God is Coming

Chapter 1259 Opposites

Under Kaitian's suggestion, all the community explorers in the camp avoided Ronald like snakes and scorpions. Those who knew him pretended to be strangers, and those who didn't know him simply regarded him as a traitor. Needless to say about the Federation, there are many blood feuds between the three major forces, so naturally they will not look good on the people of the Community. Finally, there are the explorers of the dynasty. What these people hate most is the community. As for the Federation, they actually feel a bit sympathetic to each other. After all when

The Federation was not defeated in the early days, and neither was the dynasty later. As for the community, he is a capricious villain who takes advantage of everything. So Ronald was isolated by the three parties. Damian came forward and arranged a warehouse for Ronald. In fact, every house is the same. Even if there are differences, Damian took advantage of Chu Jungui's absence to make them look the same. The house assigned to Ronald was originally vacant and intended for new explorers. After all, every time Chu Jungui went out, he would pick up a few explorers more or less. But there were a lot of materials piled up in that house. Under normal circumstances, Ronald would have to remove the materials after moving in, but Damian was busy and happened to forget about it. So Ronald could only settle down in the remaining one-third of the room. No wonder Lin Xi

It was a misunderstanding that it was originally a cell where prisoners were held.

It was much smoother for the 5 people in the Jolly Roger, each of whom had a room. Some also piled some materials, but not much. Damian told them the location of the warehouse and they could just move it there. After Lin Xi saw it, she went to Kaitian and Damian to argue, but Damian gave her a nail that was neither hard nor soft, and said that other people also had materials in their rooms, so she could just move them away. Others can move it, how can Ronald move it? Kaitian, on the other hand, looked on coldly and said nothing. In anger, Lin Xi simply moved for Ronald, but Kaitian neither stopped nor helped, but just watched with cold eyes. The first time she moved, Lin Xi could still pretend she couldn't see her. The second time she moved

It was very awkward this time, Kaitian's eyes were like red-hot needles falling on Lin Xi's back. The third time Lin Xi finally couldn't bear it anymore and knew that it was useless to argue with Kaitian, so he came directly to Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui secretly took a look at Ronald's room. There were indeed a lot of materials piled inside, and they were all heavy and dirty. Obviously, someone had tampered with it secretly before Ronald moved in. Lin Xi moved three times,

There was still half the material in the room, so it was no wonder she was angry.

Chu Jungui asked Kaitian quietly: "What's going on?"

"I just don't like that guy, can't I?"

Chu Jungui felt a headache, angry and funny, and continued to ask: "There must be a reason for not liking it! What's the reason?"

This reason is really hard to find. Kaitian thought for a long time and choked out a sentence: "He's looking at me!"


Seeing that Chu Jungui was a little angry, Kaitian changed to the serious version: "He looked at me wrong." "Okay, okay, with such high computing power, you can't even make an excuse? You just don't want to make one. !" Chu Jungui was also helpless. The situation was so big that it was difficult to control, and he didn't even want to do superficial things. "I'll ask you again, spy on Ronald

what's going on? "

Now Kaitian was surprised: "How did she know?"

Chu Jun felt bad when he returned: "Did you really send someone to monitor him? No, you wouldn't do such a stupid thing. If you want to see it, you can just see it yourself. Is it Damian?"

Kaitian carefully explained: "We didn't send anyone there. I just, um, accidentally touched his house a little while my consciousness was expanding."

Chu Jungui pondered: "It may be Lin Xi. She also gained something from the last real dream. She may be able to detect your sensory expansion."

"I'll just go around it." Kaitian said bitterly. Having said so many words to Kaitian, it actually hasn’t even lasted a second. In front of Lin Xi, Chu Jungui sat still, his expression unchanged, and he lowered his voice and said, "You know me. If I want to know something, I don't need to send someone to monitor me."

See. This may be a misunderstanding. Have you found out who is the person spying on? " Seeing Mr. Chu back in this state, Lin Xi felt guilty. She just felt like she was being spied on, but that feeling passed by in a flash and disappeared when she wanted to find the source. The explorers in her field of vision came and went. busy

They are minding their own business, and no one seems to be doing nothing but pretending to be working but actually watching. Of course Chu Jungui knew that Kaitian was a hundred meters away at that time, and Lin Xi couldn't see it at all, so it was impossible to find the watcher. Lin Xi stayed on the flying platform during the entire process of obtaining the Desnuo civilization, and did not know about Chu Jun's return.

Kaitian has been adjusted, and the environment has become a part of them.

Chu Jungui accepted it and said, "Both of these things are probably misunderstandings. Let's do this. I will ask someone to help Ronald clear the room now. Damian!" Chu Jungui's voice was not loud. But it spread far away. Damian trotted in a few minutes later, and Chu Jungui asked him to take people to clean Ronald's room, move the materials away, clean it, and finally find it.

The doctor takes a look at Ronald's injuries. Damian has a strong execution ability and makes arrangements as soon as he leaves home. After Chu Jungui sent Lin Xi away, he felt really uneasy, so he separated a ray of consciousness and looked at Damian. Damian singled out a few explorers with sinister faces and murderous intent, all of whom were members of the community. they heard

It was about moving materials, but there was no response, but then Damian announced that he had to clean up after finishing the materials, which made a few big men angry.

"Are you kidding me? I've never wiped a table in my life!"

"It's not like you're acting in a TV series, so you still have to do this kind of work?"

"We are here to fight, not to do odd jobs!" Damian refused to listen to all the complaints, and then did not allow these people to wear gloves or tools, so they just moved and cleaned. When he arrived at Ronald's place, Ronald naturally smiled bitterly and felt helpless, saying that living like this would be enough.

Very good. The real dream is not a real hotel, so can the room be tidied? But Damian just replied stiffly: "This is an order from above." Then with a wave of his hand, several strong men pushed him aside, swarmed in, and started working with curses. They cursed dirty words on their hands,

It worked very quickly, and the room was tidy in a quarter of an hour. The floor was as shiny as if it had been licked by a dog. Damian is good at everything, but he checks very carefully, not even a trace of dust.

After Damian and a few big men left in a hurry, Ronald stood up holding on to the wall and smiled bitterly at Lin Xi who was not far away.

Lin Xi walked over, not knowing what to say. Ronald said: "It's nothing, it's just that my reputation in the community is almost the same after I leave here. Those guys probably hate me to death."

Lin Xi was silent for a moment and said, "Sorry, it's my fault."

"How can I blame you? You saved my life. If you want to blame me, I can only say that I shouldn't be here. And..." After that, Ronald hesitated and did not continue. Lin Xi looked at the spotless room. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have thought that those murderous guys could clean it so cleanly. It's just that the cleaner you clean, the deeper the hatred in your heart will naturally be. None of the explorers who can enter real dreams are fuel-efficient lamps in reality. Having gained so much hatred so easily, Ronald was considered a disaster. Damian did this extremely well, completely putting Ronald on the opposite side of the entire camp. But, could this be what Damian meant?

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