God is Coming

Chapter 1258 Let’s talk

Chu Jungui plans to build several 500-meter-high transmission towers to transmit long-wave signals with special frequencies. Real dreams are not spherical, but a slightly curved flat space. The Disno matrix at its edge has undergone extremely complex space folding processing, where conventional three-dimensional dimensions such as distance and height have lost their meaning, but the basic rules still exist in the main area. These transmitting towers can effectively transmit the signal to 2,000 kilometers away, and then building a relay tower at the edge of the signal can cover a radius of 4,000 kilometers. This range seems quite large, but in fact it is very small compared to the entire real dream. Real dream original half

The diameter is 300,000 kilometers. As time goes by, the folded space at the edges is constantly released, and the actual area of ​​​​the real dream is still expanding. There is a special tissue in the doctor's body. As long as it receives a signal of a specific frequency, it can locate the source of the signal and know the direction of Chu Jungui. Only Chu Jungui knows this frequency, and it is specially used in emergencies.

Contact Dr. However, even the doctor did not expect the real dream to be so large before coming in. If he had known this, he should have changed the frequency. Although the positioning is not very accurate, the propagation distance is tens of thousands of kilometers.

Chu Jungui could only hope that the doctor's entry point did not exceed 10,000 kilometers. With the basic technology of the Desno civilization, the design of the launch tower is very different from that of humans. This transmitting tower consists of a long pole with a transmitter at the top. The lightweight material used to make the rod body weighs only one-third of the top human alloys, and is ten times stronger and tougher. It looks like a bare long pole, but it has a self-balancing system installed inside, which can cope with strong winds in real dreams. The stronger the wind, the higher the strength of the pole, and the system energy

It's all provided by the environment. ​However, if you want to manufacture the rod body, you must have a corresponding manufacturing machine and equipment for manufacturing materials. At this time, Chu Jungui missed the system in the shelter very much. If the particle tube is enough, Chu Jungui can create it in half an hour

Take out dozens of launch rod bodies. It's a pity that it's just a shelter, not the main base. There are only the few particles in the inventory, no more. Designing the manufacturing machine for the rod body and materials is a bit more troublesome. Chu Jungui had to combine Disno's data with known human technologies to redesign a system. Only such a system can be implemented, otherwise

Explain to scientists how to make the environment part of your own system. The important thing is that most of these scientists are not from the dynasty, and none of them are light years away. This is just the beginning. There are countless places that can be explored in Disno's information. Although Disno comes from another universe and their ideas are fundamentally different from humans, in many fields, Disno’s numbers are

The data is still of guiding significance. In fact, humans can do most of the rest by pointing them in the right direction.

Just as Chu Jungui was immersed in the ocean of data, there was a knock on the door, and Lin Xi walked in and said, "Can I talk to you?"

"Of course." Chu Jungui put down the document in his hand. Then he found that Lin Xi had been staring at the document. He took a closer look and realized that he had just taken it down.

Chu Jungui coughed to hide his embarrassment, sat upright, and asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"It's just a small matter. First, I hope to change Ronald's place to live. He is a wounded soldier, and he is seriously injured. He is not suitable to live in a place where prisoners are kept."

"I take no prisoners here."

"No prisoners?"

Chu Jungui nodded: "This has never happened before. I have never encountered anyone who refused to surrender for more than an hour."

Lin Xi looked into Chu Jungui's eyes and said, "You are really different from before."

"What was I like before?"

"You wouldn't be so bloodthirsty."

Chu Jungui thought for a while and said: "This is not accurate. I am indeed not as patient as before, so I no longer try to change others. Those who can change their position will follow me, and those who are unwilling to change will disappear. This Very reasonable."

"This is unreasonable!" Chu Jungui raised his hand to stop the argument and said: "Perhaps explorers are more afraid of death than we thought, so in fact not many people died. I even forgave a lot of them. The guy who killed the Dynasty Explorer was very generous.

. In this regard, we are the same. "

"Those people are murderers! Ronald has never killed anyone in the dynasty, how can this be the same?"

"Okay, let's not talk about the position for now. Apart from Ronald's residence, what else is there?"

Lin Xi said word for word: "We will not harm you, so there is no need to spy on us!"

Chu Jungui smiled slightly and repeated two words: "Monitor, we..."

"Ronald is a good man, you can't do this to him! Have I made it clear enough?"

Chu Jungui crossed his hands, supported his chin, looked at Lin Xi like this, and said, "So you came here just because of Ronald?" Lin Xi suddenly burst out, stood up suddenly, and put his hands on Chu Jungui's chest. On the desk, his nose was almost touching the tip of Chu Jungui's, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I entered the real dream for 15 days and was hunted for 15 days. The ones who spared no effort in hunting down were from the Jolly Roger! They even did not hesitate to die with me. ! This is how I got injured, and how my original companion died. Almost all the Jolly Roger flags in the entire area are chasing me! You say it yourself, in this situation

What else can you and I say? ! "

"Jolly Roger... As far as I know, they changed their commander six months ago. Is there any misunderstanding about this matter, or was it an order from someone else in the federation?" Lin Xi suddenly calmed down his anger and said: "You are really good at explaining. Well, you are right. I have captured a pirate flag man. He said that it was the order from the current commander to keep me in the real world forever at all costs.

Dreamland. "

"This matter... I understand." Chu Jungui originally wanted to say that this was normal, but fortunately he responded in time and changed his mind temporarily. Just before he came in, he had a secret conversation with the doctor. The doctor had given him a list of people who needed to be eliminated when conditions permitted. Among them were MacMillan of the Community and his daughter, Kun and Crassus of the Federation. . Austin is not on it because the doctor thinks he is still useful, and Chu Jungui may not be able to defeat him, so he has to wait for the doctor to join forces. It can be seen that Lin Xi must be on the list of the other two companies. As for Chu Jun

He believed that he was not on the list. The reason was simple. Anyone who didn't run away after seeing him in a real dream was a person who was slow to react.

Hearing Chu Jungui's words, Lin Xi sneered: "Do you understand? What can you understand?" But her anger finally subsided a little. Chu Jungui separated a ray of consciousness and quickly took a look at the situation on Ronald's side. To be honest, since returning to the camp, Chu Jungui has been very busy, and digesting Disno's data can eat up all his time.

Ronald had long been forgotten about the big event. But he forgot, Kaitian did not forget.

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