God is Coming

Chapter 1272 How to fight?

The more he knew about the history of Disno, the more desperate Chu Jungui became. The Desno civilization was extremely powerful, even beyond human imagination. Those powerful Desno individuals have enough space for all human beings to survive inside. Their fleet is extremely powerful, and each individual is a starship. Any one main starship exceeds the sum of all human starships. Their attacks have gone beyond the dimensions of physics and space-time, but have risen to the level of abstraction

The height of the concept. To be erased conceptually means to disappear from the past and present at the same time, and people cannot even remember that such a thing ever appeared.

"How can we fight here?" Kaitian was a little desperate and suggested: "We might as well give up and hide in the corner of the universe for as long as we can. Maybe we can survive until the end of our lives."

"We must at least fight for a chance for future generations! We can't escape!" Lin Xi, who had been listening silently, spoke up.

Kaitian immediately retorted: "I have no descendants, and neither do you!"

Lin Xi was speechless. Chu Jungui secretly evaluated in his mind that with the current human technology and the blessing of Desno, it is entirely possible to develop a new jump engine within a few years, increasing the maximum jump distance from the current less than 100 light years. Raise to more than 500 light years, then bring enough fuel and slowly escape into the depths of the universe. In this case, it is possible for humans to leave the Milky Way and go to other galaxies far away. Just the time spent traveling may be

Several human generations, maybe more. But this is just a temporary measure. The ability to generate natural disasters is obviously superior to that of Desno. They can fight across hundreds of millions of light years. No matter where humans hide, they will eventually be overtaken by it. It's hard to say how long this time will be. The current technological level of natural disasters in the human universe is a little worse than the top of mankind. Originally, many upper-level figures were still lucky, thinking that it might be at this level. Even Chu Jungui couldn't help it

Have a hint of fantasy. But the history of the Disno Universe shows that the derivative natural disasters are just adapting to the dimensions of the human universe. Once it makes a breakthrough, there will be earth-shaking changes. Because of this, Kaitian’s proposal is particularly attractive. You can't beat them anyway, so you might as well escape, so you can live for a while longer, or at least live your limited life to the end. Kaitian didn't know his lifespan, and Chu Jungui didn't know his own lifespan either, but even thinking about it, it was impossible for him to have a life span of tens of millions of years like Desnuo. A few thousand years was already an exaggeration. You can’t fly out of the Milky Way at this time, let alone other galaxies.

. The doctor is obviously a little moved. The battle needs to be between similar opponents to be meaningful. If the gap is too big, it is not a battle, but a massacre. He thought for a moment and said: "Keeping the fire of human civilization is indeed an option.

The data left by Egger inspired me a lot. After leaving, I am confident that I will develop a new jump engine within two years, which will directly span three major technological levels and can jump 1,000 light years at a time. "

Kaitian perked up and said, "Then we'll have more time."

"Not much more." The doctor shook his head.

"Why?" The doctor explained: "The ability to generate natural disasters is much higher than ours. After it adapts to the dimensions of our universe, it will develop incredibly fast. And after we develop a new jump engine, we will fall into a new bottle

Neck, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve a cross-generational breakthrough within a period of time. If we could originally strive for 10,000 years, now we are only striving for 11,000 years. "After a pause, the doctor said: "There is another problem, that is, the new engine will use brand-new energy, and the production quantity of new energy will be very limited. I estimate that only about one in 100,000 humans can sit

Get on a voyage ship. So who gets on the ship and who can only stay and wait to die? "Both Kaitian and Chu Jungui are familiar with human history, and they know very well that a full-scale war will inevitably occur in this situation, and it may be just enough to fill up the long-distance spacecraft. At that time, there is no need to cause natural disasters, and humans themselves will

It will destroy most of itself.

While several people were discussing, the puppet listened quietly and did not interrupt.

While talking, the doctor suddenly paused, then looked at the puppet, and asked seriously: "Are the derivative natural disasters a living thing?" This question made everyone startled. The puppet's light flashed, obviously retrieving data. After a full half hour, it said: "Only a little data was found. Disno has no answer to this question. Its behavior shows certain characteristics of life, but in the dimension of civilization, its performance It is full of contradictions. Until the end, the Great Mother did not know whether it was a civilization or an existence with only instincts. However, the Great Mother

The body is measured by Disno. If we use human standards, the threshold of wisdom is actually very low. "

At this time, there are still countless light points converging towards the shelter. Each light point is some mark left by Egg in this world, or a piece of data. Chu Jungui had tried his best to absorb the data at this time, but there was so much data that he felt like every cell was burning. At this time, the advantage of body size comes into play. The human body is too small.

