God is Coming

Chapter 1264 Goodbye Cactus

Hundreds of kilometers away, the doctor's figure reappeared, and with him appeared a touch of green. The color seemed to have a life of its own, continuing to wrap around the doctor. The doctor showed rare dignity and stretched out his left arm to block

That green. The green was wrapped around the doctor's left arm. Since it was only a corner of the original part, it only wrapped around the part below the elbow. Then the green color faded and disappeared, along with the doctor's entangled forearm! The doctor looked at the fracture. It was extremely smooth. Even the sharpest laser scalpel could not cut such a section. After a second, blood suddenly spurted out from the gap in the artery, and then a large amount of blood poured out from the section. this

Only then did the doctor feel severe pain. He casually rubbed it on the wound, and it was sealed with a thin layer of frost. "The little girl is amazing! Fortunately, she ran fast at the time. The old guy MacMillan himself is average, but he is quite good at giving birth to a daughter. But is this little guy 100 years older than him?" The doctor muttered to Macmillan behind his back.

Kermilan turned around a few times, determined the general direction of the signal, and flew in that direction. In the sky above the rolling hills, a huge flying platform was passing by, with multiple poles a hundred meters long stacked on the platform. Chu Jungui and Kaitian were both on the platform. With Kaitian around, it would be easier for Chu Jun to return, as he didn't have to worry about the direction and distance. He casually glanced at the forest below. The purpose of coming out this time is to build three signal towers to expand the signal coverage, and the camp is in the center of the triangle. Three signal poles are equipped with Disno technology

With the blessing, the signal transmission distance has been improved. Flying, a familiar thing suddenly flashed across Chu Jungui's field of vision. Chu Jungui's heart moved, and the flying platform decelerated instantly, stopping from 900 kilometers per hour in less than 100 meters. Chu Jungui seemed to be unaffected by gravity and inertia

Noise, sitting on the flying platform motionless. Before the platform came to a complete stop, he jumped from the air and landed in the forest below.

There is a clearing in the middle of the forest, which is very abrupt. There are many beasts that cannot be seen elsewhere living on the edge of the clearing. And in the middle of the clearing, a lone cactus grew. This cactus looked very familiar. It was the same cactus that Chu Jungui had dealt with a lot. Even the particularly long thorns on the top remained unchanged. It suddenly appeared here, surrounded by animals that could no longer be seen elsewhere.

, is it just a coincidence? There is no living thing within ten meters around the cactus. Chu Jungui tried to get closer, and he began to feel the radiation at the edge of the open space. Then, the radiation would increase significantly every time he got closer. Where this cactus is in my memory

No living thing can survive here because of the super strong radiation. When all the animals saw Chu Jungui approaching, they all moved their positions to make way for Chu Jungui. The weak animals did not escape, and the ferocious beasts did not threaten or attack Chu Jungui. All animals seem to understand Chu

Jungui is regarded as part of his own ethnic group. The closer to the cactus, the more powerful the creature becomes. The last ten meters outside were already the most ferocious beasts in Chu Jungui's real dreams. Chu Jungui stepped over an ocelot and entered an empty area. stand here

Here, Chu Jungui could already feel the faint tingling on his skin, and the radiation was strong enough to be directly felt. It's still the familiar feeling from before, but it seems that the radiation has become a little stronger. It's right to think about it. Real dreams are just closed to humans, not that they no longer exist. It's still growing inside. Chu Jungui walked to the cactus

Kneel down and take a closer look at this amazing plant. The radiation at this time was already strong enough to kill humans within a second, but for Chu Jungui, this radiation could be ignored.

When Chu Jungui tried to cover his consciousness, he unexpectedly discovered that there was a data interface on the cactus. But before he had time to try, all the beasts around him suddenly stood up and let out uneasy growls.

Kaitian's voice sounded in Chu Jungui's consciousness: "A large number of strange beasts appeared in the distance, including at least two species that have never appeared before! Be careful, they will arrive in three minutes!" Chu Jungui immediately shared Kaitian's message. vision. At this time, Kaitian is still 300 meters high. From its position, you can see an unusually obvious purple-black smoke appearing in the distance, rushing towards this side at an alarming speed! they

It’s okay to go faster, the key is that the location is less than 10 kilometers away from here. Based on Kaitian's field of vision in the sky, the monitoring range is at least several hundred kilometers. How could the monster be discovered so close to it? In the blink of an eye, the group of strange beasts was a few kilometers closer. It wasn't until about 5 kilometers away that Chu Jungui realized that the purple-black smoke in the sky was actually composed of countless tiny monsters. They looked like miniature dragonflies, with a long thin thread hanging from their tails. Silk. The other end of the filament is connected to the large monster running on the ground. If it encounters rough terrain, all the dragonfly monsters will use their strength at the same time to lift the large monster and jump directly over it.


