God is Coming

Chapter 1275 It’s not brave

The doctor enlarged the real dream image, showing an area in the center, and said: "This area should be where Egg's concept is stored, and it is also his cemetery. For some unknown reason, the derived natural disasters did not seem to discover the existence of the concept. Otherwise, real dreams would not exist. Based on the history of natural disasters, they will never let go of Desno's concept of existence, especially Egg, who has been studying our universe for millions of years.

, so it is more precious. Transforming Egger's concept means a great advancement in the study of our universe. "

Chu Jungui raised a question: "Could it be that the derivative natural disasters have discovered the concept of Egg, but deliberately kept him in order to maintain the passage to our universe?" "Basically...impossible. From Egg left behind Judging from his memory, in the battle with the derivative natural disasters, almost as soon as Desno died, the derivative natural disasters would immediately transform their concepts. Disno believed that his own concept of existence seemed to have a special attraction for the derivative natural disasters. Also There is a reason why many Disno scientists believe that the derived natural disasters are not intelligent life, but just a strange phenomenon in the universe. They come from the weird multi-dimensional universe, which is why they are so difficult to deal with. The argument to support this view is that they It has never been found that it is possible to communicate with derivative natural disasters. Every attempt to communicate will lead to violent attacks. So we temporarily rule out that this is a derivative

Options for the Scourge Plot. "

"Indeed, the derivative natural disaster does not need a conspiracy to deal with us, it only needs to discover us." Kaitian said. The doctor was very approving and said: "We are like a few mice now. We need to steal things under the noses of natural enemies, so we must not only be careful, but also be fast. The first thing we have to do now is to open a road leading to this

The regional passage, Jun Gui, Lin Xi, this task will be left to you. "

"What about you?" Chu Jungui asked subconsciously. When it comes to actual combat power, a doctor is the ceiling for everyone.

The doctor waved his hand and said: "You are all leading troops to fight. Who else would you give this kind of task to? I am responsible for support and research in the rear."

"I'd better follow the master to fight!" Kaitian said.

"You are a natural at researching seedlings and producing genes... Oh, it's nothing. Just follow me for the next few days."

After assigning the task, the doctor took Kai Tian to the third floor, leaving Chu Jungui and Lin Xi on the second floor.

After the doctor left, the scenery on the second floor suddenly changed to a dark and quiet lakeside at night, with the moonlight in the sky and the lake water slightly rippled. The hazy brilliance shines out from the water, and the breeze carries the water vapor to the people on the river bank.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. After a moment of silence, Chu Jungui broke the silence with a cough and asked, "How should we start?"

Lin Xi rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "You, the marshal who commands a large fleet, still need to ask me?"

"Of course." Lin Xi raised his hands, pulled down a few beams of light from the ceiling, transformed into hundreds of strange beasts of different shapes, and then said: "This is the strange beast we know so far. I think the first step is The purpose is to explore the situation in the Festering Sky to see if there are any new monsters appearing and the regularity of the monsters' replenishment. I think it is necessary to organize several investigations, and then tentatively fight the monsters, and then target them Research and develop production equipment. The second step is to prepare and complete

Then organize an armed raid, try to open a passage inside, and explore the terrain at the same time. Then a general attack can be carried out according to the situation. "

"Great plan, let's get started! What equipment do you need?"

Lin Xi thought about it and gave a list of the equipment he needed. Chu Jungui clicked on the manufacturing machine, and countless materials and light points flew from various places to assemble the equipment one by one on the manufacturing machine.

Lin Xi picked up a newly-baked rifle, tried to aim it, and asked, "Are we just going?"

"No, call Kaitian. It has the most experience with monsters."

Lin Xi nodded, a trace of disappointment flashing in his eyes. Chu Jungui called Kaitian while making equipment. After a while, Kaitian came down from the third floor. Chu Jungui suddenly felt that Kaitian was a little different from the past, but he couldn't tell exactly how it was different. Kaitian took the initiative and said: "

The doctor helped me organize the data from Disno and allowed me to evolve significantly. Now I am only one step away from the final evolution. "

"Do you need any equipment?"

"It's necessary, but I can make it myself."

Chu Jungui gave way to the manufacturing platform and watched Kaitian get busy. Lin Xi asked: "Where is that rabbit? Do you want to take it with you? It is the most familiar with strange beasts."

Kaitian paused obviously and said: "I want him to stay in the shelter and not to participate in our battles in the future. He has already had too many battles."

Kaitian sent a piece of data to Chu Jungui and Lin Xi. These data are the life of Rabbit, which Kaitian collected bit by bit from the huge mountain of messy data. The rabbit was not originally a rabbit, but a seven-color crystal ball that could change colors at any time. After Egger's death, his pet will continue to fight the derivative natural disasters, holding this crystal ball to rest after each battle. The battle after battle made Egg's pet more and more seriously injured, and the data it overflowed continued to sprinkle on the crystal ball. First it was a drop, then a stream, and finally the crystal ball was soaked in data. Data is Des

Nuo's blood, these overflowing data pets are no longer able to be sorted and recovered. They will become messy fragments and remain randomly in the surrounding world. After being immersed in data for a long time, the crystal ball has developed its own consciousness. The pet discovered this and was extremely happy, so he filled the crystal ball with a lot of knowledge about Disno, treating him like a real Disno

The same as his own descendants. Crystal Ball studied hard and was full of curiosity about the world. That period was also the happiest time in its life.

