God is Coming

Chapter 1249 It’s meaningless

After watching it, people just watched the camp. The campground is well managed and well planned. All barracks have the same specifications. Not only are they the same size, but the foundations of each row of barracks are on the same level. The wooden boards for the roof were cut to within a centimeter, and every piece of furniture in the barracks was placed exactly the same. Chu Jungui picked up a chair, looked at it, and then put it on the other side. Damian silently put the chair back to its original position.

Chu Jungui didn't say anything. There will be times when Damian will feel uncomfortable in the future. After all, the layout of the flight platform is unique. The seats are more on the left and less on the right, and the engines are more on the right and less on the left.

In addition to buildings, the camp is also rich in supplies. It's just that richness is defined based on the explorer's past level. Although Damian has achieved a reasonable division of labor and scientific management, and everyone uses it rationally, an efficient manual workshop is still a manual workshop. Chu Jungui already has an efficient industrial furnace. The production capacity of one furnace is equivalent to that of the entire camp, not to mention that the two products are not of the same generation.

The most useful thing in the entire camp is the people. After recruiting nearly 200 people, it is close to the lower limit of Chu Jun's return plan, and it is time to start exploring the area near the Festering Sky. However, no one, including Damian, knew what McMillan was doing, or even whether he had entered a real dream. However, Chu Jungui received news from the doctor that McMillan would definitely be among the first to enter the real dream state. But it has been ten days since the real dream, and no one has seen McMillan. He either appears in a position far away from everyone, just like Chu Jungui, or he is planning something secretly.

Chu Jungui stayed at Damian's camp for half a day, reorganizing the personnel and leaving 30 people to garrison the camp in order to find and collect explorers who appeared in the surrounding area. Most of the community explorers were brought back to their original camp by him. , after a brief training, they will be qualified engineers and soldiers.

Returning to the camp, Chu Jungui sent out multiple teams to explore the surroundings as usual, but this time the intensity of the exploration into the festering sky was significantly increased. The original exploration in this direction was only 500 kilometers. Chu Jungui did not pursue a large scope, but pursued precision to avoid being attacked by the mutated beasts that festered in the sky. Now that he has been supplemented by a large number of explorers, Chu Jungui can be a little more aggressive and expand the exploration range to 1,000 kilometers, and encounters with mutant beasts are unavoidable.

After handling the exploration, Chu Jungui came to the work area and rekindled the furnace. While he was away, the furnace was just an ordinary furnace with a temperature of 1,500 degrees. When he comes back, the furnace temperature can be raised to 3000 degrees and he can use fuel at will. While maintaining the operation of the furnace, Chu Jungui was not idle, but began to think about how to deal with the threat of the festering sky.

According to Kaitian's story, this is not an easy job. To put it bluntly, it is simply an impossible task. Apart from anything else, the S102 power metal of previous civilizations is a technology that humans cannot achieve at all. Using S102 metal as the base, there are hundreds of finished Scavengers. Kaitian also lost the war with Festering Sky. One of the key factors is quantity. There are so many mutant beasts in the festering sky that any one attack can number tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. These mutant beasts are extremely resistant to explosions, impacts and flames. The most effective means of killing is bombardment with kinetic energy bombs. . Even the machine gun's range-killing effect was very limited. Before Kaitian could fully understand the technology of previous civilizations and create more scavengers, he was already overwhelmed by mutant beasts, and finally his own body was eaten. If the mutant beasts didn't despise the small bones as having little nutrition, not even the last bit of Kaitian would be left.

Chu Jungui reviewed the development plan again. The core goal of the current plan is to create electromagnetic weapons to kill mutant beasts with super kinetic energy, and must take into account both the rate of fire and power. After all, the number of explorers is limited. This is also the reason why Chu Jungui did not kill all the community and federal explorers.

After reviewing the technology plan, Chu Jungui walked out of the room, preparing to collect a new round of alloys. This is also a job that only he and Kaitian can do. Chu Jungui's energy field can accurately control the temperature inside and outside the object. Otherwise, if the temperature difference exceeds 10 degrees during the cooling process, the physical properties of the alloy will change.

In a small square not far away, dozens of explorers gathered in a circle and were listening to Kaitian explain the knowledge of mutant beasts. In front of Kaitian was a six-legged mutant wolf creature with many ulcers on its fur. The image is extremely clear and looks just like the real thing. Following Kaitian's words, it kept running, hiding, attacking, biting, etc. It would also spray out a ball of stuff mixed with digestive juices and food residue from its mouth.

"This is the most common mutant beast. We simply name it the six-legged rot wolf. Its cruising speed is 120 kilometers, its top speed is 200 kilometers, and its one-time cruising and running limit is 100 kilometers. Its main attack method is to spit, and the spit range 200 meters, it is extremely corrosive. Currently, except for the top alloys, nothing can resist the corrosion of spit. Unfortunately, these human alloys are currently not available here. The last thing I want to say is its Wisdom. If there is only one rot wolf, then it only has the instinct of an animal, and is even much stupider than ordinary animals. But... what humans fear the most is but. The rot wolf is a group of intelligent creatures, and there is something between them. Mysterious ways can communicate with each other and think together. So a simple formula is that two rot wolves are twice as intelligent as a single rot wolf. The problem is that it is almost impossible for us to encounter a single rot wolf. The smallest group of them is It’s more than 500. So, don’t doubt that a group of 500 rot wolves are much smarter than everyone here. You can think of them as a server with 500 cores.”

After introducing the rot wolf, all the explorers looked unhappy. They knew very well that a group of 500 rot wolves could kill all the dozens of explorers present, and according to Kaitian, the number of rot wolves was endless.

Next, Kaitian showed a six-legged lion, a six-legged falcon, a six-legged bat, a six-legged spider...

An explorer couldn't help but raise his hand and asked: "These creatures look very similar to species in our world, but why do they all have six legs? Do the entities of the Crimson Civilization also have six legs?"

Kaitian fell into thinking, and then said: "This is a good question, but it is meaningless. No matter what they look like, we have to kill them! At least keep them out of our universe."

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