God is Coming

Chapter 1262 How to compensate?

Memories are always lacking, or there are things we did less, or there were inexplicable mistakes we made, and there are countless scars we don’t want to touch. Bits and pieces of the past flashed through Lin Xi's mind like lightning. At first, she was full of sunshine and high spirits, and only had eyes for the most outstanding young people of her generation in the dynasty. Then there was a huge change in the family. One by one, her elders, including Lin Xuanshang, whom she regarded as her idol, fell down one after another. The great change took place. Those old people who were usually kind and calm, but did not change their expressions despite the collapse of the mountain, all showed their true colors, greed, fear, Crazy, to name a few. It's family

He strives to flaunt his integrity, but when the surface is peeled off, it turns out that the underground is just as miserable. At that time, countless elders saw her own value, that is, body, appearance and talent, and tried to exchange for the safety of their own interests through marriage or even betrayal. In order to convince Lin Xi, they used various methods, some were aware of the overall situation, some were crying and acting violently, and some even committed suicide in front of him. In order to put enough pressure on Lin Xi, an old man who was nearing the end of his life actually crashed and died in front of Lin Xi! For, I want to

Get the two grandsons involved out of jail. After hundreds of years of development, the Lin family is very large, with all kinds of people. And Lin Xi is still too young, and there has never been darkness and dirt in her world. For a long period of time, Lin Xi would have nightmares every night, dreaming of the old man rushing toward him. He turned sideways to avoid it, and then he hit the wall hard. The old man didn't slow down or hesitate. Lin Xi didn't stop him and he was killed. Until now, Lin Xi still occasionally

I remember the scene at that time. At that time, countless people were forcing Lin Xi to leave Chu Jungui and leave that impoverished boy. In front of Lin Xi were marshals, cabinet ministers, and ministers. This was high. The Lin family doesn’t have that many connections

They were looking for generals, lieutenant generals, and even some not-so-rich wealthy businessmen, ranging in age from 40 to 130. In order to get Lin Xi to agree to his choice, many of the Lin family members fought hard on their own. The only one who stood up to fight was Lin Xi's father, but his power was very limited and he was completely suppressed in the blink of an eye. In order to make Lin Xi give in, the Lin family members in the prison even bit Lin Xi's father and brought him into the prison.

Prison, and then told Lin Xi that if he wanted to save his father, he had to get them out too.

Lin Xi still remembers that on the night when her father was imprisoned, she screamed in despair when faced with three elders who came to visit at the same time: "There are so many women in the Lin family, and many are willing to take this road! Why must it be me?" !”

At that time, the tall and thin elder sitting in the middle said in a voice without any warmth: "They can't sell that much."

During the whole incident, the old man of the Lin family remained silent. This made Lin Xi completely give up. The Lin family has gone through several ups and downs, but they have relied on perseverance to survive and move higher and higher. But now that they have truly reached the top, it seems that everyone has lost the confidence to make a comeback. In order to maintain power and status, everyone in high positions is doing whatever it takes. The more benevolent, righteous and moral you are on weekdays, the more likely you are to be able to do anything at times like this. In the end, a few people who were not well-liked by the family and whose reputations were not very good stood up.

come out. They did not choose to save the family, but only protected some innocent tribesmen as much as possible. What was somewhat darkly humorous was that at that time, many members of the Lin family, who were still a little powerful, roared in front of Lin Xi, saying that as long as Lin Xi didn't obey, they would do whatever they wanted to do to Chu Jun, as if they could easily crush Chu Jun to death. Just like this ant. On the contrary, the few big bosses who were still in office kept silent. Someone secretly found some killers, and then there was no movement. Shortly thereafter, Chu Jungui launched an earth-shattering planetary battle, annihilating nearly a million Federation members.

Ground troops forced the federation to come to the negotiating table. Since then, no one has said what will happen to Lord Chu. Now, in just a few years, the boy Bai Ding in the Lin family's mouth has become the marshal of the dynasty, and he is the marshal of two fleets. Guang Nian's strength has also expanded to the point where even the Lin family at its peak cannot catch up. If the Lin family had hugged Chu Jungui's thigh, even if the boat capsized, many people would have been saved. It's a pity that if there were no ifs, if the people in power of the Lin family had such a vision, they would not be in the situation like that. attack by political opponents

Criticism is one thing. If the Lin family itself has no handle, then even if Xu Bingyan personally plans it, it will be useless. Time cannot be reversed, the past is the past. At that time, Lin Xi was like a little girl in a dark room, with no light, no direction, hesitation, helplessness, even wavering and self-destruction. All she can do is to take care of the Lin family

This sunken ship is cut off from Chu Jungui, and the only way is for her to leave. She didn't tell Chu Jungui what she had experienced at that time, and it was even less possible for her to tell Chu Jungui now. The past is the past and should only be buried in time.