Soon, the crystal ball has accumulated enough knowledge to be able to perceive the world around it, like a chick opening its eyes for the first time. Then it discovered that the pet was going to die. At the last moment, the pet would put on the crystal ball and go out to fight together. It said it wanted to spend more time with the crystal ball. Crystal Ball is very ignorant and wants pets to stop fighting. At that time, it smiled and said, wait until you grow up

You'll understand. Then, the pet left the crystal ball at home, went out to fight alone, and never came back.

The crystal ball waited for a long time and finally understood that he would never come back. It also rushed out of the house and rushed to the battlefield in memory.

After an unknown period of time, some light spots flew back from outside and condensed into a crystal ball at home. It's just that this time the crystal ball is full of cracks and a piece is missing. Just after it successfully condensed, it rushed out again. After a long time, several light spots floated back from the outside, condensing into a crystal shard. The fragment did not leave immediately. It thought for a while, found the manufacturing platform used by pets, and changed its form so that it could

Enough to put on armor, pick up weapons, and rush out again. After a long, long time, a faint light point flew back, diving into the scrap data in the corner, and slowly repairing the body. After finally recovering enough data, it changed its form again and changed its armor.

and equipment, and then left a little backup of data before leaving. After a while, the backup data is suddenly activated and it is reborn again. The newly born it read the memo left on the console and understood what happened, so it recovered its body from the waste data, made equipment, and then

Then he left his words in the memo and left home.

Not long after, the backup data was activated again, this time at a much shorter interval. After being reborn, it read the memo, restored its body, made equipment, left its own record, and rushed out of the house.

This happens again and again, no matter how many times the cycle repeats. It regenerates silently, prepares silently, fights and dies silently. Suddenly, the data was relatively complete, and I finally saw what happened after it left home. In front of it is a surging dark red, stretching as far as the eye can see. It began to tremble, and its emotions fluctuated violently. To describe it as a human being, it would be a collapse.

I broke down to the point of crying and couldn't even stand up. It still moved its body, crying and charging towards the dark red wave, like an ant charging towards an elephant.

The elephant walked around casually, unaware that he had trampled another ant to death. After the data was played, Kaitian said: "It is not brave, never has been. Every time it fights, it is scared to death, and it knows that its fight is meaningless, but it still goes. Until one day, the backup data was used Pass

When it reaches its limit, it loses all its memories and ends the cycle. "

Chu Jungui and Lin Xi knew at this moment that although scrap data was useful to Disno, it was just like carrion to humans, not only useless but also harmful. Use waste data to reorganize the body, just like the human walking corpse.

Lin Xi said: "You told it its true identity because you don't want it to continue to bear this responsibility?" "Yes, it has fought too much. And this is not its responsibility in the first place. According to Disno's standards , it is not considered intelligent life at all, not even life. In their eyes, it is just a creature with automatic responses.

It's just a functional doll, but it's also a low-quality doll made by low-level pets. The real Desino has no emotions, but pets and dolls do. "

Chu Jungui finished putting on the equipment and said, "Let's go, let's try the quality of the natural disasters first."

A door automatically appeared on the wall of the second floor. Chu Jungui walked out and flew into the sky. Kaitian and Lin Xi followed closely behind, flying together into the festering sky in the distance.

Many of the explorers in the camp put down their work and watched the three people flying away from the experimental building.

A community explorer approached Damian and said, "Do we have such technology outside?"

"If it can fly, then there is. But there is no technology of this level."

The explorer's eyes flickered and asked, "What did you see?"

"They were wearing new equipment and looked like ordinary battle armor, but I didn't see any thrusters or anti-gravity engines. They just flew away. Moreover, I didn't sense any energy fluctuations."

The explorer had a complicated look on his face and said: "Your perception is very powerful, and it will be magnified exponentially here. If you haven't sensed energy fluctuations, then there really are no energy fluctuations that we are familiar with."

Damian turned his head, looked at the explorer, and said, "You have told me so much, it seems you are not afraid of your identity being exposed?" The explorer smiled bitterly and said, "I just want you to confirm it. .Now that I have the answer, my identity is not important at all. Is there anything else that needs to be kept secret? What will happen if it is kept secret?

What they have now, we have no chance at all. It's better to cooperate well and do something for mankind. "

At this time, a low and soft voice sounded next to the two of them: "It's best for Marshal Faso to think this way. If you don't mind, can you come to my laboratory to talk?"

Faso was startled, then calmed down. He patted Damian on the shoulder and said, "I'm going." It took Damian a long time to hold back two words: "Take care."

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