But Nick's knife stabbed Chu Jungui's clothes, and Chu Jungui had already grabbed his wrist. Then there was a hissing sound, and the skin and flesh where Chu Jungui held it instantly burned, and a large cloud of green smoke came out, and even sprayed out. Got the flame! Nick screamed loudly and struggled desperately. As a result, his arm was broken and the hand holding the knife fell to the ground. The fracture was charred black and even the bones were completely carbonized.

Chu Jungui casually squeezed the carbonized flesh and blood in his hand into powder, and then said to Nick: "It seems that you are good enough, so go with peace of mind. When you go back, I will take care of your wife and children." Take good care of it.”

Nick was furious and wanted to pounce on him again, but Chu Jungui grabbed his head, picked up a gun, put the muzzle of the gun into Nick's mouth, and then pulled the trigger!

The large-caliber bullet shattered the spine and separated the head from the body. Nick wanted to say something in the end, but Chu Jungui didn't want to hear it.

Chu Jungui threw Nick's head aside. The people still alive in the community had long been silent and did not dare to say a word. There were still 13 people alive at this time, including three who were seriously injured. After a round of attacks, less than one-third of the original camp of more than 40 people remained. The survivors stood in a row under Kaitian's command, but some people still had a fierce look in their eyes, eager to try.

Chu Jungui glanced at them and said, "There are still a lot of you." As he said that, he raised his hand and fired two shots, sending two fierce-looking guys to the west.

The remaining people were in a commotion, but did not dare to do anything.

"They are all smart people." Chu Jungui threw the gun aside and said, "Take me to your cell."

The man and woman who were first captured by Chu Jungui immediately led the way. On the way, Kaitian said worriedly: "What the guy said before he died just now, can't it be true?"

Chu Jun returned and said, "With his skills, the three of them together are no match for Lin Xi."

The camp's dungeon was built in a natural cave a few hundred meters away. It was in a mess and held two explorers, one from the dynasty and one from the federation. Both of them were women, and they were chained naked to the rock wall. They seemed to have experienced a lot of things. There are scattered wreckage piled in the corner next to it. It is said that they are all explorers that were killed before. In real dreams, flesh corrodes very quickly. Without any preservation measures, a corpse will turn into bones in just one day.

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