Even if Chu Jungui received the blessing of Desnuo Civilization, it would be impossible for him to know what Lin Xi was thinking at this moment.

The memories flashed away, and Lin Xi suddenly smiled and said, "It's okay if I don't leave. How are you going to compensate me?"

When Lin Xi laughed, it seemed like he was back to the moment when they first met. At that time, Lin Xi gave the experimental subjects the concept of surprise. Chu Jungui was in a daze and asked subconsciously: "Compensation?" Why compensation and what compensation? What did she do wrong, or was this just a strategy of hers? The test subject's old habit has returned, diverging thinking in an instant, and comprehensively reviewing past data in order to find

An answer backed by logic.

Lin Xi looked at Chu Jungui, smiled again, and said, "Don't think so much, I just said it casually. But if you are willing to agree, I don't mind."


"I haven't said anything yet!"

"Anything is okay."

"Okay, marry me." Lin Xi said this in her heart. In reality, what she said was: "Remember what you said, I will tell you when I have decided what I want."

"Okay." Chu Jungui thought seriously. Based on the normal needs of human beings, there are really not many things that he can't do now. The only real big things left are things like relocating stars and covering black holes.

By this time, all the awkward atmosphere since the reunion had finally passed. But Lin Xi wasn't going to let Chu Jungui go just yet, so he asked, "Why didn't you call me when you and Kaitian entered that cave?"

"Inside that is..."

Lin Xi pressed Chu Jungui's mouth and said, "I don't want to know what's there, and I don't care. I just want to know why you didn't call me." Chu Jungui knew that he couldn't escape this problem, so he had to tell the truth. : "I saw the process of you and Ronald escaping. I think he exaggerated the seriousness of the injury at the time. He can move within limits. You don't have to carry it."

he. Lin Xi made a sound and said: "This is the strategy we have discussed. He pretends to be seriously injured and dies frequently. Then when the pursuers' attention is on me, he suddenly launches a sneak attack, trying to kill or seriously injure one of the pursuers." . missing one

It would be much easier to deal with it in person. "

"Okay, I understood it wrong."

The corners of Lin Xi's lips raised slightly, and she suddenly said: "You are just jealous!"

Chu Jungui was shocked: "I didn't!"

The test subject will not be jealous! Chu Jungui defended himself in his heart.

Lin Xi stared into Chu Jungui's eyes, which made him upset. His consciousness covered a range of 50 meters for a while, and 100 meters for a while.

After a stalemate for a while, Lin Xi stretched out two fingers, waved them in front of Chu Jungui, and said, "I will forgive you if you make two demands! I will also forget that you hit me."

Chu Jungui had no choice but to nod. Finally, he wanted to struggle and said: "I didn't hit you, that was..."

Lin Xi raised her long legs and put her ankle directly in front of Lin Xi's eyes. There is a clear claw mark on the snow-white and slender ankle.

Chu Jungui could only raise his hands and said, "I agree."

"Remember, it's anything!"


Lin Xi then put his legs down and said, "That's it. Now, go back to work?" Chu Jungui wanted to say that he was equally capable wherever he lived, but Lin Xi didn't have Tisnuo's adjustment, so he might not understand this. In short, he followed Lin Xi back to the camp. On the way, Lin Xi specially emphasized: "Rona and I

Virtue has nothing and cannot do anything. I just thought that he would be a good partner and a comrade in times of need. "

"Okay, I won't embarrass him."

Lin Xi snorted, "Of course you won't! But if you open the Tianhui, those people under your command will! You just need to give a hint."

No hints are needed, just leave a message in the environment... Chu Jungui thought to himself.

"Anyway, Ronald has fought with me after all, so don't embarrass him."

"No problem." Chu Jungui agreed. Walking to the edge of the camp, Lin Xi saw the towering launch pole again. At this time, the pole body had been completely installed and started working. Lin Xi didn't feel anything at first, but when the transmitting tower was working, she vaguely felt...

Something has arrived. In the past, she and Chu Jungui were in a stalemate and it was difficult to ask, but now she no longer had such worries, so she pointed to the high pole and asked, "What is this?"

"A signal transmitting device used to inform the doctor of our location."

"Is the doctor here too?" "For such a big thing, he will definitely come in person. As for when to come in, it depends on how the external affairs are handled. The doctor should already know that there is no way out for the first batch of entrants. , probably working on solving it

Bar. "

After hearing the news, Lin Xi felt a little more relaxed. After all, she didn't want to die in a real dream and then let the outside body turn into a puddle of unconscious dead flesh. At the same moment, a fierce battle was taking place on a snow-capped mountain thousands of kilometers away. A dozen figures were flying in the air, besieging a person in the middle.

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