Even the most basic data unit for Disno is not qualified. Now that the quality of Kaitian is several times that of Chu Jungui, it is much easier. These data are just attracted by the activation of the doll, and are just a very small scrap compared to Egger's original memory. Most of his memories were swallowed up by the festering sky that was transformed into a derivative natural disaster. Even so, the massive amount of data is simply not something Chu Jungui and others can afford. The reason why they are still barely alive is mainly because the doll acts as a reservoir. It intercepts most of the data and then allocates an appropriate amount of data according to their abilities.

It was given to three non-human beings. The doctor suddenly discovered something, so he took the initiative to apply and obtained a large amount of data from the doll. In an instant, the doctor showed an expression of extreme pain, and blood was oozing from all the skin, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a

Bloody man. Chu Jungui hurriedly mobilized his entire body and shared part of the data. Kaitian did the same. Even Lin Xi, who had just completed the adjustment, realized something was wrong and joined in to help share the data. With the combined efforts of several people, the doctor finally survived the most difficult second. At this time, what came out of his body was no longer blood, but light spots, like bright light mist, covering the surroundings. Chu Jungui stared at a point of light

, after zooming in, I found that it was actually filled with data, and then another homogeneous light spot was discharged by the doctor and gathered together with this one. So the light spot became a little bigger. In the blink of an eye, countless light dusts were floating around the doctor. Every dust is a category of knowledge. This knowledge is no longer messy data, but the results compiled by the doctor based on his own understanding.

System architecture. Chu Jungui looked at the tens of thousands of light spots. This time he no longer doubted that the doctor was definitely not a human being.

After a few more seconds, the doctor suddenly snorted, stopped the light spots oozing out, shook his head and said, "No, let's do this for now." The doll continued to absorb the light spots flying around, and stored them in the refuge in the environment. These are just messy data and memories. Chu Jungui has already experienced its power. He almost failed after just a small attempt.

is broken down into protons. Now I don't dare to act rashly anymore.

The doctor took a short rest and said, "I think I have found what I was looking for." With that, he waved his hand and popped out a piece of light dust, which flew towards Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui took it over and inspected it, and found that it was actually the creator's graveyard! "There are corpses after the death of Desno, and their corpses are the concept of existence. After Iger's death, the remaining concepts are hidden in this world. But unfortunately, it should now be the territory of natural disasters. No.

Obviously, the natural disaster has not yet discovered the cemetery, otherwise the real dream would not exist. The reason why I say that is..." The doctor waved his hand again, and a light curtain appeared in the sky. This light curtain was actually countless formulas and proofs to support what he just said. Then the doctor began to interpret the formulas and data, because The amount of data is too large, so the doctor communicates not with voice, but with light. I saw the doctor's lips opening and closing, spitting out ball after ball of light from his mouth, blooming in the air. Any ball of light, If the data contained in it is human speech

, it will take hundreds of years of continuous talking.

The doctor's explanation was simple and profound. Chu Jungui, Rendu and Kaitian all understood it, but Rabbit and Lin Xi did not. Lin Xi just glanced at it, and her eyes were red and she was crying.

Chu Jungui subconsciously complained in his heart: "The doctor has just finished adjusting, but Disno's way of speaking is so smooth? But the light ball is too primitive, it can be shaped a little..."

As soon as he thought this, he saw lotus flowers starting to spit out from the doctor's mouth. It took a lot of effort for the doctor to satisfy his desire to preach, and Chu Jungui and Kaitian also had a good lesson in basic science. But in the end, Chu Jungui finally figured out one thing, that is, the concept of existence left after Egger died was the cornerstone that supported the entire real dream. As long as this concept is shaken, the foundation of the entire real dream may be unstable. If this concept is destroyed, the real dream may be completely destroyed. Just not

The doctor didn't mention destroying the concept. Thinking about it, Disno treats black holes as a cemetery. Even the inside of a black hole cannot destroy their concept of existence. All human means will definitely not work. At this point, the trip to the shelter is complete. The doctor left the puppet in the shelter. It has become a data center in the nearby area and is still absorbing and storing Egg's residual data. This will be a long process.

It cannot move until it is finished. Then the doctor turned on the console and used all the particles in the locker to make a battle armor for Chu Jungui, Kai Tian, ​​Lin Xi and himself. However, he made a total of 5 pieces, and according to the doctor, the last one was reserved for future generations. The doctor uses a battle armor made of particles, which goes without saying about its defensive power. Its greatest function is to amplify the perception and utilization of the environment. This means that only those who have made adjustments can bring out the true power of this armor.

actual ability. So, who should the fifth armor be left to?

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