God is Coming

Chapter 1267 Enough is Enough

Fortunately, the doctor didn't intend to pry into the privacy of this area. He changed the topic back to the original topic and said, "If you want to give Lin Xi some convenience, that's your business. Anyway, that Ronald is already killed by me. Haha, see you here

There were so many outsiders, and I originally wanted to kill a few first to establish rules, but I didn't expect that there would be such a good material. "

At this time, Chu Jungui got the opportunity to ask: "What's wrong with your hand?" The doctor raised his left arm with only half left, and said: "That old guy MacMillan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he has been secretly studying real dreams. As soon as I came in, he locked his position and led people to surround me. Haha, a total of 20 ability users are really generous. That is the main force of the community, and the rest are cannon fodder to attract attention. As for this one The hand was lost by the old guy MacMillan's daughter. The little girl is very powerful, almost more powerful than the old guy. Her ability is very special, and it directly erases the existence of my hand, and all my genes All changed accordingly. Now I can no longer rely on my own ability to be reborn, I must cultivate a

A new arm was attached. "Chu Jungui was shocked. In other words, the doctor's hand has been permanently lost. The newly cultivated arm is not a part of his body, but a foreign biochemical organ. The doctor cloned himself.

He also had a broken arm.

And has such a weird ability? However, human biochemical organs have long been popularized, and technology is not a bottleneck. With the blessing of God Snow's technology, high-level biochemical arms can be created in real dreams, so Chu Jungui is not very worried. Next, Chu Jun returns to the details

Xi told the doctor about his experience in the shelter, and the doctor became more serious as he listened.

The doctor and Chu Jungui talked in secret behind closed doors, while Lin Xi watched from a distance and didn't open the door even after half an hour passed. She was a little upset and went directly to Kaitian, ready to talk to it.

Kaitian followed Lin Xi outside the camp. Lin Xi asked directly: "Did you tell the doctor about Ronald?"

"It's me." Kaitian admitted directly.

"His crime is not worthy of death..." Kaitian interrupted Lin Xi: "Now it is not a question of the scale of punishment, but that he tried to sabotage a critical mission at a critical moment. We don't have the time or energy to play those little tricks with him. , it just so happens that the doctor wants to kill someone to establish his authority.

, it can only be said that he is unlucky. I don't understand why you keep insisting on this matter? "

Hearing that Kaitian had replaced you with you at some point, Lin Xi took a deep breath and said, "I just feel that a person's life should not be so contemptible."

Kaitian said: "There are so many human beings, and one Ronald is insignificant. Sorry, I am not a human being, and I don't think human life is very precious. This is even more true for individual humans."

Lin Xi suppressed her anger and asked: "Since you think human life is not valuable, why did you tell the doctor... about it?" What she wanted to say was "slander", but her cultivation told her to These three words were taken back. "Because he is indirectly provoking the master through you. The master is confused for a moment and has been tolerating it. But I don't have those useless human emotions. I have given him a warning, but he didn't take it seriously. I know that the master cares about your feelings.

, was very embarrassed, so he chose to tell the doctor and let the doctor handle it. "

Lin Xi sighed softly and said, "I know he cares about my mood, and this is my fault. However, you can also handle it a little more tactfully..." Kaitian interrupted Lin Xi: "For me, Your feelings are not important at all, I only care about the master's feelings. The time I allocated on this matter has been used up, and what should be explained has been explained clearly. Now I have to go back

, the master and the doctor will set off soon. "

Kaitian didn't listen to Lin Xi's feedback and turned around to leave.

Lin Xi stood there blankly. She finally understood that Kaitian was kind and obedient to her in the past only because Chu Jun returned.

At this time, a wave of air blew from the direction of the camp, and the flying platform took off again, flying quickly towards the rocky hillside. Lin Xi watched the flying platform go away, and suddenly felt a strong sense of unreality. Is she being ignored? Lin Xi has been the center of attention since she was a child. After entering the military academy, she became a celebrity in the entire military academy circle. Even in the darkest times when family changes occurred, she was still the focus, the core of all kinds of deals and rumors.

There are even big shots who are willing to get her at the cost of taking out half of the Lin family. Never, ever, had she been ignored. But think about the three people on the platform. Kaitian is not a human being, Chu Jungui can only be regarded as half, and it can only be said to be the outer skin. It is difficult to say how much of the inside is human. As for the Doctor, he is human on the surface, but his brain is probably not the same as that of a human.

If they are related, they are distant relatives at most. Perhaps in the human world, Lin Xicai has always been the focus, and it is difficult to talk about the aesthetics of alien creatures.

But this thought couldn't comfort herself, because Lin Xi suddenly thought of Hathaway. In the darkest moment, she suddenly encountered the strongest opponent, and she could only sigh.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly a gust of hot wind blew from my head. Lin Xi looked up and found that the flying platform had come back at some point and stayed above her head.

"Come up on your own, do you still need me to pull you?" came the doctor's voice from above. For a moment, there seemed to be countless fireworks blooming above Lin Xi's head. She looked at the platform hovering a hundred meters in the air, gritted her teeth, and jumped up with all her strength. But she can't fly after all, and the gravity of the real dream is not low. She jumps with all her strength.

I only jumped more than 60 meters before I was exhausted, and I was still far from the platform. Lin Xi's waist suddenly tightened, and Chu Jungui appeared behind her, holding her waist and flying her up to the platform. After boarding the platform, the doctor pointed to the seat. Lin Xi chose a seat and sat down. Chu Jungui returned to the front.

in the operating area, together with Dr. Kaitian. While sitting alone, Lin Xi's heart started to beat wildly. There was silence on the platform, but Lin Xi could vaguely feel a strange atmosphere, as if she had entered an electrostatic field and felt her hair fluttering. She knew that Chu Jungui, Doctor and Kaitian were communicating in a special way again.

But at this time, she just pretended not to know and looked sideways at the rapidly retreating clouds on both sides.

The speed of the flying platform quickly increased to 1,000 kilometers. The entire platform was covered by an invisible shield and there was no wind pressure at all. At this time, the doctor was blaming Chu Jungui through the data: "I'm not telling you, why can't you seize any chance? If I hadn't thrown you down just now, would you have just watched her fall? What else could you say about lowering the level? point height

, if she really lowered her height, wouldn’t she just jump up on her own? "Chu Jungui was obedient and could not talk back. While scolding him, the doctor also sent him dozens of formulas. They were not complicated, but extremely difficult. They could not be cracked by force alone. So Chu Jungui mostly mind

They were all used to solve the formula, and only half of it was solved after the doctor finished cursing. After his anger subsided a little, the doctor said: "If you don't take her with you this time, she will really leave. Everything in Kaitian is centered on you. It's normal to have a bad attitude towards her, but you can't do it. You should stop getting angry in moderation." .from now on

, things of the past are past. "

Chu Jungui nodded in agreement.

"Go on." The data channel between the three people was running at full speed again. Kaitian and Chu Jungui continued to transmit Disno's data to the doctor, and the doctor fed back several formulas from time to time, which Chu Jungui and Kaitian used Analyze the environment's computing power and then feed the results back to the doctor. This process is for the doctor to absorb and digest the scientific and technological achievements of Desnuo. He compared and analyzed Desno's technology with real dreams and the real universe, and thus gained a deeper and deeper understanding of the universe.

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