God is Coming

Chapter 1271 Derived natural disasters

Chu Jungui now knows something about Desnuo, and also knows that concepts are the core of Desnuo civilization and the source of individual strength. The concept of Disno individuals exists in every corner and every dimension of the surrounding space. These concepts can be considered part of their body. Just like a real dream, when the creator is still alive, every place here is a part of his body. No matter how humans move or destroy here, they cannot affect the concept of the creator's existence. Even if the entire mountain range is blown up, the creator will still not be harmed at all. And with his thoughts, the concept will change. Simply put, he only needs to think about it,

The shattered mountains will be reorganized. In the universe of Desno, the development of civilization is even more exaggerated. Even if the star is blown up, the powerful Desno can still recover, but it will take some time and energy. The power of stellar explosions did not undermine the existence of Desno's concept. Only black holes in the universe at that time could shatter their concept. Therefore, Disno regarded the black hole as the final graveyard. In the core area of ​​the Disno civilization, they even artificially attracted a large number of black holes to gather together.

Together, the terrifying gravity formed an unprecedentedly huge galaxy cluster, which is said to be equivalent to 10 trillion galaxies.

Derived natural disasters can devour and transform Desino's concept of existence. This is no longer a question of the quantity of power, but a question of nature and level.

The doll continued to tell. When a few nearby Disno arrived, the original Disno had already lost half of his body. Derived Scourge used his body and power to create a large number of bizarre creations, which ranged between living and non-living things.

It is difficult to say whether they are intelligent or not. However, unlike the derivative natural disasters, these creations are all products of this universe. They can be destroyed, but they only need to consume certain resources. Several Desnos worked together to eliminate all the creation legions, and then erased the imprint of the derived natural disaster. After confirming that all traces of the derived natural disasters had been removed, they destroyed the singularity and took the seriously injured Desno

leave. The universe that had been transformed by the derivative natural disaster was no longer suitable for Desnuo to survive. No concepts could be put there, and it could not become a part of Desnuo's body. It was a bit difficult to understand when the story was told here, so the doll explained it in detail. In Disno's eyes, the void of the universe is not empty. The void is also the carrier of concepts, no different from planets and stars.

The bodies of many Disno can span multiple light years. From the perspective of humans, their bodies are nothing but void. But in Disno's field of vision, the void is also very rich and full. But the derived natural disaster seemed to absorb and transform all concepts within the coverage area. When it was destroyed, the void completely turned from fertile land into a desert. That is the real place of death. To the universe, that area

The domain is inaccessible, untouchable, unmeasurable, indescribable, and no longer exists at all. A few Desinos believe that the danger still exists, but most Desinos believe that the singularity has been eliminated, and the universe where the natural disasters are derived has no intersection with their own universe. Continuing to study this singularity will lead to danger. Disno, who is in the minority, insists on his own opinion and wants to understand the nature of the natural disaster. They persisted in their research despite objections. In this way, one hundred thousand years have passed in the quarrels and debates, and the Desnos have not stopped expanding in the universe.

footsteps. The universe is so big that even the most outstanding Desno is no bigger than a grain of dust. And exploring the universe is Disno's nature. Just like that, 100,000 years later, derivative natural disasters appeared again in the corner of the universe. When a traveling Tisno discovered it, it already covered several galaxies and had a radius of more than 1 light-year. This Disno immediately and derived natural disasters

Fight, and at the same time pass the news to other Desno. This time Desnuo has attached great importance to the derived natural disasters, and many people arrived in a short time. After a fierce battle, the derived natural disasters were eliminated, and another dead place was added to the universe. This time, research shows that the emergence of derivative natural disasters is closely related to Disno's research on it, but there is no way to know the specific principle. But it must be related to research, because among the traces it left, there are those done by Desno

Conceptual traces of research. The few Disno who persisted in research were under tremendous pressure. Although they were among the most outstanding scientists and the most powerful figures in Disno, they were still no match for the public opinion of the overwhelming majority of Disno and were forced to

Give up research. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and at the far edge of the universe, derivative natural disasters have appeared again. It was discovered by Desno, a keen explorer. This time the battle was extremely fast, and this Disno only had time to send out a

The distress signal was swallowed up by natural disasters. The traveler's encounter shocked all Disno. They mobilized many Disno who were proficient in war, including three elites who had evolved to the warlord path, to form a powerful army and went to the traveler's encounter.

Difficult location. Such an army has been able to crush powerful civilizations in this universe in the past years, but this time it fell into a bitter battle.

After 200,000 years of tug-of-war, and three replenishment of troops in the process, Disno finally annihilated the massive derivative legions that spawned natural disasters. The number of large-scale derivative warships was in the trillions, and the small and medium-sized ones were completely uncountable. But this time Disno already knows that this is not the end. So Desno scientists resumed the study of derivative natural disasters, focusing on their origins, preferably the universe where they came from. However, the research has encountered great difficulties. The source of the natural disasters has no clue at all. The only thing that can be determined is that they are not products of this universe, but come from a universe with a huge difference in another dimension. There seems to be an essential difference between the two sides, so much so that the ontology of the natural disaster has no physical existence at all in the Disno universe. All battles rely on the legions of creation generated by transforming the space, energy and matter of this universe. Since all legions are derived from the natural disaster body,

The concept is derived from it, so it is called the Derivative Creation Legion by Disno, and the ontology is named the Derivative Natural Disaster. Not long after it was officially named, derivative natural disasters appeared again. This time it appeared at three singular points at the same time, and Desno mobilized in full force. The two sides launched a protracted war, and the war spread to hundreds of millions of light-years. When the war lasted 1.8 million years, Disno, who was already at a comprehensive disadvantage, dispatched the black hole, the largest cemetery of the ethnic group, out of desperation. Relying on the concepts that Disno had accumulated in it for hundreds of millions of years, he launched a final decisive battle with the derived natural disasters. This is Chu

The war that Jun Gui saw. Only then did Chu Jungui know some details of the final battle, and once again felt the doll's deep sadness. Using the remaining conceptual power of the dead Disno is actually equivalent to burning their bones and souls. Before his death, Desno deposited the concepts of existence in the core of the black hole. In fact, there was a glimmer of hope that when Desno's civilization further develops in the future, these concepts can be resurrected.

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