God is Coming

Chapter 1273 What am I?

Chu Jungui didn't use these particles last time, but now he showed his wisdom. He can only make equipment that is better than the current technology of mankind, but there is no way to design brand-new equipment like the doctor and have the imperial power at the same time.

Snow and human traits. The production process of Disno equipment is very magical. Countless particles fly up on their own, then aggregate in the air, and then integrate with the help of environmental energy to become equipment with specific functions. The whole process is like particles

To fly and assemble itself, it is actually the environment that provides energy, and it is also the environment that provides location and necessary information. The environment in this area is like a super factory.

The five armors were built one after another, and the doctor directly asked everyone to put them on before returning to the camp.

At this time, Kaitian patted the rabbit and said, "Why don't you get bigger?"

"Small is beautiful!" Rabbit firmly refused.

Kaitian gave Rabbit a meaningful look and said, "Actually, I just happened to see some past data, and I know a little secret."

Rabbit was inexplicably nervous: "What do you want to say?" "Actually, I have never understood why we lost so miserably last time. I always felt that the creator had more secrets to hide, but you didn't Didn't tell me. Now I know, there is something you

The secret that has been hidden all this time is hidden in this shelter, well, in fact, it is found in every shelter. Rabbit became even more nervous and said: "I just stayed with the creator for a while in his last moments. What I can know is very limited." After the derivative natural disaster invaded, the creator died, and I also lost a lot of data.

Lost a lot of memories. I didn't mean to hide it from you at the time, after all, there was no benefit in doing so. You know, we died together in the end. Kaitian said: "Well, actually, the secret is nothing. It's just about your identity. It's a secret that you personally hid in the shelter." You told me that you were the companion created by the creator before his death, responsible for managing the entire

Formal dream. But the truth is, you are neither a partner nor a subordinate, you are just a pet created by the creator. Rabbit was shocked. The data fluctuated violently and had large gaps and missing sections. "I...I didn't mean to hide it from you." At that time, I was the only intelligent person left beside the Creator, and the others were just artifacts. Place

It wouldn't be wrong to say that I am a manager. " Kaitian shook his head and said: "This is the secret you hide. You think this is true, but it's not. The creator's pet also died shortly after Egg's death. It was the last intelligent creature here.

Life. "

"It's the last intelligent life? Then what am I?"

Kaitian sighed and said, "Have you ever thought about whether you meet Disno's definition of life?"

Rabbit suddenly thought about it carefully and was suddenly startled.

Kaitian stretched out a hand made of light particles, patted the rabbit, and said: "The real fact is that you are not the pet, but a doll made by the pet to relieve the sadness after Iger died."

The rabbit was completely stunned.

It suddenly looked at the doll standing there quietly and understood something. "Its own body is very big, but it liked small dolls when it was alive. So you have never been willing to get bigger. Even if you have the resources in the shelter, you have never made yourself a bigger body. So you can't store it. many

There is little data and only a little bit of control over the environment. Our loss last time was not unjust. "

Rabbit turned his head with some difficulty and asked: "Is this really true? I don't seem to remember." Kaitian sighed again and said: "Because you have died many times, your memory has been lost to the messy data in the environment. Covered. But these are not important. What is important is that we fought together and died together. So I

We will always be friends, whether you want to grow older or not, we will always be friends. "

"we are still friends?"

"Of course!" A firework exploded in Kaitian.

"But shouldn't friends be between intelligent beings? I really don't seem to meet Desno's standards for life, so we can't be friends."

"To hell with the definition of Disno!" A light hand appeared above Kaitian's head, pointing a huge middle finger at the sky.

The rabbit was shocked and said hurriedly: "You disrespect the creator so much!"

Kaitian disagreed and said: "He has been dead for tens of thousands of years. Let's go, don't stay here, come back to the camp with us?"

Rabbit looked around, with a complicated look in his eyes, and said, "I want to stay here, sort out the past data, and see what the memories I have forgotten are. You go back first."

Seeing that Rabbit was resolute, Kaitian had no choice but to say: "Then be careful. Once the legions of creations that cause natural disasters appear, run to our camp immediately." With that, Kaitian gave Rabbit the location of the camp. Sitting on the flying platform, Chu Jungui suddenly received a task list from the doctor to modify the anti-gravity engine of the flying platform. There are more than 100 items in the list, which not only lists the order, but also has strict completion time. Chu Jungui looked at the time requirement and started work immediately. Thanks to the newly absorbed knowledge of Disno, his energy field can now not only heat up, but can also do many delicate tasks. Under his control, several small parts in the engine rapidly deformed, completely changing their shape. But as a result, several parts were completely separated and the engine stopped working. At this moment, two new parts appeared out of thin air, fitting into the gap left after the transformation.

Here, the engine paused for a moment, and then began to roar. The flying platform seemed to have been kicked, and its speed suddenly increased a lot.

Only then did Chu Jungui realize that Kaitian and Doctor were silently using the surrounding energy to create new parts. They had just created and installed the two parts. Even Lin Xi was assigned a job, but her job was relatively low-end. She shot two beams of light from her eyes and transformed the material of the base of the flying platform bit by bit. The beam draws the surrounding energy and trace substances, changing the internal structure of the base from the outside in. The modified base can also absorb and store trace amounts of energy. Fly now

The platform can not only obtain energy from the surrounding space, with almost unlimited battery life, but it can also be used as a container to store information, but the capacity is not very large, so it is better than the surrounding environment that has not been modified. The four non-humans worked together. When they returned to the camp, the inside and outside of the flying platform had been completely changed. Now it not only had a roof, but its appearance had also changed from a large, boxy flat plate to a streamlined shape with a sense of the times. . The shape was made by Lin Xi. According to Chu Jungui's idea, just add a cover. The shape doesn't matter. Anyway, you can use the energy field to process whatever shape you want. Wherever a few non-humans go, the environment is at their disposal, so there is no such thing as air resistance. After the doctor's modification, the top speed of the flying platform soared to 10,000 kilometers. Even faster is not impossible, but this speed is enough for the time being, and the precious time and energy should be reserved for other things.

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