God is Coming

Chapter 1247 Joke

With an engine, energy, and a workforce equal to that of the worker bees, you have it all. At the end of the sixth day, the explorers had built three all-terrain vehicles according to the drawings given by Chu Jungui. All three vehicles have 8 wheels, each wheel is independently driven and steered, and is equipped with an anti-gravity engine to reduce weight. The vehicle has a carrying capacity of more than 100 tons, and the fully loaded weight of the anti-gravity engine is only 10 tons. As for the control system, there is no such thing. It all depends on the explorers' quick eyesight and tacit cooperation.

The vehicle-mounted weapon is the gun in Chu Jungui's hand, which has now become a standard vehicle-mounted weapon. Due to the gunpowder formula, this gun is still high-end and has the potential to crush other explorers.

After the three all-terrain vehicles were built, Chu Jungui divided the explorers into three teams. Each vehicle had a dynasty explorer and an explorer leader with a control subbody implanted in it, and then explored the surrounding area. Chu Jungui took advantage of this time to continue building the anti-gravity engine, and then built several high-power propeller thrusters, transforming the original aircraft into an aerial platform with an effective load of 300 tons and a flying speed of 500 kilometers. With this platform, many things will be easier to do.

On the tenth day of the real dream, Chu Jungui had built independent energy, smelting processing and defense facilities on the flying platform, turning it into a self-sufficient mobile base. The base defense is provided by 4 machine guns. The excellent ballistic performance allows the explorers to control and hit wherever they want within a kilometer. With this platform, the effective control range around the camp was immediately expanded to a radius of 800 kilometers. The vast control area allowed Chu Jungui to discover multiple small groups of explorers, as well as some lone explorers. As usual, there was still some loss in the process of collecting these explorers, and of the more than 170 explorers discovered, only 145 were left.

Fortunately, Kaitian's weight increased rapidly and the number of control sub-bodies increased from 10 to 15. Otherwise, it would not be easy for Chu Jungui to find enough managers.

On the 11th day, a patrol sent by Chu Jungui finally encountered another large team of the community after traveling 1,100 kilometers. The two sides exchanged fire as expected. One patrol team died and three were injured. Escaped by relying on the performance of the all-terrain vehicle. After Chu Jungui heard the news, he immediately activated the mobile base and went to collect them.

In the distance, many buildings have been built on a beautiful hill. One of the gentle slopes is full of neatly arranged barracks, dozens of them, with a highly unified style. It can be seen that the architecture has reached a certain level. The top of the mountain is a fortification, which is quite solid and deep enough. It can be seen that a lot of thought has been put into it.

There is a command post, weapons depot and temporary hospital in the center of the position, with the top covered by iron plates. Inside the headquarters, a middle-aged man was checking a rifle over and over. There were more than a dozen bullets on the table, one of which had been disassembled.

"General Damian, this is the weapon we found from the corpse. The few people who escaped were equipped with the same gun, which seems to be standard equipment. The opponent's firepower was very fierce. 20 of us ambushed 4 of them, but we were still killed. They ran away and three of our own died."

Damian picked up a file and made a gap in the bolt parts. Then he looked at the cross section carefully for a while and then said: "This kind of alloy requires a high temperature of more than 2000 degrees to make it. How did they do it?" ? How do you find the formula and how do you prepare the raw materials? "

Many high-quality alloys require special equipment to produce. The special ingredients in some alloys are only a few dozen grams per ton, and how these tens of grams of elements are distributed in the alloy is often the biggest problem in production. What Damian wondered was how the other party produced such a high-performance alloy without high-precision measuring equipment. Is it just a coincidence?

Damian was just talking to himself, not expecting his subordinates to give answers. He picked up another handful of gunpowder from the bullet, looked at it carefully, and stuck out his tongue to lick it. The same problem applies to gunpowder. How did you find the formula?

Damian walked out of the command post, loaded his rifle with a round, then aimed at the rocks in the distance and pulled the trigger. There was a muffled sound, and Damian's upper body leaned back slightly, and was actually shaken by the recoil. Then there was a loud noise in the distance, and the stone was blown into pieces, and a corner was cut off.

After trying the gun, Damian knew that the power of this gunpowder was 6 times that of his own, and because of the use of high-performance alloys, the range and accuracy of this gun were not comparable to those of his own iron tube guns. As for the power of bullets, just look at the rock in the distance. It's not a particularly strong position, and it really can't withstand a single shot from this gun. In fact, this thing is a bit rogue to call it a gun, after all, the caliber 40mm is there.

He looked back at the carefully constructed position. Those stone bunkers and sandbag low walls really couldn't withstand a few bombardments. The two multi-barreled rotary machine guns on both sides of the position are his favorite works. They are extremely powerful, but they are essentially iron tube guns. The effective range is only 600 meters. The accuracy is very impressive at any distance. Can it be shot? It all depends on fate. But the gun in your hand has a very high accuracy within 1,000 meters. If there are a few qualified shooters, it is not difficult to destroy your own machine gun position.

While Damian was thinking, his subordinates also thought of the same question. A strong man pointed to the hilltop not far away and said: "We can set up another machine gun position there, hide it, and wait until three machine guns are within 500 meters before suddenly opening fire. Even if they have a little more technology than us, they can still It couldn’t stop the crossfire of three machine guns.”

