God is Coming

Chapter 1260: Grudge

"Did you and Damian have any grudge in the past?" Lin Xi asked. Ronald shook his head: "Don't you still know what kind of person I am? Damian and I have met several times on different occasions, but we have not communicated in depth, and we usually have no business or personal contact. If not Enter this time

In a real dream, he and I might not be able to speak a word for a year. "

Since there was no hatred, Lin Xi understood. She glanced at the place where Chu Jun lived and said to Ronald: "We will leave here when your injury gets better."

Ronald said hurriedly: "It's not necessary! It's just a small matter."

"I've decided." Lin Xi said.

At this time, Damian was standing in front of Chu Jungui and said, "Everything in Ronald's room has been moved and packed. You can check at any time."

Chu Jungui looked at him, frowned slightly, and asked, "Why did you only bring people from the community? Why did you bring those three?"

Damian opened his mouth, but found that no words of defense could come out. He suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and then realized that all his little actions were actually within Chu Jungui's field of vision.

Chu Jungui waited for a while and saw that Damian did not defend himself, so he said slowly: "Don't be smart next time, you don't understand me."

"There won't be a next time, sir." Chu Jungui waved his hand and asked Damian to leave. At this time, he was a little upset, and even the speed of analyzing the information about Desno Civilization was affected. He thought for a while, connected to Kaitian's consciousness, and asked: "Your name is Damian?"

Did you do this? "

"I gave him some hints and he acted independently." Kaitian didn't shy away from it.

"Is it necessary?" Chu Jungui was also a little helpless. After this unexpected encounter, Kaitian seemed to be at odds with Lin Xi and Ronald. Will the Mist Clan lose their temper for no reason?

Kaitian said: "I don't like Ronald very much."

Chu Jungui sighed: "But you are not suppressing Ronald by doing this, but slapping Lin Xi in the face. With her character, if she doesn't come to me now, she is preparing to leave in a few days." Kaitian was silent for a moment and said: "I have no problem with Xi Shen, but Ronald can't tolerate it. He may think he's doing something very smart, but based on my understanding of human beings, all his actions are full of malice toward you. .he

Trying to win the favor of the God of Xi by acting as a weakling to see if there is a chance to gain the favor of the God of Xi. "

"You are all just making excuses..."

"No, you know what I said is true." Chu Jungui didn't know what to say. He knew very well that Kaitian was right. Kaitian stores a huge amount of human historical knowledge and behavioral information, and can be said to be the top master of psychology. Kaitian can know what Ronald is thinking if he moves his eyebrows. Moreover, Kaitian's consciousness now covers the entire camp. As long as he is within this range, Ronald will be able to see clearly even the endocrine system. There is no way to hide what kind of thoughts he has towards Lin Xi.

. But the question is, what qualifications does Chu Jungui have to make demands on Lin Xi now? Because of Hathaway, Chu Jungui felt somewhat guilty towards Lin Xi. Although the two people have a tacit agreement not to mention it, it will not disappear just like that.

, but will hide in the heart, waiting for an opportunity to explode. Chu Jungui knew very well that the most direct reason for Lin Xi's outburst just now was actually being chased by the Jolly Roger.

So Chu Jungui sighed and said, "Don't provoke Ronald anymore during this period. He is just an insignificant person. We still have a lot to do."

After a pause, Chu Jungui said again: "If Lin Xi wants to leave, don't stop her."

"That's not okay! You must not let her leave. After she leaves, you will never see her again."

Kaitian said so definitely that Chu Jungui was startled: "Can't see? Why?"

"You don't understand women. The harm caused by being chased by the Jolly Roger may not be as great as if you agreed to her leaving."

Chu Jungui was thoughtful and asked, "Then what should I do?"

Kaitian, who instantly transformed into an emotional expert, said: "I can do anything, as long as I don't let her leave. Even if she is tied up and beaten."

"Okay, let's analyze your information." Chu Jungui said angrily.

Chu Jungui thought for a while alone, then called the explorers led by Jolly Roger and asked, "Why are you chasing Lin Xi?"

"Before we entered, we got a list of opponents that needed to be eliminated in this mission. Among them was Lin Xi, who ranked very high."

Chu Jungui snorted and said, "Am I not on the list?"

The explorer immediately said: "This is the list given to us. There will be no impossible tasks. You, the Doctor and MacMillan are not on our list."

Chu Jungui ignored his explanation and asked, "Who gave you the list? Who asked you to kill Lin Xi at all costs?" "No... uh..." The man saw Chu Jungui's eyes and suddenly Breaking out in a cold sweat, he could only say honestly: "The person who gave us the list and ordered to hunt down Lin Xi was Remington Winton, acting commander-in-chief of the Jolly Roger Corps.

Sir. He is the second uncle of General Hathaway and the powerful elder of the family. What Elder Remington means is..."

He glanced at Chu Jungui again, then gave up the last chance and said, "The elder said that Sir Hathaway's status must be ensured."

"Why doesn't Hathaway become the commander of the army?" "Mr. Hathaway... This is top secret. I only heard about it. I don't know whether I should say it..." While hesitating, the explorer suddenly felt a murderous aura coming from him. With his head down, he immediately shuddered and said quickly: "Big Life"

The child is gone! "

Chu Jungui was stunned for a moment. He calculated the time, and it seemed to be somewhat different from the normal process of humans. However, as an experimental subject, Chu Jungui knew his situation very well, and it was strange that he could be the same as humans. Not long ago, Lightyear was working with the Federation and the

During the continuous war, all old friends in the Federation had severed contact with Chu Jungui, including Hathaway. I didn’t expect that after a few months of no news, I would even have a child? At this moment, Chu Jungui's mood was indescribably complicated, and he understood the meaning of Remington's words about ensuring Hathaway's status. The thinking of these guys from ancient families is really different from normal people, and they use this method.

Yes, why bother?

Chu Jungui was distraught and waved the explorers to leave. Then he went to the factory and personally made an advanced manufacturing machine and material refining furnace that incorporated Desno technology. He needed something to distract himself. The 18th day of the real dream arrived unknowingly. In the past two days, Ronald has not suffered any more troubles. He has been living peacefully and recovering from his injuries. His physical condition has improved a lot. His movements were not restricted, but he was completely isolated. No one paid attention to him, and no one talked to him. Everyone in the camp was busy, even Lin Xi was assigned a lot of work, and only Ronald was idle. He was able to keep his composure, smiling and saying hello to everyone he saw, and he didn't get angry when others ignored him. Among the hundreds of explorers in the entire camp, only Lin Xi came to chat with him in his free time.

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