God is Coming

Chapter 1254 Transformation

The rabbit didn't explain, but shot out another light. An opening appeared on the ceiling, and water-like light waves poured down and fell on Chu Jungui. These light waves have unparalleled penetrating power, directly penetrating the armor and skin.

The skin penetrates into every aspect of Chu Jungui's body. Chu Jungui carefully observed the reaction inside his body. After a while, he realized that these lights were actually the product of countless scanning methods. At that moment, he could distinguish more than 470 modes and frequencies. He could not distinguish

of more. Using this advanced method, Guangbo read all of Chu Jungui's data in an instant. Rabbit looked at the scan results and was a little surprised. He said, "You actually have some characteristics of the creator. It's really unexpected. But it's easy. There are facilities here that can make slight adjustments to your body so that you can also read."

Obtain the creator's data and information and be able to communicate with the creator. "

Rabbit came to the square table and said, "This is the control center of the entire shelter. A biological manufacturing center is also prepared here. Adjustments can be completed soon."

"Biological manufacturing center?" Kaitian asked. "Yes, this is an accurate name. I know that similar human facilities are generally called cultivation cabins or something like that. That is a primitive way. A long time ago, creators could directly create living things, just like humans create weapons.

It's like a flying car. "

Chu Jungui was also curious: "Can intelligent life be created?"

"It depends on how wisdom is defined. If human beings are used as the standard, it is not more difficult than cultivating a field. But if it is based on the sky, it is very difficult. If the standard is the creator, then the answer is impossible. "

“What does the Creator look like?”

"You will know after you complete the fine-tuning." Rabbit jumped onto the console, and a beam of light immediately lowered from the ceiling, shrouding it inside. Immediately, the ceiling in the center of the room opened, and a circular light beam slowly lowered. Rabbit pointed at the light beam and signaled Chu Jun to come back.


In the real dream world, the body is just a projection, and judging from the equipment in this shelter, the technology of previous civilizations is infinitely higher than that of humans. Chu Jungui walked into the light pillar calmly.

When entering the light pillar, Chu Jungui felt like he had squeezed into a piece of jelly. Isn't this light invisible? When Chu Jungui completely entered, the brightness of the light pillar increased by one level. Chu Jungui felt countless tiny things entering his body and quickly filling every corner. This is completely contrary to common sense! The things that entered the body were too small. Chu Jungui judged that they were at least at the atomic level, so he couldn't sense their specific forms at all. He could only vaguely know that something was seeping in. But these things that came in regarded Chu Jungui's body as if it were nothing.

Objects diffuse and diffuse naturally like that. This is simply when various forces at the atomic or even proton and electron levels do not exist! When the infiltrated things spread all over the body, Chu Jungui's body became hot, and all the body cells began to change. Some changes are very slight, while others die directly and are then eaten by new cells and used as nutrients.

. In an instant, almost every cell in Chu Jungui was growing, changing or dying!

During the transformation process, a steady stream of energy poured into Chu Jungui's body, making up for all the required consumption. The whole transformation process lasted for a few minutes, but it felt like a century had passed since Chu Jun returned. When the last cell transformation was completed, all the changed information instantly poured into Chu Jungui's consciousness. By human standards, any change in a cell will generate a large amount of data, especially if the dimensions are reduced to the proton level. The data generated by Chu Jungui's whole-body transformation was even more astonishing. If so much data had poured in directly in the past, it would have been enough to

Chu Jungui's head boiled. But now, vast amounts of data come in easily and are remembered easily, with almost no heat generated.

Chu Jungui suddenly had an inappropriate metaphor: How many times has the bandwidth been expanded?

Chu Jungui opened his eyes, and the whole world was different. Everything in the shelter appeared in his consciousness. The furniture and equipment that were ordinary just now all turned into a collection of data, and the data density was astonishingly high. Outside the shelter, everything within a 100-meter radius is reflected in Chu Jungui's consciousness. As long as he wants, he can know all the details at any time. This feeling is the same as seeing the black hole scene shared by Kaitian, but it is much clearer than the scene. must

For comparison, the scenes shared by Kaitian are pixel graphics, but what Chu Jungui perceives now is the ultimate high-definition, and can be enlarged infinitely.

However, some places in the shelter were filled with pure darkness, and Chu Jungui could not receive any data. This is because Chu Jungui does not have enough authority and those facilities are not open to him. With the help of his enhanced perception, Chu Jungui quickly checked the inside of his body. On the surface, the cells are still the same as before. If we study the original human anatomy, it will be difficult to find any difference from before the transformation. At most, it will just have more protein molecules. But the changes are all at a more microscopic level. The structure inside an ordinary protein has become countless times more complicated. The changes in genes are not very

Large, it is also a micro adjustment, the adjustment range is similar to that of other parts of the cell, and there is no special treatment.

At this moment, Chu Jungui felt that he had become one with the surrounding environment. With only minor physical changes, his thinking speed, data capacity and data throughput speed increased exponentially, more than a hundred times. Now Chu Jungui himself is like the core processor of a master brain, and the surrounding environment is other components. Chu Jungui is responsible for issuing instructions and receiving results. The environment within a radius of 100 meters is responsible for executing instructions, processing data, and Feed back the results. Rabbit is also using the surrounding environment, but its control range is only 10 meters, which is much less than Chu Jungui, perhaps because it is too small. Chu Jungui also saw the data changes when Rabbit used environment processing, so he consciously used the same range of environment as Rabbit. The result is that their two instructions are automatically split and interleaved for execution. It seems that the environment also has an upper limit, and special buildings are more

The upper limit in natural environments is much higher. For example, the upper limit of structures such as the walls of a shelter is hundreds of times that of the natural environment.

"Come out as soon as the transformation is complete, there's still another one!" Rabbit urged. Chu Jungui walked out of the pillar of light, and it was Kaitian's turn to go in. In Rabbit's words, Kaitian is very similar to the Creator, but not exactly the same, so it also needs fine-tuning. Otherwise, the efficiency of Kaitian in receiving information from the Creator will be very low.

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