God is Coming

Chapter 1263 Acting

The man was suspended a hundred meters in the air, enveloped by countless light curtains of different colors. The besiegers' attacks hit the light screen like a storm and were all blocked. But the light curtain was also worn away layer by layer and eventually annihilated. But light curtain

There are enough, and they are being generated continuously. Among the people who were besieging him, McMillan stood at the highest point. With his hand, ball-like lightning was generated and flew towards the person enveloped by the light curtain. Ball lightning is extremely powerful, and two or three of them can eliminate an entire layer of light curtain. With authority

In terms of strength, McMillan is more than enough to outshine everyone else combined. There is a girl floating behind McMillan. She raised her hands flat, and in her hands was a ball of green light that was constantly changing. There was also a group of green light in front of MacMillan, which was completely synchronized with the light in the girl's hand.

The thunderballs passed through the green light, and their power immediately increased by three points out of thin air. McMillan had the absolute upper hand and said calmly: "Doctor, give up. You are not the only one who studies real dreams. These people are my results, and they also have abilities similar to ours. I don't ask for much, then That is, everything you gain in the real dreamland must be shared with us. Of course, if you are willing to join the community, then my position will be given to you immediately. At the same time, I will coordinate several wealthy galaxies and establish

A franchising country with you as its lifelong president. In this country, you are everything, you are God! "

Under the light curtain, the figure's face was blurred, but there were only a few people in the entire human race who could survive the siege of MacMillan and many of his men.

After listening to McMillan's words, the doctor finally said: "You sacrificed a country and only got me. You seem to have suffered a big loss." "If it were before, then I would naturally not do it. But after the last real dream, I gradually We have come into contact with the reality of this universe. The form of life is by no means what it is now. Human beings are trapped by their own bodies. Our current abilities are far from reaching the limit. If we fully exert ourselves, we will be gods! Just like now , thunder, an ability that only gods can control in mythology, can be controlled by ourselves.

Need tools! "

The doctor said: "In this case, you can become a god by yourself, and no one will stop you. I can't, and neither can Austin. Why spend so much money to find me?" McMillan said: "I know my own destiny very well. Ability, I am not that kind of unique genius. Maybe my research can allow me to go further based on my current foundation, but that’s where it ends. Only you can make me

Going further also allows humans to go further. The country established for you is your testing ground, and everything in it, including the people, is your experimental material! "

"How many people are you going to give me?"

"The first batch is 1 billion, and you can add more later if necessary!" "What a generous move!" The doctor praised, and then said: "But, haven't you thought about Crimson? We will start a war when we come up, in case we can't close the passage. What should I do? Then the entire human race will be destroyed, including the country you gave me.

outside. "

"The channel will definitely be closed, I believe you in this."

The doctor laughed and said, "You really think too highly of me. I don't even believe in myself." "After so many years, I know you very well. You must have done in-depth research on real dreams, and you have already understood Crimson has understood. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have refused to stop dreaming about the real world when the dynasty was about to fall.

Research. That little guy from Lightyear has developed a lot of completely incomprehensible technology in a short period of time. In fact, it was all your handiwork, right? The doctor sighed and said, "It's already this time, and I won't hide it from you." Since 10 years ago, my research focus has shifted to real dreams, and I have allocated more and more time and resources. But a year ago, I

However, the research progress suddenly slowed down, and even several key breakthroughs were deliberately avoided. If I keep following the previous progress, I can indeed enter the real dream state several months in advance. Do you know why I slow down? "

McMillan instinctively felt an inexplicable chill, slowed down the generation of thunderballs, and asked in a deep voice: "Why?"

"Because... I don't want to know about Crimson. If I can know about it later, just later. It wasn't until Crimson really appeared in our universe that I accelerated my research and located the real dream."

The doctor's voice was calm, but MacMillan couldn't suppress the chill in his heart. He asked in a deep voice: "Are you... afraid?"

"Psychologically no, biologically yes."

The doctor's answer was a bit convoluted, but MacMillan understood it. He pondered for a moment and said, "Then give up resistance. Let's find Austin and work together to close the passage here first, and then we'll talk about the rest."

The doctor suddenly smiled and said: "It is impossible to give up resistance. I have found helpers. There are more people than you!"

"What's the use of having more people if you don't have the ability?" McMillan sneered.

"That's not necessarily the case. I'm leaving first, so there's no need to send it off."

McMillan's face darkened and he said, "You can't leave!"

The light curtain around the doctor suddenly exploded, and a dazzling light instantly illuminated everything in the world! Everyone's eyes were filled with a vast expanse of white, and nothing could be seen.

"Stop him!" McMillan covered his eyes with his hand and yelled at the girl behind him.

The green color in the girl's hand suddenly fluttered, and accordingly, the green light in front of MacMillan surged, flying towards the doctor like a huge silk scarf. The light curtain exploded, and the instantaneous energy storm blew away all surrounding energy attacks. The doctor appeared at the center of the storm, and a new terrifying energy began to erupt in his body. Immediately afterwards, the doctor's body quickly weakened and disappeared from the spot.

lose. The girl's green color was delayed for a moment, and only a corner of it swept over the doctor's body, and then the corner disappeared with the doctor. When the light dissipated, McMillan looked at the empty sky with a very ugly look on his face. He snorted and said, "This guy can actually start a space jump out of thin air. He's really good at hiding it! In fact, he wouldn't have been caught by me in the first place.

We are trapped, they are all acting! "

The girl asked: "Father, what should we do now?" "Sooner or later, he will fall into our hands. Helper? Haha, what kind of helper can he have? The next time we meet, his space jump will not work. Let's go, go back to the base first. I have 10 more hours of energy core to

Once it's completed, the core staff will all be equipped with energy weapons. Let's see what Zero will do then! "

"Father, is there someone else we need to pay attention to?"


"Chu Jun returns."

"Haha, that little guy! I did need to be careful in the past, but now that you are by my side, why should I be afraid of him? Don't worry, I won't let him die, hahaha!" The girl's head lowered lower and lower, Dare not speak.

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