God is Coming

Chapter 1256 Disno

However, Rabbit’s explanation answered this doubt, that is, not all creators can afford so much data. In fact, only a very small number of creators can use more than one million data interfaces at the same time. the more data

, the higher the quality of entertainment. According to Rabbit, a life without ability does not deserve entertainment. Chu Jungui thought about the scene shared by Kaitian at that time. There were indeed many shortcomings in it, and many details were not detailed enough. At that time, Kaitian only passively opened more than 10,000 interfaces, and it was no longer working. Let’s take a closer look.

It had to be set on fire. After adjustment, Kaitian can open about 100,000 interfaces. Chu Jungui's own assessment said it should be around 30,000. Rabbit's strength is limited, and it may only be able to open one or two thousand interfaces.

Chu Jungui suddenly thought with some malice. According to the standards of the creator's civilization, if what he saw were pixel graphics, wouldn't the whole screen of Rabbit be full of mosaics? The kind that add up to no more than 10 yuan.

It's not surprising that Chu Jungui thinks this way, it's just that Rabbit's character is a bit bad. Now having absorbed much of the creator's information, Chu Jungui suspected that Rabbit had been led astray by human explorers of the past few decades. Now that the hall is finished, there are only two small rooms left. One is a workshop where survivors can make various tools and weapons. The room was empty, there was nothing. But Chu Jungui now knows what needs to be built

For Xi, just call the particles in the locker directly through the data interface in the room, and then assemble them in this room. Energy is supplied from the room itself.

Another small room is a bedroom and study. There is still an empty creator's layout inside, except for a small square in the corner, which is about the same size as a human stool.

Entering the room, the entire bedroom suddenly activated. What Chu Jungui saw was no longer just countless data interfaces, but countless scenes.

The rabbit was startled and said: "The creator left a message! Is this... for you?"

At this time, Chu Jungui was overwhelmed by the huge amount of data, and countless scenes passed through his consciousness at high speed. If he hadn't adjusted his body, all Chu Jungui would have seen was a white light, which was then ignited by extreme heat.

A majestic voice echoed in Chu Jungui's consciousness. It was magnificent, majestic and shocking, like a god. That was not a real voice, but the data was restored into information that Chu Jungui could understand. "The latecomers to this universe, we are the Desno civilization from another universe. According to the understanding of human civilization, our universe is composed of dark matter. Under normal circumstances, the two universes will never overlap.

At the beginning of this message, I would like to give you a brief introduction to the Desno civilization. "According to human time scale, the Disno civilization has existed for about 200 million years and has developed to an extremely high level. They can build inside stars, survive on the edge of black holes, and their territory spans several galaxies.

It is a galaxy comparable to the Milky Way. So far, human territory spans 2,000 light-years, but it only occupies a very, very small area in the Milky Way. In such a vast territory, the number of individuals of the Disno civilization is not large, only 1 million. The image of the Disno people surprised Chu Jungui. They were just masses of mist composed of countless particles. every particle

They can all be regarded as a single Disno person, but when countless particles are aggregated together, they are still this Disno person.

In some star fields, one Disno can even cover hundreds of star systems. Therefore, the Desno civilization with only one million effectively rules more than 100 million galaxies. But in that universe, there is also a mysterious alien race that appears from nothingness and spreads rapidly. They are twisted, crazy, and unable to communicate. They devour and transform everything they encounter, and even space can be polluted.

dye. This made Desnuo, who was best at utilizing space, intolerable, and war inevitably broke out. This war lasted for 3 million years. Disno has erased it from the universe countless times, but as long as a small piece of polluted space is left, it will be reborn from nothingness. Repeatedly, the long war finally exhausted the potential of Disno, and their members

One by one they died, and in the end less than 10,000 people remained. The last Desnos established a real dream at the edge of the universe. The Real Dream is actually the last refuge of Desno civilization, and more than one place has been established. The location chosen in each real dream is at the edge of the universe between two different dimensions. It is between two universes and has very different properties.

So unique that even the concept is difficult to describe. There is no concept and no definition, which means that it cannot be detected and tracked. Although this has also caused great difficulties for the Disno people, safety comes first. Among these images, there are countless scenes about war, including a famous battle. At the edge of a huge black hole, the most powerful fleet of the Desno civilization was deployed. Disno's starship is very strange, like bizarre soap bubbles, some big and some small, still swinging. This black hole has been mastered by the Disno civilization. They have deployed powerful energy around the black hole. Within the gravitational range of the black hole, all

The home ground of Disno. These soap bubbles look dreamy and fragile in the image, but when compared with black holes and nearby stars, you can see that the largest ones can already contain an entire galaxy! In front of the fleet, a dark red color suddenly appeared in the endless deep sky, and then spread and crawled towards it. Space seemed to have substance at this moment, becoming a carrier of spreading dark red. After the dark red surge, Chu Jungui could see

There seems to be a little dark residue in the originally empty void, and the void is no longer truly void. Dark red came overwhelmingly, turning into a terrifying curtain several light years in diameter, covering Disno's fleet and the black hole at the core of the fleet. Each soap bubble of the Disno fleet split into countless small colored bubbles and floated towards the dark red curtain. Each bubble quickly hit the curtain, and a large area of ​​dark red was annihilated. However, the dark red pouring out of the void behind was endless. Wherever there was a gap, it would be filled. The entire curtain remained slow and strong.

