God is Coming

Chapter 1250 Depressed

At this time, Chu Jungui had already walked around the smelting factory. The high-temperature solution flowing out from the furnace outlet turned into neat metal ingots behind him. After this batch of metal is processed, all the furnaces start working again, and the next batch comes out two hours later.

Chu Jungui strolled into a two-story building next to the factory. The first floor of this building is a large laboratory, where several explorers are busy checking the composition of various materials. This is basic but very important work to really figure out the underlying physical rules of real dreams. Although the rules of real dreams are different from those in the real world and are subject to change, any changes are not imaginary and can be realized in the real world. This is equivalent to a large-scale demonstration field, demonstrating to humans what changes will occur in matter under different environments and what laws there are. Therefore, after the discovery of real dreams, human technology has made many leaps forward.

The second floor is divided into several small rooms, and in each room there is either one or two or three explorers working intensively. They are all designing the basic chip architecture on paper. This is a biochip that Chu Jungui is developing that is suitable for current real dreams. When he was on Planet 4, due to environmental constraints, Chu Jungui could only vigorously develop biochips, thus accumulating rich experience. Kaitian was also involved in chip design at that time, so he remembered all the information.

Now Kaitian and Chu Jungui came up with the structure of the biochip based on their memories, and then improved on this basis, trying to create biochips in real dreams. Chu Jungui and Kai Tian originally planned to do it themselves, but they did not expect that among the more than 200 explorers, there were more than a dozen experts in chip-related fields, so Chu Jungui simply gave them the task of improving the chip. These experts lived up to expectations, solving hundreds of problems in just 2 days and making major improvements to Chu Jungui's original plan. Their plan is to first create a batch of low-performance and simple-process chips, then build a main brain and manufacturing machine with basic functions, and then design and manufacture biochips with ordinary performance on this basis, and use the new chips to build large-scale industrial mother machines. , thereby achieving mass production.

This plan is much more pragmatic and easier to implement than Chu Jungui's original plan. The most important thing is that it can be produced without Chu Jungui and Kaitian. The only thing needed is a little time.

Chu Jungui walked around the various laboratories and found that everyone was focused and progressing smoothly. The problems were being solved one by one. It seemed that in two days, more than half of the more than 1,000 tasks on the list would be completed. , reaching the first major node, which is the point of producing usable chips. The only embarrassing thing is that after walking around, Chu Jungui found that he still had nothing to do here today. It was a state of having more of him but not more of him and less of him. Chu Jun Guikong has the computing power to crush everyone, but now it is basically in the original stage, relying on thinking rather than computing power. These scientists pretending to be explorers have already had countless genius ideas, and step by step Put it into practice. However, there is a guy who has not started designing yet, but is deriving formulas. Chu Jungui watched silently for a while and finally understood. It turned out that this guy was designing new mathematical tools to manufacture chips in a real dream environment.

Chu Jungui suddenly felt that his computing power was no longer so good. He also understood the reason why Kaitian had come in and walked around before silently retreating.

Chu Jungui looked at the sky. In a few hours, after the collected Damian camp explorers have settled down, how many more people will join the laboratory. By then, maybe he can be of some use?

On the twelfth day of the real dream, the first biochip was successfully manufactured. This is a small step toward a real dream, but a giant step forward for mankind. Humanity has finally created a working chip in a world where the atomic structure is different. This chip is square in shape, with a side length of one meter and a thickness of ten centimeters. Its function is roughly equivalent to the auxiliary chip used in a basic personal terminal in the real world.

The chip was manufactured by Kaitian inside the body, which took 3 hours. If it weren't for Kaitian's molecular-level operations, according to the designers' original idea, the first chip should be three meters high and five meters long, weighing dozens of tons, and its performance would be equivalent to that made by Kaitian. The designers' thinking is that the first chip will mainly serve as the main control core of the first-generation main brain and manufacturing machine. It doesn't matter if it is larger or smaller. With it as the foundation, designers can be freed from heavy manual calculations and use Manufacturing machines replaced primitive hand tools. The second-generation chips manufactured in this way will be only tens of centimeters square, and the third-generation chips will be reduced to a few centimeters. It takes 10 days to develop from the first generation to the third generation. After all, everyone already knows the basic principles and development direction. The difficulty is just how to apply it in real dreams.

So Chu Jungui discovered that the computing power he was proud of would lose its advantage in 10 days. At that time, the explorers would be able to start mass-producing chips to build the first-generation master brain. With the mastermind, there really is nothing wrong with Chu Jungui.

Fortunately, Kaitian didn't care much about face and took the initiative to take over the manufacturing work, allowing its molecular-level manufacturing capabilities to be fully utilized.

At this time, Kaitian's actual weight had exceeded 3,000 kilograms, and his manufacturing capabilities were quite amazing. If he hadn't seen the scene of the festering sky in Kaitian's memory, Chu Jungui might have felt that the manufacturing machine was useless.

Everything in the camp was developing step by step. Within a few days, Chu Jungui recruited dozens of explorers, and the number of explorers under his command reached 500. 100 of these people are full-time warriors, 50 are pure researchers, and the rest are engineers and warriors.

On the 15th day of the real dream, the second generation chip was successfully produced. This time the chip area has been reduced to one percent of that of the previous generation, only the size of a palm, and the performance has been improved by 10 times. The success of the second generation of chips means that large-scale manufacturing machines can be put on the agenda. Starting from this generation, chip manufacturing does not need to rely on Kaitian.

Kaitian finally realized Chu Jungui’s depression.

At this time, there were more than 100 R\u0026D personnel and scientists in the entire camp, and various researches were progressing at a rapid pace. After all, the current focus was on replicating human technology, and the right direction was already there. All that was left was to find the path. Chu Jungui and Kaitian gave a blueprint of known human technology based on their super information storage capabilities. Researchers and scientists supplemented and improved it based on their own majors, and then conquered them one by one. Correspondingly, the research building that originally had only two floors has been transformed into four floors, and the single-floor area has also been expanded several times. Half of the camp's production capacity is used for research and development of support technology.

One benefit of technological breakthroughs is that with the completion of the second generation of chips, manufacturing machines and refining equipment can be manufactured. High-temperature industrial furnaces are on the agenda. Most alloys can be industrially manufactured, and the humanoid figure of Chu Jungui is no longer needed. Warmer. After getting rid of the production bottleneck of Chu Jungui, the metal production capacity of the camp skyrocketed, and the ambitions of the scientists also expanded rapidly, planning to develop precision processing equipment after the success of the third-generation chip.

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