God is Coming

Chapter 1269 Request

Lin Xi closed her eyes and felt the air blowing on her skin, giving her a slight chill. Then a warm current flowed down from top to bottom, covering the whole body, as if soaking in hot water, feeling warm and comfortable. She suddenly seemed to be affected

I shuddered due to the stimulation, my whole body tightened, and then slowly relaxed again.

"Chu Jun is back." Lin Xi suddenly called out.

"What, are you feeling uncomfortable? You'll be fine soon." Lin Xi did not open her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, but her strong body control allowed her to control her muscles, making her body appear calm, and her voice was also calm: "I only have one Request, you must do it. Do you remember to agree?

Two things for me? "

"What are the requirements? Tell me." "I want you to write down all the data you have obtained now. You are not allowed to delete a single byte! Moreover, it must be recorded in your mind, or in the part of your body that is currently used for thinking. You are not allowed to write it down casually. Find a corner and stuff it in, then

Never mind again! "

Chu Jungui paused for a moment, then continued, saying, "I promise you." The data collection finally ended, and Chu Jungui and Lin Xi came out of the room. Rabbit, Doctor and Kaitian were surrounding a floating light ball, motionless. From time to time, a band of light floated on the light ball, and then entered an inhuman place.


Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Lin Xi's blushing face became a little normal. In Chu Jungui's eyes, the ball of light was actually tens of thousands of data interfaces gathered together. Doctors and other non-human beings were absorbing data through the interfaces. There is so much data left by the creator that it fills the entire real dream. Now

What can be extracted is just a drop in the ocean. Chu Jungui woke up the doctor and handed over the data. A few minutes later, the doctor came to the console, raised his modified left hand, and fired a beam of light to connect to the console. Then the ceiling opened and the light beam fell again. this

The surface texture of the primary light beam continued to adjust as the light strips flickered from the doctor's fingers, and finally turned into a faint blue with diamond-shaped patterns covering the surface.

"She needs two adjustments, 2 hours and 45 minutes each time. There needs to be a 12-hour gap between the two times. Start now!"

Lin Xi followed the instructions and walked into the light pillar, and was immediately immersed in the faint blue light wave.

"What will be the effect of her adjustment?" Chu Jungui asked. The doctor said: "It is roughly equivalent to one-third of ours. After all, she is a human being, and the range of optimization that can be done is limited. In addition, this shelter can not mobilize many resources, and the rest is only enough for her alone. I originally

I was also thinking about leaving some for the little girl of that old guy MacMillan. There is still some time, and I just made some new discoveries, maybe I can know more secrets of the creator. You all come here, I need your computing power. "

Chu Jungui, Kaitian and Rabbit all came over, and then the doctor said to Rabbit: "You don't need it, it's too young."

Rabbit was helpless. Fortunately, this was not the first time he had been discriminated against. In the past, Kaitian had always disliked him, so he was used to it. Chu Jungui slowly relaxed his body according to the doctor's request, and then a ray of light fell from the ceiling and shone on him. Chu Jungui immediately felt that countless cells throughout his body were mobilized and began to operate at high speed. these cells

Although it is still in the body, it is no longer under Chu Jungui's control, but relies on certain external instructions to move on its own. This feeling is very strange, a feeling of being constantly being drained.

Not long after the doctor entered the shelter, he was already able to operate it freely. He made some fine adjustments. Chu Jungui obviously felt that the burden on his body was getting heavier, but it was just within the tolerance range. After adjusting everything, the doctor used the entertainment platform as a chair and said: "The creator left a lot of information, part of which is in his message, which you have not been able to successfully interpret. The other part is actually in the environment, maybe the creator

The creator doesn't know it exists either. Now what we're doing is trying to extract data from the environment. "