"Get ready to fight!" Chu Jungui quickly took off and returned to the flying platform. Kaitian simultaneously controlled the 8 machine turrets on the platform and opened fire immediately. At this time, the group of monsters was still out of range, but at this time, Kaitian raised the muzzle of the gun, and the huge calculation power allowed the flying bullets to hit the group of monsters. At the same time it adds a bit of ambient energy to each warhead, etc.

Only when it falls into the group of strange beasts will the warhead receive Kaitian's consciousness and explode.

In an instant, Kaitian fired all 2,000 rounds of ammunition stored on the platform. Countless fireballs emerged from the group of monsters and formed a huge fire cloud, covering all the monsters in one go.

The huge explosion power tore apart countless flying monsters, and many large monsters were also blown away by the shock wave. But Chu Jungui immediately shouted: "Be careful, large monsters are not very afraid of explosions!"

"You have to do it yourself. These bullets are for dealing with humans, not monsters." "Okay." Chu Jungui's figure flickered, appearing above the group of monsters, waving his hand and scattering dozens of light red clouds. Floatingly covering the strange beasts. Those strange beasts struggled desperately as soon as they were covered by the red clouds, and then they suddenly disappeared from their mouths and noses.

, flames spurted out from every orifice, and then turned into coke. Chu Jungui continued to wave out red clouds. These red clouds were actually small high-temperature energy groups. This is a new ability derived from the evolution of Chu Jungui's original high-temperature energy field after being adjusted by Desnuo. Multiple red clouds can be superimposed to produce a high temperature that is much higher than before. This makes Chu Jungui's attack methods more flexible and more powerful. But there are too many monsters, and their individual strength is quite strong. If you are a human explorer, be red

The cloud will burn into white ash once it is rubbed, but the monster will struggle for several seconds before it dies. If the red cloud is removed during this process, the monster will recover at a particularly high speed. Fortunately, Kaitian has also arrived. It dropped the flying platform without ammunition and turned into a green mist of light, sweeping across a large number of monsters. When swept by the light mist, patches of green will remain on the monster's body, and then the flesh on its body will

It begins to melt like a burning candle until it eventually turns into purple-red pus. Chu Jungui stopped half of them, and Kaitian stopped most of them, but there were still hundreds of monsters that escaped the interception and rushed into the forest. The surviving beasts immediately rushed forward, and the two sides started a fierce battle. However, although the number of beasts is large, the situation is

But it was a one-sided massacre. The combat power of strange beasts far exceeds that of wild beasts. In comparison, the gap between elephants and sheep cannot be made up by numbers. The strange beast fought its way through the wild beasts and rushed towards the cactus. A strange scene appeared. The strange beast rushing at the front suddenly lost its legs and fell to the ground. The monsters behind them couldn't hold back their momentum and collided with the leading monster, and then fell down one by one. Many monsters are running

Falling down, Lei became a pile of beasts in an instant. The pile of beasts gradually approached the cactus. At this time, a strange beast at the top rolled down and hit the cactus. The cactus suddenly shook, and its roots were pulled out of the soil. Then it stood on tiptoes, took small steps, and moved to the side in a few steps to let go of the monster that smashed down. As its root system was exposed, all the monsters suddenly appeared in the same place.

Time fell down, struggled for a few times and then stopped moving. The surviving beasts fled away at full speed. After escaping for a few hundred meters, they stopped at the same time and looked back at the cactus.

The roots of the cactus dug into the soil again and remained motionless. In the direction of the movement of the cactus, several large trees entered a certain range, and the bark on the surface immediately turned yellow and dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye. They immediately began to tremble, their leaves fell off one after another, and they turned into dead trees in an instant. but

Several new branches grew from the roots of the tree, and several young leaves bloomed. The color of the young leaves is different from the original, a little yellowish. Not far away, Chu Jungui took in all this. He urged Hongyun to burn the last few monsters to death, then flew to the cactus and carefully inspected it. The cactus was motionless and seemed like a normal cactus. But the moment it pulled out its roots, the radiation intensity Chu Jungui sensed instantly increased 20 times! With such intensity of radiation, even Chu Jungui could not stay for long. At this moment, there was no movement in the cactus, so Chu Jungui did not dare to act casually.

action. I remember when Chu Jun returned home, he used to carry cactus with him and throw them around as a strategic weapon. If the cactus at that time had the root system it has today, Chu Jungui would have been knocked out of the real dream and re-educated. At this time, Kaitian also flew over. It condensed a piece of green light and slashed at the corpse of a strange beast, cutting it in half. Kaitian sucked out a drop of blood from the corpse of the monster and zoomed in to observe. The surface of blood cells has become

It was badly damaged, and the protein and genetic material inside had been torn into several pieces. The terrifying radiation had already shattered the inside of the cells, so the monster died instantly. Kaitian’s observation was naturally shared with Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui looked around again. Less than half of the beasts were dead or injured, and the rest were staying not far away. They didn't dare to get close, but they also refused to leave. It seems that the cactus is their shelter, protecting them from the dangers of strange beasts.

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