God is Coming

Chapter 1265 Cleaning up

Chu Jungui tried to touch the data interface on the cactus, and then there was a buzzing sound, and each thorn on the cactus stretched a length, revealing the second half of the metal spikes. The surface of the exposed spikes exuded a misty light, and in the eyes of Chu Jungui and Kai Tian, ​​they were countless data interfaces. Chu Jungui looked around. In Disnuo's field of vision, the cactus was burning with raging golden flames, and the fire pillar rose to more than 10 meters high! The flame is actually a

There are at least five million tiny data interfaces!

This number immediately made Chu Jungui, who had just crossed the 10,000 mark, very melancholy. Of course, Kaitian next to him was also very melancholy.

The cactus swayed slightly, and the flames flickered, as if it was an invitation. It's a pity that the cactus has fallen flowers, but the two non-human beings are really useless. They can only stare at them with big eyes and small eyes, not even daring to touch them. By the standards of the main body of Desno civilization, 5 million interfaces is definitely high-end. Based on the data capacity of Chu Jungui and Kaitian, the consequence of rash contact is probably that the huge energy will instantly dismantle the protons, and even the original

No one is immune.

The cactus seemed to sigh and lazily put away the flame, ignoring the two losers.

"After setting up the transmitting tower, let's discuss it with the rabbit first. Maybe it knows what it is." Kaitian suggested.

This is the only possible way. Chu Jungui wrote down the coordinates here, returned to the flight platform, and continued to arrange the launch tower with Kaitian. The current situation has gradually exceeded Chu Jungui's ability, and he urgently needs to find the doctor. After obtaining Disno's information, the flight platform was also modified, with the speed increased to 1,000 kilometers and unlimited endurance. About 12 hours later, Chu Jungui completed the installation of the three transmission towers. The position at this time is leaving the camp

The ground was getting closer, Chu Jungui decided to go back to the camp to have a look, and if there was no problem, he would go to the shelter. Cacti are obviously very safe in the wild, at least safer than Chu Jungui.

After flying for more than two hours, the camp was already in sight. But right next to the camp, a purple column of smoke rose into the sky! "Weird beast!" Kaitian's field of vision was relatively far, and he first discovered the abnormality. The flying platform immediately moved forward at full speed. Not only that, Kaitian and Chu Jungui were both using environmental energy to accelerate the platform. The speed of the flying platform surges to 1,500 kilometers

, shot towards the camp. There were still a few kilometers away from the camp, so Chu Jungui and Kaitian both left the platform and flew directly to the battlefield. From this distance, you can see that the purple smoke column is actually a herd of monsters as big as swifts.

Purple-black smoke was continuously emitted during flight, and large groups of swifts circled back and forth, forming a purple tornado that went straight into the sky. On the ground below are overwhelming monsters. Most of them are small, only the size of hounds, but they move like lightning and can easily jump more than ten meters high. The main force on the ground is a large monster with a head as big as an elephant, walking heavily

Step by step, approaching the camp. A simple wall has been built around the camp, but it is obviously not enough to resist the monsters. Chu Jungui was very aware of this when it was first built, so the support of the defense system was actually more than a dozen guard towers surrounding the camp.

. These guard towers have a wide view, can cover each other, and are extremely strong. Even if a large monster bumps into it, it will just shake. When the strange beast is knocked dizzy, it will become the target of concentrated fire and be beaten into a sieve in the blink of an eye. On the guard tower in the center, Lin Xi stood in the bunker and fired rapidly. Instead of a gun, she used a specially made bow and arrow. Both her arms were emitting light, and the compound bow seemed like a toy in her hands. The sharp arrows were almost connected in a straight line, splashing into the group of strange beasts. When a sharp arrow hits a monster, it will sink directly into it, and then a large pile of flesh and blood will suddenly explode out of the entrance. The original small wound will turn into a terrifying gap as thick as a bucket, deep and deep.

No bottom. Smaller monsters will even be blown into two pieces. Lin Xi's shooting speed has long exceeded human limits. He can shoot three to four hundred arrows in at least one minute. Each arrow is as powerful as one, enough to kill the most powerful monster in an instant. And she has shot hundreds of thousands of arrows without any signs of exhaustion.

. What is surprising is the two Jolly Roger explorers. One throws stones, each stone has the power of a large-caliber bullet, and the other throws out handfuls of wire. These wires, cut into half-meter sections, are sharp when flying.

Incomparably, and silently, the beasts were cut into pieces until their flesh and blood flew everywhere. The three ability users are extremely lethal, and the output of other explorers is not weak with the camp's advanced weapons. However, they were able to block the monsters for so long because of the black mist floating in front of the camp's defense line. As soon as the monster touches

If there is mist, they will suddenly lose their direction, wander around in place, or simply turn around and charge. However, there are too many monsters, and the attacks are overwhelming, and the camp is already in danger. At this moment, pieces of light green bamboo leaves suddenly fell from the sky, flying one after another, and beams of light fell from the sky, as if the kingdom of heaven had opened its door. Under the illumination of the light beam, the purple-black smoke evaporated quickly, and the swifts flying like tornadoes emitted green smoke one after another, burning and falling. The purple-black smoke dissipated, and the beast below immediately lost its fighting power, as if it hadn't eaten enough. The bamboo leaves had fallen, stuck to the monster, and then disappeared after flashing for a few times. Along with the bamboo leaves, large pieces of stuck flesh and blood disappeared. In an instant, a large number of monsters appeared on their bodies.

Big hole. Even though the beasts had strong vitality, they could not withstand such injuries and fell to the ground one by one and died.

The explorers in the camp knew that reinforcements were coming, so they cheered up and attacked with all their strength, killing all the monsters that had slipped through the net.

At this time, Chu Jungui and Kaitian were still almost within attacking range. Before they could take action, the huge group of strange beasts were killed?

A clear figure appeared in the sky. He looked like he was in his early 30s. He was the doctor.

"Doctor!" Chu Jungui was surprised and happy, and he flashed in front of the doctor.

"I'll come over after receiving your signal." "It's great that you're here!" Chu Jungui said this from the heart. Now the development of the situation has gradually left the scope of his ability. The key is to follow Disino Once civilization surfaced, things gradually turned to the realm of basic science.

Chu Jungui's computing power is strong, but it does not mean that his research ability is also strong. Just like many people are good at solving problems, but they are a mess when it comes to scientific research. In the field of science, Chu Jungui could not catch up with Ph.D. But the doctor in front of me is a little different from what I remember. Chu Jungui could see at a glance that half of the doctor's left arm was missing, but there were more differences besides that. He looked carefully and suddenly realized that the doctor looked much younger, in his early 30s at most. It’s just that the doctor has done clever detail processing. In Chu Jungui’s perception, many detailed data adjustments cancel each other out, so Chu Jungui, who is accustomed to digital thinking, suddenly

I didn't notice such an obvious difference.

The doctor said nothing about changing his appearance, fell to the ground, and said, "This is your camp? You have gathered so many people from the Federation and the Community, are they still honest?"

"No one is here who is dishonest." Chu Jungui said honestly. The doctor nodded and said: "This time is different from the past. We don't need so many people, only elites. So if there are any dishonest people, just clean them up. Oh, by the way, I just checked the entry device before coming in this time. Adjustments have been made, and the chance of successful resurrection after death here has increased by 10 times. Well, the increase has only just passed half. While it will take some time for the facility adjustments to take effect, hurry up and clean up your camp."

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