God is Coming

Chapter 1246 Production capacity is not a problem

There was a bonfire burning in the center of the camp, with more than a dozen standing torches standing around it, illuminating the small square. There was an iron pot on the bonfire, and a pot of thick green soup was simmering in the pot. Several explorers were piercing several green cubes with iron skewers and roasting them on the fire. Some explorers were drinking soup from bowls, while others were waiting for the roasted food on the stick. The faces of all the explorers were filled with relief and satisfaction, but there was also a sense of exhaustion that could not be overcome.

During the time when Chu Jungui went out to explore, Kaitian was in charge of the camp. When Nick was in power, although he was cruel, his management was lax. As long as everyone followed his wishes, everyone had an easy time. Kaitian is from the Mist Clan, so he naturally has the nature of the Mist Clan. He asked for an hour of work, and that was a real hour. The tasks assigned by Kaitian must be completed seriously and with full concentration. If you take the chicken blood, it may be possible to do it a few minutes earlier. In such a five-hour afternoon's work, everyone worked hard for at least four hours and 50 minutes.

The tasks assigned by Kaitian are full of digital ruthlessness, absolutely reasonable, and absolutely achievable, as long as they don't take advantage of others. But fishing is human nature, and there are always people who want to be clever. However, Kaitian knows that fear of physical pain is also human nature, and it never argues, and does not consider convincing people with reason at all. As long as he is caught in the wrong, he will give him a high-voltage electric shock. At first, there were two thorns who tried to resist, so the five temporary managers of 12345 were stopped by Kaitian as soon as they were about to show off. Then Kaitian left the show in person. It only took two seconds for the two thorns to know the truth of starting a new life.

Kaitian has followed Chu Jungui for so long and has already learned the essence of fighting skills. In terms of level alone, Chu Jungui may not be as good as him. After all, humans still have joint limitations, while the Mist Clan can move at will.

After cleaning up the thorns, everyone can only work honestly. After all, if you slow down a little bit, an arc will strike. In this way, it took only one afternoon for these explorers to rebuild the camp, build the smelting furnace frame, and process tools that could be used by everyone. These are tasks that used to take more than 40 people three days to complete.

After being extremely tired, the rest time for dinner becomes so precious. The unexpected surprise is that although the new food looks scary, it is unexpectedly delicious. For Kaitian, all kinds of biomolecules can be synthesized, and taking care of human taste is just a trivial matter.

When Chu Jungui returned, 10 explorers had arrived and 5 more were on the way. Three of the newly joined explorers are from the dynasty, and they are Chu Jungui's natural subordinates. However, in the real dream, Chu Jungui believed no one except Kai Tian and Lin Xi.

After dinner, the explorers cut the felled trees into two-meter wooden piles, carried them back to the camp one by one, and then loaded them with ore into the smelting furnace. Chu Jungui is now responsible for igniting the fire and maintaining the high temperature, which is a bit easier. With manual assistance, he can operate 10 smelting furnaces at the same time.

When the smelting furnace burst into flames, all the explorers' eyes widened. They never imagined that using ordinary wood and untreated logs could actually produce a flame that was close to pure white! This simply goes against common sense in physics.

Chu Jungui ignored their surprise and felt the speed of energy loss from his body. To keep 10 smelting furnaces working continuously, the energy he stores can last for 48 hours. The trouble is that you can't move, otherwise if you run at high speed, the consumption will be equal to the replenishment, and the smelting furnace can work endlessly.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, darkness falls on the earth. However, the darkness of the camp was dimmed a lot by the ten pillars of fire rising into the sky. The explorers were busy going back and forth, collecting the metals produced by the smelting furnace, pouring them into different molds, and turning them into tools and parts. As the process progressed, a standardized chopping knife was created, replacing the explorers' original iron knives. After the popularity of melee weapons, it became a lightweight half-breastplate made of the same material as Kaitian's. However, in order to facilitate movement, everyone currently only has a vest-type armor that protects the upper body. This means that each person's burden is only 10 kilograms, but it can resist all melee attacks and can also defend against most rifle shots. A mere 10 kilograms of weight is not a burden at all for an explorer who can easily carry hundreds of kilograms for high-intensity combat all day long.

After the personal equipment is completed, the next step is the simple power engine. This slightly complex electric-driven engine is not difficult for explorers who are proficient in technology. The only difficulty is where the materials come from. There is another difficulty in real dreams, which is the deviation of basic physical rules. This little difference in material structure has blocked all explorers in the past. After all, trying to figure out these basic structural problems requires large laboratories and high-end equipment, but before they can get to this point, the real dream will restart, and the rules will change again after the restart. This also led to the fact that before Chu Jungui entered the real dreamland, generations of explorers could only stay in the age of firearms, fighting primitive wars in the interstellar age, and living like barbarians.

It's different now. Kaitian has controlled the technology of previous civilizations, controlled the scavengers, and built corresponding equipment. It is already quite clear about the underlying structure of real dreams. And since the Festering Sky covered the last base of the previous civilization, the basic rules here have not changed. In fact, changes in basic physical rules by previous civilizations are not unlimited. The truly feasible changes are limited, with only dozens of types. As long as humans persist long enough, they can always explore all changes. But I don’t know how many years it will take.

After learning the correct underlying physical rules and atomic structure from Kai Tian, ​​Chu Jungui found the correct material formula and created the basic materials for the motor, completing the most critical step. For the rest, the explorers were qualified engineers and scientists who could build electric motors with stone tools.

As for energy, as long as a few small devices are attached to the anti-gravity engine, the energy absorbed from the environment can be converted into electrical energy or other energy sources. The bottleneck of production capacity here is the special substance that can absorb environmental energy. This substance can currently only be produced by Kaitian. However, Kaitian now weighs 300 kilograms, and the manufacturing speed is ten times faster than before, so production capacity is not a problem.

The 300 kilogram Kaitian can no longer be contained by the original suit of armor, and its body has long spread beyond the armor. However, Kaitian has performed special optical processing on its body, and now all external light can penetrate its body with almost no damage. This is transparent. Kaitian also has another function, which is to decide what kind of light is reflected, or simply create some light yourself. In other words, the Kaitian that others see is what it wants others to see.

Now all the explorers see Kaitian as a pair of armor walking around, and only Chu Jungui sees a mass of constantly changing mist.

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