Damian nodded, feeling slightly relieved. This sturdy man is a colonel in the Marine Special Forces in the real world and has very rich actual combat experience. The opponent obviously does not have the ability to resist the machine gun, otherwise no one would be killed.

Thinking of this, he ordered the third machine gun to be manufactured immediately and strived to complete it within 10 hours. At the same time, everyone worked hard to produce bullets and reinforce bunkers. After 10 hours, he sent out combat teams to ambush at several selected ambush points. to prevent opponents from coming back.

After arranging these, Damian took out the map and carefully studied the direction of the patrol. Unfortunately, the journey over 100 kilometers in that direction is quite simple, with only some rough information on the terrain. At this time, Damian was very keen on his opponent's all-terrain vehicle. After all, it was less than 10 days and transportation still relied on two legs.

At this moment, 50 explorers lined up in front of Chu Jungui, receiving armor one by one. This time it was no longer just a breastplate, but a full set of armor, even covering half of his face, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed. The armor is made of lightweight alloy, and the complete set weighs 50 kilograms, which can only be said to be a small burden for a physically strong explorer. However, once this set of armor is worn, the opponent's iron tube rifle cannot hit it. The explorers who had received their armor filed onto the flying platform. Chu Jungui welded several rows of simple chairs on the platform, and the explorers found their own seats to sit down. Six cannons are installed on both sides of the flying platform. This time, all the cannons have been replaced with 100mm calibers, which are extremely powerful. The radius of one shot is 50 meters, which is a life-limited zone. Even the powerful explorers have a killing radius of 20 meters.

After all the personnel were in place, the flying platform slowly took off, then flew higher and higher, climbing to more than a thousand meters, and then flew into the distance.

The explorers on the platform had done so many times in reality, but this was the first time in a real dream, and they were all shocked beyond measure.

When the flight platform climbed to 1,200 meters, it was close to the clouds. Chu Jungui kept flying at a constant speed at this height. Kaitian sat next to him and was responsible for controlling the two forts. From this height, both Chu Jungui and Kaitian's eyesight could clearly see the ants on the ground, and any disturbance below could not be hidden from them.

Two hours later, Chu Jungui saw the opponent's camp and the position on the top of the mountain, as well as the machine gun position on the hill next to it. The camouflage of these machine gun positions is actually quite good, but they are all camouflage of the surroundings, and they are clearly visible from the sky.

There was a panic in the camp below. Many explorers were running around like headless flies. Some entered the position, while others simply fled.

In the center of the camp, Damian stood blankly, looking at the shadows suspended in the sky, with bitterness on his lips. All his careful arrangements turned into a joke in front of his opponent's flying platform.

Da da da! A multi-barreled machine gun began firing into the sky. At this time, the explorer operating the machine gun could not withstand the pressure and began to shoot in the air. Damian didn't stop him, even though he knew that the opponent's flying platform was above 1,000 meters high and the multi-barreled machine gun couldn't hit it at all.

On the aerial platform, Kaitian lowered the muzzle of the gun and waited for the multi-barreled machine gun on the ground to roar for a while before firing back.

A ball of fire instantly rose from the machine gun position. The three explorers on the position were thrown away like abandoned rag dolls. The multi-barreled machine gun was turned into parts. A barrel rotated and flew over and was inserted into the machine gun position. At Damian's feet.

After the first shot, Kaitian was not idle and fired another dozen or so shots, but this time they were all fired around the position, drawing a circle around the entire position, and also fired two shots at the machine gun position on the top of the hill.

Although Kaitian deliberately avoided people, the explorers stationed on the outside of the position were still stunned by the shock, and some were even buried directly in the bunker by the soil. The shock waves piled up in layers, sweeping across the surface of the position, and rolled up many things that the explorers had no time to collect to unknown places. Some of the more unlucky explorers suffered severe head injuries from shrapnel and falling debris.

After finally waiting for this round of bombardment to pass, Damian stood up from lying down and patted the dust on his body. He hesitated for a moment, took a private look, and then began to unbutton his shirt. Not because of anything else, but because the only shirts around were white. But before Damian could finish unbuttoning his clothes, he saw a female explorer tearing open her shirt, and then, regardless of her naked upper body, she waved the white shirt vigorously toward the sky.

With someone taking the lead, more and more explorers began to wave their shirts. This made Damian, who had spent a lot of effort to dress neatly, begin to doubt himself deeply.

Looking at a waving white flag below, Chu Jungui said: "Let them put down their weapons and line up in the open space."

Kaitian's invisible body extended out, and then formed the structure of a loudspeaker. The shock waves were transmitted downward layer by layer, and by the time they reached the ground, they had turned into a thunderous voice: "Everyone put down their weapons and line up at the mark!"

Then another artillery shell was fired from the air, this time a signal flare, which landed in the open space next to the position and billowing smoke began to appear.

Damian had nothing to think about at this time. The other party actually still had the time to develop this kind of special ammunition. The development of both parties was not at the same time.

The explorers of the community all ran to stand next to the colorful smoke, and the flying platform in the sky slowly descended.

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