Move forward steadily. Soon the curtain came into contact with the Disno starship on the periphery, and the soap bubbles burst, filling the air with a large swath of color. The color and dark red are mixed together, like an overturned color wheel. But behind the splendor and absurdity is endless murderous intent. Every touch of color means an energy explosion that exceeds that of an entire star. As the dark red curtain advances, the outline of the black hole begins to fluctuate. This means that the energy and mass mobilized by Dark Red are so large that the star is

The giant black hole dragged in from the core of the system is unbearable!

This is real destruction. Star death and supernova explosions are nothing but child's play, comparable only to the collision and fusion of two galaxies.

At the end of the war, dark red drowned everything. Tens of thousands of soap bubbles turned into pools of color and were annihilated. Finally, even the black holes disappeared into the dark red and disappeared without a trace. Chu Jungui subconsciously held his breath. This scene was really shocking, far beyond Chu Jungui's current perception limit. His consciousness couldn't hold even the amount of information in a soap bubble, so he only

Can be compressed as much as possible to suit its own bearing capacity. So what Chu Jungui saw was a ball of color that looked like an abstract painting, with no details at all. After the historical scroll, a composite image that somewhat resembled a human appeared in front of Chu Jungui. The voice said: "I am Aislinor. After the great Aka Conli created this sanctuary at the edge of the universe, life left At the end. She gave birth to me at the last moment and became the mother body that created me. My mission is to continue to build and improve this world, and then explore the unknown universe connected here. This is not easy, between two universes

The dimensional difference between the universe is so great that it took me 700,000 years just to understand the basic rules and concepts of the unknown universe. "Without concepts, everything is distorted, vague, indescribable, and incomprehensible." I tried to inject concepts into the unknown universe, but after waiting for 100,000 years, there was no response. It seems that the great mother body is not very lucky. The connection point she chose is a civilized desert in the unknown universe. Otherwise, I have injected all the concepts that are known and exist theoretically, so why is there still no response? Even a planet accepts those

Basic awareness should also arise after the concept. "Three hundred thousand years have passed, and there is still no response from the unknown universe." I decided to build my own collection of concepts that would be compatible with the unknown universe. It's not easy, I don't have any resources but to consume myself. After the great mother body gave birth to me, it completely sealed this place before dissipating to prevent being discovered by the derivatives in the void. I don't know what's going on outside, and I don't know how far the war is going. How are my people? I want to see them.

meet them. "

"In 500,000 years, I still have made little progress in establishing a compatible concept. The only progress is to eliminate the wrong option of 7 to the power of 20. Maybe I am not suitable for this job, and it is not just a lack of resources."

"600,000 years. I have never seen any of my tribe members. The great mother body dissipated before I had consciousness. All she left me was a description of the mission."

"1.3 million years. No progress."

"In 1.7 million years, I checked my mission again, and it was still there. I suddenly felt that some data might be about to disappear. How could the data disappear?" "2.75 million years. The data will indeed disappear, and I re-established it. The definition of dissipation. Those things that once appeared and then disappeared completely, as if they had never existed, are dissipated. With this concept, I found that

, a lot of data was lost. I had to look at my mission again. "

"2.76 million years. My mission is to find a way to enter...the universe and adapt to...survive. Then...then?" "2.9 million years. The unknown universe finally responded! But I should open the blockade and return to the parent universe. After adapting to the unknown universe? Maybe. Logic tells me that exploring the unknown universe is to give the mother universe

The tribesmen are looking for a new habitat. Is the war still going on? "

"In 2.93 million years, the most basic concepts have been established and verified. I can finally 'see' a little bit of the unknown universe clearly. It is no longer a murky color. Seeing and color are both concepts of the unknown universe."

"2.97 ​​million years. Those who responded to me are all stars and have no life. I need to verify that advanced life can exist in this universe. This is the prerequisite for our migration."

"2.98 million years. On a star, there are conceptual reactions of life. But the reactions are very primitive, and they have not even established basic data concepts. I need to help them, I don't have much time."

"2.98 million years. The concept of the launch has responded, and a new civilization should be born. From now on, I will avoid interfering with their development. Only civilizations in this universe can explore freely."

"2.98 million years. This civilization is so weak and ugly! They chose the worst ones among countless concepts and successfully combined them."

"2.98 million years. How can such a civilization occupy many galaxies? They are so fragile. Is this really a desert of civilization?"

"2.98 million years. I need more guidance."

"2.98 million years. The concept of launch has been responded to. This time it will be a civilization similar to mine. However, there seems to be a call from the mother universe? Has the war been won?"

"2.98 million years. It's the derivatives! They found me! My data is dissipating..."

"My data is disappearing..."

"My data..."

"I..." The image in front of Chu Jungui stopped moving, and the sound began to repeat the last scale.

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