God is Coming

Chapter 1261 Missed

At dawn, Ronald strolled outside the factory and saw several explorers carrying a 20-meter-long round pole from the factory. The round pole was only as thick as the palm of a hand and did not look heavy. Several explorers could lift it very easily. The round pole was carried to a corner of the camp, where a 100-meter-tall pole had been erected. At the top of the high pole, Kaitian stood there, stretched out his hand and pulled the rope to lift the round pole up, and then put it on the already built high pole, stopping for about 10 seconds.

He let go after a few seconds. Then the tall pole grew 20 meters. Is this it? Ronald's pupils shrank. He remembered that the fractures at both ends of the round rod were very smooth, without any sockets or slots. The simpler the installation, the more huge secrets are hidden behind it. Rhône

De raised his head and looked up at the already very eye-catching tall pole. At this time, a strong wind blew, causing Ronald to take a step back. The high pole swings slightly, so small that it is almost invisible.

Ronald silently calculated the wind speed and the length and diameter of the high pole, and when he thought that the swing range of the end was only a few centimeters, he almost lost control of his expression. This is definitely not something humans can do!

The mysterious passage Chu Jungui and Kai Tian entered on the hillside flashed through his mind, and then he continued to move forward as if nothing had happened, leaving the factory behind.

There is a small hill outside the camp, and a mountain stream flows through the other side of the hill. Sitting on the hill, you can see the beautiful scenery of mountains and forests, which is the best place in the vicinity. Lin Xi had just finished processing the parts for the task and was sitting on the top of the mountain to rest. This was her favorite place, and everyone else had the good sense not to disturb her. But today there were footsteps coming from behind, so Lin Xi didn’t need to reply.

Head, you can tell it's Ronald by the sound of his voice. The footsteps were clear and powerful, with a clear rhythm. It seemed that his injury had fully recovered.

Coming behind Lin Xi, Ronald asked: "Is the work over?"

"Well, let's take a rest. There will be another task later, which involves processing a batch of materials."

"It seems that there are many things that only you can process?" Ronald asked.

"My control accuracy is slightly better than others. There are people here who are stronger than me, but they have more important things to do." Lin Xi did not mention the name, but Ronald naturally knew who she was referring to. He smiled and said: "You don't have to take care of my mood. The people here are actually very nice to me. Think about it when we first entered the real dreamland, there were chases and death traps everywhere. By the way, I'll come and find you. You, I want to invite you

Find me some work. I could do anything, it would drive me crazy to do nothing every day. "

Lin Xi said: "Is your injury almost recovered?"

Ronald quickly said: "Not yet, don't use force. You don't have to think about me, I will get better."

Lin Xi sighed and said, "Don't lie to me, you are almost healed. Let's do this, I will finish processing the materials on hand, and we will leave here early the day after tomorrow."

"Where to go?"

"Find a suitable place to establish a new camp and complete the mission we came in for."

Ronald shook his head, "It doesn't have to be like this. I'm actually fine here. There's no problem at all. If they still refuse to trust me, it doesn't matter. It's not bad to be able to live through a real dream easily."

"That's it." Ronald tried to persuade him a few more times, but Lin Xi couldn't move, so he had no choice but to leave. He didn't show anything strange until he returned to his room. After closing the door, he took a deep breath, but suddenly

He thought of something and spit it out slowly as usual.

Lin Xi sat alone for a while and suddenly said: "Come out."

Chu Jungui's figure was outlined out of nothingness, like a painting appearing on a blank canvas. He looked at Lin Xi's back and said, "If I don't come out, are you going to say it every few minutes?"

Lin Xi finally turned around and said, "You are so confident, I can feel your presence."

"Maybe it was possible before, but it's definitely not possible now. Oh, the past I mentioned was when we first met." Chu Jun returned.

Lin Xi gritted her teeth in anger, "When we first met? Do you mean to say that I can't compare to you now?"

Chu Jungui said nothing and acquiesced.

Lin Xi stared at Chu Jungui, her chest rising and falling violently with anger. She calmed down and sneered: "Okay, you don't need to look down on me, I will leave on my own."

Chu Jungui said, "You can't leave."

"I can be wherever I want! You can't restrict me, I'm free."

"You are not. As an explorer of the dynasty, you need to obey my orders. Before coming in, the doctor has given me the highest command authority and can mobilize the explorers of any dynasty."

Lin Xileng said: "Marshal Chu is planning to use his official position to suppress me? What if I must leave?"

"You can't leave anyway." Chu Jungui looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. The more Lin Xi watched, the angrier she became. She suddenly pounced forward, raised her leg and struck, heading straight into the palace! The kick was so heavy and fast that even the light mecha couldn't withstand it. However, Chu Jungui was also different from before. He turned slightly sideways and reached out to hold Lin Lin.

With a pull on Xi's ankle, Lin Xi was knocked off balance and fell to the ground. Everything is exactly the same as when we first met.

Lin Xi lowered his head and was silent for a few seconds, then squeezed out two words from between his teeth: "Let go!"

Chu Jungui immediately let go.

Lin Xi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Why are you so obedient now? Help me up!"

Chu Jungui hurriedly helped him, but at the same time he was confused.

Lin Xi guessed what he was thinking, snorted and said, "...it's a strain."

This shouldn't be... Chu Jungui became even more confused.

Lin Xi was ashamed and angry, and said, "You don't know how strong your hands are now?!" Chu Jungui then remembered that after Desnuo's adjustments, his concepts of strength and speed were somewhat blurred. The main reason is that after the thinking speed is greatly accelerated, everything feels very slow. He just deliberately

The soft attack was still a bit too much. This requires a period of time and the accumulation of data from countless movements before it can be retracted and released freely again.

Lin Xi stopped looking at Chu Jungui, turned to look into the distance, and said, "It's useless for me to stay. I can't help you except to make you more troubled."

"It's okay to add more obstruction..."

"Be serious!" "Okay! The danger of real dreams is much greater than we originally estimated. Let's put it this way, it is worse than the worst-case scenario expected. Whether you can exit alive depends entirely on luck. So it's the same as before. It’s different, you can’t press

I can’t let you out of my sight even though I’m doing scattered exploration in a step-by-step manner. Lin Xi had an indescribable feeling. This was the Chu Jungui she was familiar with. The guy who would be extremely serious and even a bit rigid when it came to business. How could he miss such a guy?

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