God is Coming

Chapter 1268 All data

The flying platform soon reached the shelter. As everyone filed in, the door at the end of the passage opened automatically, and the rabbit was lying on the console, transforming into several fireworks to welcome them. Then it looked at the doctor and Lin Xi and said, "This is

Are they the human cubs you recruited? It's okay, not fat, and enough. "

"Cub?" Chu Jungui was a little confused.

"It's only a few dozen years old. What is it if it's not a cub?" Rabbit asked.

A smile broke out on the doctor's face and he said, "There's nothing wrong with that. Shall we get started?" Chu Jungui was stunned for a moment before he realized that Disnuo's individual life was long, and that Disnuo had been in the real dreamland since he was born. Humans live for 3 million years. But according to the information, he died early because he was stuck here and could not enter the human universe and could not be replenished. Then his real dream was invaded by Crimson. Otherwise, given that the lives of the Disno people can easily reach tens of millions of years, he can only be said to be a young man. In the eyes of rabbits, humans who are several decades old may be

Newborn baby. Chu Jungui and Rabbit explained the purpose of their trip, which was mainly to make adjustments to the doctor, and then play back to the doctor the information left by the creator of the real dream. Chu Jungui had already discovered that there were too many things in that information that were difficult to understand or even interpret, but the information was definitely useful, which required a doctor to decipher. In addition, since Lin Xi is also here, let's adjust it to Lin Xi. However, Chu Jungui specifically proposed that the adjustment range must be very large.

Chang Be careful, Lin Xi is not Chu Jungui or Kaitian. Her body is very fragile and cannot withstand the erosion of massive data.

Rabbit had no objection and started the adjustment process. The doctor first stood into the beam of light, and then was overwhelmed by the endless beam of light. A few minutes later, the doctor walked out of the light beam, a little unsteady as if he was drunk. He shook his head vigorously, and suddenly thin lines of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, mouth and nose. The color of the blood is very light, and there is something strange about it

pink. Chu Jungui hurried over to support the doctor. The doctor did not refuse and leaned on Chu Jungui. After a few minutes, he recovered a little and said weakly: "It's really strong."

"Are you okay?"

The doctor shook his head and said: "I almost died, but I was careless. Fortunately, I survived, and there are many benefits." As the doctor said, he stretched out his left arm. The arm that was originally broken at the elbow suddenly began to twist and grow. New flesh and blood continued to extend from the fracture, and finally a new hand grew. This hand was slender and powerful, no different from a normal human hand, but Chu Jungui just felt that something was wrong. As the doctor moved his new hand, each finger could be bent and twisted at will, like the tentacles of a mollusk. Only then did Chu Jungui realize that what he had just felt was from

Where did it come from. The doctor stretched out his hand to grasp it, and a very strong magnetic field suddenly appeared in front of his five fingers, and many small objects containing metal floated. Then the doctor stretched out his index finger, the tip of his finger lit up with a little fiery light, and then shot out a thin light

Wire. The light flashed away and hit the opposite wall, but it left no trace on the wall. However, Chu Jungui knew that light had terrifying cutting power and could directly break the material it came into contact into into protons. Any human alloy would be vulnerable to the light beam. The Doctor can emit cutting beams directly with his fingers.

That's all. What's scary is that this light shoots towards the opposite wall, but closes before it touches the wall. This means that the doctor's conscious reaction speed can already operate light-speed matter in a small range.

After the doctor came Lin Xi, but the doctor stopped her and said to Chu Jungui: "Give me her data."

"What data?"

"All the data. If she goes in like this, it will explode. With the data, I can make some adjustments to this device so that she can use it. There is a room over there. You can go in."

Lin Xi didn't know why, so she followed Chu Jungui into the bedroom. Then Chu Jungui hesitated for a moment and closed the door.

Lin Xi asked curiously: "What kind of data do you want? Don't you know all my data? Even if you don't know, wouldn't you know it by scanning it with your eyes?" Chu Jungui felt a little embarrassed. Lin Xi was very aware of his abilities. Chu Jungui's eyes could be accurately measured and scanned in multiple fields. Many types of beams had the same see-through effect as X-rays. Combining multiple methods, a very detailed panoramic image will finally be obtained. Therefore, as long as Chu Jungui is allowed to circle around him, it will be no different from being naked, and even more detailed than being naked. Naturally, it will not be revealed until the critical moment.

Jun Gui would definitely not use this ability. After all, the amount of data generated was too large. With his ability at the time, the data for just a few people would be saturated.

Now Chu Jungui has been completely reborn. Data can be stored in the environment. It doesn't matter how many people are there. Their data can also be stored on themselves.

So after asking, Lin Xi went to that stop and closed her eyes. But her rapid breathing betrayed her mood.

Chu Jungui had no choice but to explain: "Doctor means...all the data."

"What do you mean?" Lin Xi asked. This is not everything, so what kind of everything is needed? Chu Jungui explained in detail: "The human body structure is too different from that of Desno. Although the original creators tried their best to adjust the equipment to adapt to multiple species, they still underestimated the differences between races and universes. This adjustment is from Comprehensive adjustment from the inside out, from the inside out, does not refer to the inside and outside of the body, but the inside and outside of proteins and various molecules. It will happen in every cell at the same time, so once an accident occurs, it will not be shattered to pieces.

Rather, all molecules will be dismantled. People instantly become random particles. So I didn't let you in last time because I knew you wouldn't be able to bear it. "

"How could Doctor?" "Doctor, his internal structure has been... adjusted." Chu Jungui said it very euphemistically, to the effect that the Doctor's internal structure had been changed beyond recognition. After all, as the top scientist of mankind, the doctor must have some limitations on the body.

There are many dissatisfactions. If there are any useful new technologies, they must be used on themselves first.

Lin Xi gritted his teeth, calmed down, and said, "Okay! Then you don't have to ask how comprehensive it is, just do it!"

"This... how about I explain it first..."

Lin Xi snorted and said, "Don't waste time, I told you to do it yourself. Why, you still want me to take it off myself?"

"I did not mean that……"

"What does that mean? No need to take off?"

"It's not..."

Lin Xi grabbed Chu Jungui's chest, lifted him in front of her, and said, "Then stop talking nonsense and get to work!" Then she closed her eyes. Chu Jungui paused for a moment, and finally untied her clothes.

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