God is Coming

Chapter 1266 Little Secret

All community and federation explorers broke out in a cold sweat. The strength shown by the doctor when he appeared was enough to crush the entire audience, and he killed most of the monsters with a wave of his hand. Whoever he wants to clean up must be cleaned up. fierce at this time

Damian couldn't help but feel happy. Fortunately, he saw the opportunity early, worked conscientiously, and didn't do anything to disgrace Chu Jungui. But Kaitian, who had been hiding behind him, suddenly ran over and whispered a few words in the doctor's ear. Chu Jungui didn't even hear what Kaitian said. This guy was just pretending to speak, but actually transmitted it directly to the doctor.

The data.

The doctor was thoughtful and looked at Lin Xi first. Lin Xi felt nervous for a while and felt a little guilty. However, the doctor's eyes did not linger on Lin Xi, but fell on Ronald and waved to him.

Ronald was still very aware of current affairs. He came to the doctor honestly and said hello.

The doctor glanced at Ronald and said: "As one of the bosses behind the community intelligence system, Duke Ronald has kept a low profile!"

Ronald smiled bitterly: "Don't make such a joke. I almost died here. What's the use of my outside identity?"

The doctor said: "It's really useless. If you die now, you are really dead. Take him out and kill him!"

Ronald was shocked: "Wait, is there some misunderstanding? I..."

As soon as the doctor finished speaking, Kaitian appeared behind Ronald. An invisible seal sealed Ronald's mouth. Then the rope tied Ronald's hands and carried him out of the camp.

Ronald struggled desperately, no longer covering up this time, and turned his head desperately to look at Lin Xi. Lin Xi hesitated for a moment, then stood up and stopped Kaitian.

"Get out of the way." Kaitian didn't give Lin Xi any face.

Lin Xi ignored Kai Tian and instead appealed to the doctor: "Doctor, as far as I know, Ronald has done nothing wrong and has not harmed the dynasty. Is that right..."

"I didn't say he did anything wrong, I just planned to kill him."

Lin Xi was stunned. She never expected that the doctor didn't even bother to make up a reason. She could only say: "Even if this is a battlefield and Ronald is now a prisoner of war, he shouldn't be killed at will, right?"

The doctor looked at Lin Xi calmly and said, "Why, aren't you going to obey my order?"

"There is a war convention in war, and the dynasty has signed it. Your orders cannot violate the laws of the dynasty." Lin Xi argued with reason. "If the subject that makes the law no longer exists, then the law itself is meaningless. Our actions here are directly related to the survival of mankind. Unfortunately, there are always some people who are self-righteous and do not think they can operate from it.

, get something. The doctor walked up to Ronald, put his hand on his head, and said, "What you did was not big, and the target you chose was good. Your technique was delicate, and it was just right to disgust us." But these methods of yours are useless in front of me.

Use it, I won’t reason with you. If you still wake up, remember not to be so clever next time. "

Ronald's face turned pale, and before he could ask for mercy, a green light lit up in the doctor's hand, his head disappeared into thin air, and the break on his neck was extremely smooth.

A stream of blood shot out from the headless corpse, turning into a rain of blood in the air, and then spread over Kaitian's body, evaporating all the blood droplets without even a drop falling to the ground.

Lin Xi was stunned and didn't know what to say. The doctor came to her and said: "This guy is a psychology expert, but psychology is not a profound subject. You can be considered a psychology expert. I can also say so. Jun Gui and Kai Tian are also, and many people here are.

Why are you being targeted? "

Lin Xi wanted to argue that she and Ronald just met by chance, but the words of defense were stuck in her throat and she did not speak out. Ronald's headless body fell to the ground. At this time, all the explorers in the camp were watching, and no one spoke. The explorers spontaneously gathered into three groups, divided into dynasties, communities and federations. Nothing for Dr.

Ronald was killed for a reason, and no one raised any objection, or in other words, no one dared to raise it. The doctor glanced at everyone and said: "Although there is indeed a way out outside, I came in this time and was prepared not to get out alive again. Closing the passage is our only goal. Under this premise,

Our team has only two principles: obedience and ease of use. Friends on the left, from now on it is best to forget about your community identity and the tasks assigned to you by your superiors. "The community explorers headed by Damian were all silent. The doctor made it very clear that the device outside has not yet taken effect. As for Ronald, who has no personal relationship with them, he will die as soon as he dies. Not to mention that he will not It's true

of innocence. Lin Xi only felt that something was blocking her chest, which was indescribably uncomfortable. What the doctor did had completely exceeded her bottom line, but she also knew that things were not that simple. She couldn't help but wonder, could it really be

Are you wrong? What's wrong?

After the doctor gave a brief speech, he asked Chu Jungui to follow him to Chu Jungui's office and closed the door.

The doctor looked at Chu Jungui for a while and then said, "Do you still have any thoughts about Lin Xi?"

"No." Chu Jungui denied.

"Then why did you keep that Ronald for so long? He used Lin Xi to openly provoke you. Why didn't you kill him the first time and wait until I came to wipe your ass?"

Chu Jungui said helplessly: "In that case, Lin Xi will definitely leave."

"Leave? What qualifications does she have to leave? I remember that I have authorized you to take full charge of management. Any dynasty explorer must obey your orders unconditionally. If they disobey, there are clear regulations on how to deal with it. Are these just decorations?"

Chu Jungui was speechless when asked.

The doctor softened his tone and said: "Lin Xi has abilities that others do not have, so it is reasonable to have fewer restrictions on her. However, the laxity of the rules cannot be based on your concessions, it can only be the opposite."

"I understand." In fact, there is no need for the doctor to remind Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui is very clear that with the differences in the ability of explorers in real dreams, there are ceiling-level figures such as the doctor, Austin, and McMillan, as well as Hathaway and Lin Xi. Among the ability users in the middle, there are also people with basic abilities. Of course, the most common ones are ordinary explorers. With the stratification of abilities, the gap between people with different abilities becomes wider and wider, and power will inevitably be tilted towards those who are strong.

. If you don't do this, those strong people will take the privileges themselves. The doctor was no longer serious, patted Chu Jungui on the shoulder, and said: "Actually, Lin Xi and Hathaway are both good. If it weren't for Hathaway, then you really have no choice. From my perspective, of course I hope You want both,

Ha ha! "

Chu Jungui saw sweat on his forehead and said, "This is not good."

"Of course, why not? To be honest, when I heard that little girl Hathaway gave birth to a baby, I almost wanted to catch you and take you to the laboratory for breeding. According to normal theory, you shouldn't be able to have children. ." Chu Jungui said nothing, this was considered a little secret.

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