God is Coming

Chapter 1255 Control Center

Kaitian walked into the light pillar and stood up, but Rabbit was dissatisfied again: "Why are you leaving that tail outside? This kind of adjustment is of course a good thing. In your civilized terms, it is equivalent to transforming you from trilobites into primitive intelligence. people,

The kind that can build rockets! "Kaitian reluctantly put all the outside bodies into the light beam, and then the transformation began. Kaitian's transformation speed was much faster than Chu Jungui, and the adjustment was completed in less than a minute. So Chu Jungui surrounded him environment again

I saw the mark of Kaitian. The coverage area of ​​Kaitian is much larger than that of Chu Jungui, extending to 500 meters in one go. It's no wonder that Kaitian now weighs several tons, and his cell quantity and quality far exceed that of Chu Jungui.

At this time, the whole world became translucent in Chu Jungui's eyes, and all secrets were invisible. But the world a hundred meters away is still the same, which means it is beyond Chu Jungui's control. Now looking at the transformed light pillar, it is different. The light beam is composed of pure energy and contains infinite data. When receiving instructions, the energy and data are combined, and then become tiny matter at the proton level. without

Wrong, although it was small, Chu Jungui could see it clearly this time. The energy was not consumed very much, but the data was used a lot, and then matter was created out of thin air. Those proton-level particles appeared out of thin air.

According to human common sense, energy does not appear out of thin air, and mass does not appear out of thin air, but this is not the case here.

Chu Jungui suddenly thought that the construction process of the crimson starship was that countless particles were produced out of thin air, and then filled every corner from the inside out, and a spaceship was born. Human three-dimensional manufacturing is to lay down materials layer by layer. The more advanced process is to create many layers at the same time and then put them together. Crimson increases the number of layers that can be divided simultaneously to infinite, and then divides each layer into

Infinitely many points, each point is a manufacturing point. Now Chu Jungui saw the same technology here again. "Okay, now that you have finished adjusting, you can directly see the message left by the creator. Let's continue to visit the shelter." Rabbit now speaks directly in data communication, and when a large amount of data communication is needed, he will

glow. All kinds of light are tools for daily data transmission. "This is the control center. Now you should be able to see how it is used. Oh, you can send command No. 1574332 and ask it to send you an instruction manual. Yes, it is the instruction manual. This is what human civilization says

Law. "

"Then what is your statement?" Kaitian asked.

Rabbit said: "We don't have such an inexplicable carrier as books. If we must ask, it is the light."

"Okay!" Kaitian shrugged, and then said: "I have to correct you, that is, the creator is the creator, you are you, the word we is not used accurately enough."

Rabbit stared at Kaitian with an unkind look in his eyes: "You are not a lovable Kaitian."

"You are not a lovable rabbit either." Chu Jungui ignored the quarrel between the two guys and looked at the console. Most of the console in his field of vision was black, which meant that he had no authority and could not use this part of the resources. Chu Jungui found the rabbit

After the said numbered command was issued, the console spit out a bunch of data and entered Chu Jungui's consciousness. When humans saw it, a light flashed on the console, shining on Chu Jungui. After getting the instruction manual, Chu Jungui successfully registered the permissions. Finally, most of the entire shelter was successfully lit, leaving only the last black area. At this time, there are light spots floating on the console. Each light spot is actually a data interface that can implement different functions. The combination of multiple data interfaces can achieve more complex functions. The problem is, there are tens of thousands of these light spots, which is equivalent to facing a computer with tens of thousands of control buttons.

machine. Ten minutes ago, Chu Jungui would be helpless with the console even if he had the authority. After all, with his four-digit speed and computing power, it is simply impossible to operate. An instruction of moderate complexity requires the transfer of thousands of data

The interface has dozens and dozens of operations like Chu Jungui's original one, and the day lily has long been cold. After physical adjustment, Chu Jungui's thinking speed finally barely reached the level of operating the console, but it was still a bit difficult. But then Chu Jungui saw the reality of the black and white rabbit. This guy always picked the simplest commands, and the more complicated ones were all about avoidance. Moreover, its operation speed is not much better than the original Chu Jungui, and it can only use over 100 data interfaces at a time. No wonder I heard from Kaitian that at that time this guy had hundreds of seals

The remaining scavengers were not used, and they relied on a few scavengers to resist the Festering Sky. In the end, there were not as many as the ones controlled by Kai Tian. It turned out that it was not because it didn't want to, but because it didn't have enough processing power.

Kaitian's adjusted processing power is even more terrifying, and it can operate all data interfaces at the same time without any pressure. If it is a normal human being, I am afraid that it can only handle a few data interfaces at the same time. "Next to the operation center is the locker, which contains the creator's most basic construction particles, which can be combined into most substances as needed. S102 power metal is only one of the most basic applications

. "The two huge vertical lockers were dark in sight before. Now that he has the authority, Chu Jungui naturally knows the contents. What is placed in the cabinet is a kind of powder, with particles as small as a few. At the molecular level composed of atoms. With the energy given by the environment as a driving force, through the data interface of the console, it is even possible to operate these particles one by one. After obtaining the authority of the console, Chu Jungui also obtained a batch of drawings, among which S102 power metal is one of them. To build a micro-power source, 70 particles are needed. Countless micro-power sources are arranged in a fixed structure, which is S102 metal. The whole process does not require tools and no

Requires machinery and is performed entirely using ambient energy. These particles are the restart foundation left by the creators to future generations. This is the basis of all technology of the Creator's civilization and the pinnacle of civilization's industry. According to the instructions, every creation that has received basic education

All members of the civilization should have the ability to use particles. The so-called basic education roughly corresponds to human primary education.

"Now let's take a look at the entertainment area. We should be able to feel its true function..." Rabbit continued. The round table is the basic entertainment module of the creator's civilization. Those lights are also composed of countless light points. As usual, each light point is a data interface. The basic entertainment content of this device is various natural phenomena in the universe, such as black hole migration and supernova explosions. However, it is basic entertainment after all, and there are no big projects. For example, the collision of galaxies can only be experienced in the core center of the entire civilization. It is impossible to see it in this small refuge. Seriously, even a basic scene like a black hole swallowing a star actually has many rudimentary aspects. For example, Chu Jungui discovered that the galaxies in the distant background are really just the background, even if

Several nearby galaxies are also simulated and have no real data.

The entertainment module has as many as 1.1 million data interfaces, which is more than ten times more than the control center. It seems that in a creator civilization where heroes are based on the number of interfaces, entertainment is far more important than work. The data burden of the entertainment module is lower than that of the control center, but even so, Chu Jungui is a little confused, what kind of life can withstand a 1.1 million data interface?

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