At this time, Chu Jungui suddenly discovered that a faint light person appeared on his body. Guangren's appearance and figure are exactly the same as Chu Jungui's, but Chu Jungui has no sense of it at all and cannot control it. When Guangren walked to the center of the room, the locker suddenly opened, and large particles flew into Guangren's body. The light person slowly began to materialize, and finally turned into a silver-gray person. The texture could not be determined to be metal or non-metal. Then countless data light strips appeared in the air and were linked to the doll. As the environmental data poured in, the doll began to glow, and then its shape began to change. A pair of eyes appeared on the cheeks on both sides, and then on the neck, chest, arms and even

Both legs are covered with eyes. All eyes suddenly came to life at the same moment, turning around and looking around. Chu Jungui was stared at by dozens of pairs of eyes at the same time, and subconsciously felt a chill on his back. He also found that the doll's appearance began to change, becoming less and less like him, and eventually no longer looked like a human at all. Its main eye is made of

It is made up of hundreds of smiling eyes, its mouth is extremely large, its nose has multiple nostrils, and its ears have completely disappeared. Its hand is completely boneless like the doctor's left hand, and its fingers are exceptionally long and can move freely.

In the blink of an eye, the doll turned into a monster, strange and ferocious.

"If the creator of Desno successfully enters our universe, this is its most likely image." The doctor said. Chu Jungui instinctively felt that it was impossible. He had seen the Desno civilization individuals in the data. They were mist-like life forms like the sky. They had no fixed form and could be very huge, covering more than ten light years.

, life is also very long, the average life span is tens of millions of years. This also allows the Desno civilization, which has only one million individuals, to control multiple galaxies similar to the size of the Milky Way. Seeing that Chu Jungui was a little puzzled, the doctor explained: "From the current data, the basic structure of the universe where the Desno civilization is located is dark matter. The two universes overlap in human perception, but in fact the dimensions are not the same. We You cannot perceive everything in that universe normally, and the same goes for them. The reason why you think that the Disno people are mist-like beings with no fixed shape is due to the influence of your own perception system and knowledge structure. You can only understand it like this In the same way, the Creator has been trying to understand our universe for the past 3 million years. It has worked hard to form this doll. This is its concept of human beings. This concept is in some sense

In a sense, it is compatible with the Desno universe and our universe. It is the intersection of the two universes, similar to a real dream. "

"With this concept, it is possible for us to extract the data recorded in the environment, not just the information left by the creator." The doll had stopped changing at this time, and the vitality in its eyes became more and more obvious, and it began to pay attention to Chu Key points in the environment include Jungui, Doctor, Kaitian and Rabbit. It suddenly opened its mouth and let out a series of noisy sounds of unknown meaning. This noise-like sound changes tens of thousands of times in one second. Ordinary human ears cannot hear this sound at all, but the body will be affected. If exposed to this sound, it only takes a few seconds for the human body to

Basic molecules will be completely destroyed, and a large amount of material carrying unknown information will be inserted into the genetic material. If he had not died on the spot, the offspring would have been a monster of unknown shape.

The puppet's sound lasted for a minute, changing into millions of sounds. Finally, its eyes shot out countless thin rays of light. The doctor, rabbit and others immediately understood, and light strips floated out of the body, connecting to the light.

Chu Jungui also followed suit, sending out his own data interface and linking it to the puppet's light. His consciousness was immediately filled with a voice so loud that it could shake everything:

"Why...why do I appear here?"

"Who are you?" asked the doctor. "I am Emeglia..." The doll said a name. This name only has a few syllables, but it can be broken down into countless parts, each part containing a huge amount of information. If recorded in human words, then this

A name will be hundreds of millions of words long, including its birth, main experiences, and major events of its tribe and universe.

Chu Jungui almost exploded at the name in an instant. Fortunately, the doctor stopped using his body's computing power in time, so that he was not burned.

The puppet was silent for a few seconds, as if it was seeing some data, and then spoke again: "I remembered, I am the creator, the engineer of this space. You are the life of the unknown universe, I succeeded?" The light flickered violently, and after a moment he said: "...It turns out, I failed."

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