God is Coming

Chapter 1274 Passing by

Returning to the camp, the doctor immediately gave the three non-humans a new task. He wanted to build his own laboratory. The laboratory selected the hill next to the camp, which is the one next to the mountain stream. Follow the instructions given by the doctor

, Chu Jungui ordered people to bring a pile of materials to the foot of the mountain, and then he and the other non-humans took their respective positions. As the Inhumans started to activate, piles of construction materials suddenly flew off the ground, and then disintegrated into clouds of dust in the air. The dust is like countless elves flying on its own, merging with each other, changing colors rapidly, and in the blink of an eye

There were hundreds of mists of different colors in the sky. The first step in the original construction of Disno, the material preparation is completed. Then the clouds of mist were moved and gathered at the location where the laboratory was scheduled to be located. Then the mist clears, and each particle has its own designated location, designated route, and designated time to arrive there. Then a storm of colors appeared in the clearing on the top of the mountain, and the outline of a building first appeared, and then gradually became clearer and more detailed. So before the eyes of many explorers, a laboratory emerged out of thin air. Many people couldn't believe their eyes and tried their best to

After rubbing it, they looked again and saw that the brand new three-story building was indeed there, and it wasn't just a dazzling sight.

The shape of the laboratory is a silver polyhedron, which is quite ultra-modern in style. It has no windows, only one door. If you look closely, the silver luster on its surface is actually flowing slowly like water. It took a total of 15 minutes to build the laboratory. The doctor still complained a lot. The main reason was that the three inhumans were too unskilled in their skills, which resulted in him having to leave a lot of time for redundancy when distributing tasks. Even if the three inhumans were like this, I was also in a hurry, and the redundancy left was not enough several times. Chu Jungui was also helpless. He was already processing 100,000 particles at the same time and had already reached the limit. Even the human super brain could only do this. Open Heaven has innateness

The advantage is only 150,000 particles. Only Lin Xi is slower. She can only handle 800, but this is far beyond Chu Jungui's level when he first entered the real dream.

As for the doctor, I don’t know what method he used to process 350,000 particles at the same time, and he still looked like he had the ability to do it, which is admirable. Out of respect for the doctor, Chu Jungui did not ask the reason in detail, but Kaitian couldn't suppress his curiosity and competitiveness, so he still asked. The doctor didn't hide anything and directly gave a bunch of formulas. After processing these formulas,

The amount of data required to control particles has been greatly reduced, to only one percent of the original amount. As for where the formula came from, it turned out to be a temporary model established by the doctor in order to control more particles.

There was no way to play anymore, and Chu Jungui felt helpless in his heart. Perhaps in terms of mathematical talent, not even Disno can match the doctor. Talent is something I really can't envy. Now that the laboratory is built, it’s natural to go in and take a look. The interior of the laboratory is divided into three floors, each with an area of ​​only a few hundred square meters, but a floor height of more than ten meters, which is quite majestic. Several trustworthy explorers were also allowed to visit. In their opinion, the laboratory was surprisingly simple. There were only a few cylinders and cubes in it. In addition, there were no other furniture decorations, and there was no piece of experimental equipment. Several scientists among the explorers were puzzled, but they did not dare to ask. After all, doctors are the pillars of the entire human scientific community. In terms of scientific achievements, there are no competitors, not even close ones. As long as they have made certain achievements in basic science, such as the scientists among these explorers, they all admire the doctor. At this moment, this laboratory was built like a miracle in a breath, which shocked them beyond measure. Although the interior style looks particularly awkward, it doesn't look like a science laboratory, but more like an avant-garde art dojo. In terms of architecture, the only thing that eludes people is the lighting. The walls, ceiling and even the floor of the laboratory are emitting soft light, and the brightness of the room

The degree is just right. The explorers couldn't see it, but Chu Jungui naturally understood. Those cylinders and cubes are covered with data interfaces. Looking at the data content, you can tell that this is a test bench, that is a manufacturing machine, and the ones on the side are control equipment.

Etc., etc. The doctor has just completed the adjustment and has only been in contact with the creator's memory for less than 12 hours, and he is already able to create a laboratory full of Desno style. And Chu Jungui thought about himself. After such a long time of adjustment, his thinking was still the same.

Limited to the inherent human framework, it can only be minor repairs at most.

After all the explorers were cleared, the doctor finally started the laboratory. The light in the laboratory began to change, and the walls became transparent, allowing everything outside to be seen.

