God is Coming

Chapter 1248 This is not scientific

Up close, this flying platform is particularly shocking. In the real world, 80-meter flying cars abound, and even 8,000-meter battleships are not uncommon. Mobile bases can reach more than ten kilometers, and fixed permanent space cities can accommodate millions of people. But in real dreams, explorers who were accustomed to using primitive firearms to see a large anti-gravity flying platform were as surprised as an orangutan seeing an airplane.

The flying platform landed, and explorers armed to the teeth stepped off the platform one by one, surrounding the community explorers in the open space. At this moment, a fire suddenly flashed in the grass not far away, and a ball of sparks immediately exploded from the helmet of one of Chu Jungui's explorers! The explorer was beaten to a stagger, and then he instinctively turned around and raised his gun. He fired at the sniper's position and emptied the magazine instantly!

A series of explosions covered a hundred meters around the sniper. The shock waves were layer upon layer, and everything on the surface was destroyed. Even the explorers on the square had to bend down and shield their faces to fight against the aftermath of the explosion.

When the smoke dissipated, the ground was reduced by a full meter, and the sniper had long since disappeared, as if he had never appeared. If there hadn't been a severed hand left on the ground, people might have thought there had never been an ambush here.

The explorer emptied the drum, and then said to Chu Jungui in shock: "I'm sorry, I just thought I was going to die."

Chu Jun said calmly: "They can't penetrate your armor."

The explorer took off his helmet and looked at it. There was only a white dot on it, which was slightly dented and couldn't be seen without looking carefully.

After such an episode, all the community's explorers stopped worrying about what they shouldn't have. Damian came to Chu Jungui, gave a military salute, and said: "I am Robert Damian, Lieutenant General of the Community, serving at the Planetary Special Operations Headquarters. Now I officially surrender to you. There are currently a total of explorers in our camp 175 people and 11 prisoners. I will submit a detailed list of personnel and supplies later. At the same time, I hope to enjoy the treatment that prisoners of war deserve..."

"This is a real dream, not reality." Chu Jungui interrupted Damian, "No matter what the community plans, what I have to do here is to close the passage. Do you see that purple sky? The passage is just over there."

Damian smiled bitterly: "I have seen it a long time ago, but if it is really caused by Crimson, can we defeat such an enemy?"

"You won't know until you fight. So I don't need prisoners of war here, and I don't have time to manage them. What I want are soldiers and obedience. Those who can't do it can die now. I think you all know that in reality, Death in a dream is real death.”

Damian hesitated for a moment, looked back at his team members, sighed, and said, "It seems I have no other choice."

Chu Jungui smiled and said, "It's good that you know. Now take me to see your people."

Damian led Chu Jungui past the explorers one after another, and each one briefly introduced their personal experience and abilities. When he walked up to a strong man, without waiting for Damian's introduction, Chu Jungui said: "This guy is good, he can be a captain. Kaitian, give him medicine."

Kaitian came over and said to the strong man: "Open your mouth." Then it put a finger into the strong man's mouth, tapped it gently, and said: "Okay."

The strong man and Damian were both a little confused. Kaitian was wearing a full set of armor and had alloy gloves on his hands. Where was the medicine?

Chu Jungui had already moved towards the next person. She was a strong woman with a certain beauty, but her neck was full of muscles, which were thicker than her head, forming a different kind of beauty.

Before Chu Jungui could say anything, the strong man behind him suddenly pulled out a short knife and stabbed Chu Jungui in the back like lightning! He twisted the dagger hard and said with a ferocious smile: "You just said that if you die here, you will really die, so please go die!!"

Kaitian, who was right next to him, remained motionless and just said lightly: "Stupid human beings."

Chu Jungui didn't react at all, as if the knife was not inserted into his body. He looked at the woman and said, "You're not bad, you can take a pill."

The strong man instinctively sensed something was wrong, and was about to insert the knife deeper when suddenly a burning sensation rose from his body. He snorted, and two pure white flames spurted out from his nostrils, and then his whole body turned into a torch, burning into a pile of gray powder in just a few seconds!

The knife was also burned into molten iron, which flowed out of Chu Jungui's wound and spilled onto the ground. Chu Jungui's wounds healed in the flames, and even the tears in his clothes closed automatically and then disappeared.

After the fierce flames passed, Chu Jungui had completely returned to his original appearance. Only the white ash on the ground and the still hot molten iron reminded people that the strong man had appeared before.

This scene is like a miracle, and all explorers have never seen it in reality. Chu Jungui turned around at this time and said to Damian: "Did you just say that this guy is also from the special operations force?"

"Yes, he has good commanding ability and his personal combat ability is also very..." Damian stopped subconsciously. That man had won several individual combat championships among the Planetary Marines, otherwise he would not have been sent to the Real Dream, and his command authority was second only to a few people such as McMillan and Damian. But such a strong man was instantly burned to ashes after a successful sneak attack. How to evaluate his combat power?

Damian took a peek at Chu Jungui's lower back. There were no marks there, and no damage could be seen on the clothes. But just now Damian clearly saw that the dagger had been inserted all the way! That knife is 40 centimeters!

Damian was left with only one thought... This is not scientific.

No wonder Damian didn't understand that closing wounds was Chu Jungui's own ability. His physical activity was thousands of times that of ordinary people, and his wound recovery speed was hundreds of times that of ordinary people. Normal humans would need a week to recover from a cut injury, but Chu Jungui only needed ten minutes. Just now, Chu Jungui sealed the wound first, creating the illusion that it would recover within a few seconds. In fact, the internal damage was still there. The clothes were repaired by Kaitian using his own ability to generate biological fibers. Since Kaitian was in a state of optical invisibility, Chu Jungui's clothes restored themselves in the eyes of others.

A quarter of an hour later, Chu Jungui looked at all the explorers and said to Damian: "I almost forgot about you. Kaitian, give me medicine."

Damian opened his mouth resignedly, let Kaitian's finger touch it, and then tasted it carefully, but felt nothing. There is no solid substance, no special smell, and the body does not feel strange at all. But having learned from the past, Damian no longer dared to despise this so-called medicine.

After walking around, Chu Jungui ordered 4 people to give medicine, including Damian, there were 5 people. Including the people in the original camp, the total number of control sub-bodies implanted is 15, which has used up all the control sub-bodies in Kaitian. With these 15 people, it will be much easier to manage more than 300 Explorers.

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