God is Coming

Chapter 1251 Resurrecting the Rabbit

The third generation of chips is just around the corner, making other explorers ready to take action. These people are experts in biotechnology, and they are equally ambitious and plan to resurrect the black and white rabbit. This rabbit is the only living trace left by previous civilizations, and it is also the first intelligent alien life that humans have encountered. Crimson hasn't shown his true colors so far, so it doesn't count.

The thoughts of these people made Kaitian very nervous, so he tried every means to finally stimulate some activity in the bones of the black and white rabbit, and successfully resurrected the rabbit based on this gene.

Upon hearing the news, Chu Jungui rushed to the laboratory immediately, leaving only Kai Tian.

On the culture table in the laboratory, a rabbit less than the size of a hand was lying on its back. It was completely hairless, and its eyes were looking at the surroundings vigilantly, but also a little confused.

"Can we communicate?" Chu Jungui asked.

The little rabbit turned his head and looked at Chu Jungui without saying anything. He looked like a real rabbit. Chu Jungui tried changing several languages, but the rabbit didn't respond. Kaitian once said that every explorer who has entered a real dream will share a part of memory knowledge, so Rabbit has long been proficient in all major human languages.

"I am Kaitian, don't you remember the last enemy we fought together?" Kaitian said.

The rabbit raised its ears, then drooped them down again, still looking like an unintelligent rodent. Kaitian thought for a while and projected an image of a festering sky. In the image, countless mutant beasts were swarming in. A big rabbit in front was desperately trying to escape. There was a small black and white rabbit on top of the big rabbit's head.

Seeing this image, the newly revived little rabbit finally no longer looked stupid. It vibrated the air with its ears and made a sound: "It's you? How do I remember that you are not that little?"

"This is our last escape, and all my stored energy has been used up."

The little rabbit thought for a moment and said, "Are we dead?"

"That time, yes."

"Is there really another world that humans say you can go to after death? Ah, no, the devil under the festering sky is from another world."

Chu Jungui's keen eye caught the sensitive words: "Are they from another world?"

Little Rabbit glanced at Chu Jungui warily and said nothing. Kaitian hurriedly said: "He is Chu Jungui, the master I told you, I have been waiting for."

Rabbit hesitated for a moment and said, "I have some...don't remember."

Kaitian comforted: "You were resurrected by me using genes, and most of your memory will definitely be lost. But you are the manager of this space, and some information may be recorded by the surrounding environment, and you will naturally recall it when you are revived. .”

Rabbit somewhat understood: "You mean, I am a clone?"

"That's pretty much it. Weren't you a clone before?"

"I don't remember... However, I still remember that the only enemy is Festering Sky. You guys..." Rabbit looked at Kaitian and Chu Jungui.

Just when Kai Tian wanted to express his attitude, Rabbit said: "You don't belong to Festering Sky, that's fine. I still vaguely remember the location of an emergency shelter, and I will take you there when I recover."

"Is this enough?" Chu Jungui was a little surprised, this was too smooth.

Rabbit snorted, glanced at Chu Jungui, and said angrily: "The Festering Sky comes from different universes. As long as it is a product of our universe, whether it is life or inorganic matter, it is all material in their eyes. In other words, you are There is no value in their eyes, and any idea of ​​communication and surrender is absurd and laughable. Therefore, as long as they are not their puppets, they are naturally in the same camp."

Chu Jungui asked some more questions, but the rabbit had just recovered and had extremely limited memory. He was not very clear about the origin of the festering sky. He only knew that they were creatures from other dimensions of the universe. This statement is consistent with the doctor's guess.

Kaitian waited for Chu Jungui to finish asking, and then showed Rabbit the surrounding terrain map. Rabbit was extremely familiar with real dreams, and based on his intuition, he circled an area. The refuge of previous civilizations might be in that area.

The area marked out by the rabbit is about 3,100 kilometers from the camp, on the side away from the festering sky. Without further ado, Chu Jungui immediately prepared the flying platform, took only Rabbit and Kaitian, and headed straight to the area where the shelter was located.

The shelters built by previous civilizations were of great significance. Chu Jungui could not trust any explorer except Kaitian, including the explorers of the dynasty, so he put them all in the camp.

The aircraft slowly took off and headed in the direction pointed by the rabbit. Nothing happened on the way, so Chu Jungui chatted with Rabbit, trying to get more information.

"Does the shelter have a defense mechanism?" This is what Chu Jungui is most concerned about. The defense mechanism left behind by a civilization that transcends its time may very well cost three non-human lives.

"The function of all shelters is to survive in the most emergency situations, and to reserve a certain amount of supplies for restarting. The core defense function of the shelter is concealment, and the passive defense facilities also protect against local organisms. After all, they are festered If you find it in the sky, any defense will be useless."

Chu Jungui asked again: "I heard from Kaitian about you, why do you always appear in the form of a rabbit? Does the rabbit species have special evolutionary potential?"

Chu Jungui asked this question with all his heart.

As a result, the rabbit's answer was: "No. The reason why I used a rabbit was entirely because it was a rabbit at the time. In order to make it more recognizable, I used the image of a rabbit."

Kaitian said: "For me, the form can be changed at will. Changing the form is like a human being changing clothes."

Rabbit snorted and said, "It's not as simple as you said? You were so happy eating carrots at that time!"

Kaitian was furious: "I eat meat too!"

"But I prefer eating grass!"

Chu Jungui quickly interrupted the two non-human beings. This matter has long been common sense to humans. Creatures have long developed instincts during countless years of evolution. Food that replenishes the body with more energy is naturally delicious. At that time, Kaitian completely changed into the body of a rabbit, so it was normal to have rabbit habits.

After flying for half a day, Chu Jungui and other non-human beings finally approached the shelter. At this moment, Kaitian, who had been scanning the area below, suddenly let out a sigh and said, "There are explorers fighting below."

Chu Jungui looked down and saw two parties in the forest, one chasing and the other fleeing. However, the altitude was over a thousand meters at this time, and the forest below was dense, so Chu Jungui could not see many details. Kaitian directly turned on the scanning mode and shared his vision with Chu Jungui.

There were two explorers escaping in the forest, and five people were chasing them. One of the two explorers who escaped seemed to be injured and was being carried by the other.

"Go down and have a look." Chu Jungui has already had a fixed procedure for dealing with the explorers he encounters. All explorer camps will use them if they can be used, and those that cannot be used will be dealt with on the spot. This is a war that concerns all mankind, and everything has to make way for closing the channel.

The aircraft began to descend, and Kaitian suddenly said: "There's something wrong with the person in front!"

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