The doctor said: "The second floor is for you. The functions here are quite complete. As for the scenery, you can change it according to your own preferences, for example, like this." The doctor's eyes flashed, and the scenery on the wall immediately turned into a sunny sea. Nonhumans are like being on an island in the middle of the sea. Not only do they have sunshine and sea breeze, but they even smell the unique salty smell of the ocean.

. "The first floor is the workshop and warehouse, and the third floor is for my own use. If you want any equipment, you can make it yourself. Next is the first task. You should sort out the Egg data you collected and store it in the laboratory. You are now

We can start now, and then let’s talk about the current situation. " Chu Jungui and Kaitian both began to exude pieces of light mist, which were then absorbed by the laboratory. Lin Xi followed suit and tried for a long time, and finally succeeded in producing a small patch of light the size of a butterfly, which was also absorbed by the laboratory. Laboratory collection

Accept. The doctor raised his hand and pointed, and a round ball of light appeared in the center of the laboratory. Inside was a continent with rich landforms. But now three-quarters of the continent is soaked in purple-black, and the purple-black has even spread to the light sphere.

Outside, countless tentacles stretched out, waving constantly, as if they wanted to catch something.

Seeing those tentacles, the doctor was also surprised, and his expression quickly turned gloomy.

"What are these?" Lin Xi asked. The doctor frowned and said: "I originally wanted to demonstrate the environment of a real dream. What you see is a panoramic view of the entire real dream. The purple and black parts are the areas eroded by derivative natural disasters. However, the data on derivative natural disasters comes from Iger. Memory, that is to say, what you are seeing is the image that really gave rise to the natural disaster. Unexpectedly, just the image can actually cause its reaction. These tentacles are the symbols that it is trying to find here.

If Iger hadn't reserved a data vacuum zone in the data to control derivative natural disasters, what I just did would have opened another door for extended natural disasters. "

"What will happen?" Kaitian asked.

"Being assimilated by it, and then turned into a mess of random things. Just like those strange beasts." Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect to have such a brush with death. The doctor who almost caused a big disaster naturally looked extremely ugly. He carefully separated out the light balls one by one, and then let the tentacles surface.

Misty light. Under those lights is a true vacuum without any data or concepts. Only in this way can the expansion of derivative natural disasters be stopped. "In the past, the way the Desno people blocked the derived natural disasters was to first kill all the creations of the universe, then use a data vacuum to wrap the space transformed by the derived natural disasters, and then separate this space from the universe and send it to

Go to other universes. "

"Wouldn't this bring disaster to other universes?" Lin Xi said.

"At that time, Desnuo no longer cared about so much. Also, who told you that Desnuo must think about other universes?" the doctor asked.

Lin Xi was speechless for a moment and said: "Isn't this natural? This will bring huge disasters to other universes, can they bear it?" "This standard is yours, not Disno's. In fact, in Disno In Nuo's data, there is never anything like morality and kindness, or even the concept of morality. If Disuo evolves to the extreme, then the universe is themselves. The creatures in the universe, such as you, such as me, In the eyes of Desno, we are not even as good as a parasite. Strictly speaking, we are not as good as a virus. How many viruses will you pay?

Are you sad about his death? you will not. "

"Well, I can't understand them." Lin Xi spread his hands.

"It's your problem that you can't understand, or in other words, it's your fault."

Lin Xi was startled again, the doctor was surprisingly harsh. This is supposed to be a very ordinary discussion, and differences in opinions and positions are allowed, isn't it?

"Sorry, I'm a little... irritable." The doctor calmed down a bit and apologized. Lin Xi was at a loss. The doctor said: "You don't understand how dangerous it was just now. Jun Gui and Kaitian may have guessed it. I almost copied the derivative natural disaster just now. This is an unforgivable mistake!


"But you didn't mean it..."

"If it's not intentional, can mankind not perish?" Lin Xi stopped talking. The doctor continued to calm down his emotions and finally regained his composure. Then he said, "I'm sorry again. I absorbed too much data, which resulted in physical and emotional damage." Lost balance. This is what Disno faces

Dangerous, most of Disno's deaths were not actually caused by physical causes, but by loss of mental control. "

Chu Jungui asked: "Did Desnuo commit suicide?" "Yes. Theoretically, God Snow's life can reach 100 million years, but few Desnuo can touch this threshold. In his later years, Desnuo had strong self-destructive tendency, so they will choose to put the concept of existence in a black hole and end their own lives. But this is quite far away for you. Without millions of years of life, you will not feel boring and bored. And if there is a similar danger, at least there must be a planetary body. Okay, let’s get back to the topic.”

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