God is Coming

Chapter 1276 Differences in Wisdom

Faso walked into the laboratory building, and a floating cursor appeared in front of him, pointing to a disk in the corner. This kind of situation occurs everywhere in reality, but it is completely unbelievable in real dreams. He looked around and saw that the entire hall on the first floor was empty and there was nothing, but the floor, walls and ceiling were all glowing, and it was impossible to tell where the light source came from. Faso was shocked in his heart, but his face remained calm as he followed the cursor to the disc.

superior. Then two rays of light flashed before his eyes, and he appeared on the third floor. The third floor is like a modern art museum, with some meaningless geometric shapes scattered here and there. To say that it is special, the flowing colors in the sky are special. Fasso’s experience cannot tell how this is.

It can be done.

The doctor stood in the center of the room, with several light ribbons wrapped around his body, like a child playing with toys. Faso's pupils shrank, and he couldn't see how those light bands existed, nor did he know their function. Everything in front of him, including the suspected short-distance space teleportation experience just now, made him understand that everything in front of him was far beyond

The product of human technology. Faso sighed and said: "It seems that you have obtained the treasure of real dreams. Congratulations!"

"From your perspective, of course that's a good thing, but from our perspective it's not. It means responsibility."

"We can help you with that responsibility, too," Faso said.

The doctor said calmly: "One thing I regret is that while protecting human beings, I also have to protect you people. The top leaders of your community's generation seem to be very ill."

Faso spread his hands and said: "We are just pursuing absolute strength. Is this wrong? And there is no morality between countries." "You are right, there is only strength between countries, but no morality. But I said What matters is not morality, but wisdom. There are indeed differences in wisdom between countries. If your stupidity only kills you, I would be happy to see it.

As it happens. But your stupidity has affected me, and it is no ordinary stupidity. "

Faso put away his smile and said: "I am very willing to know the reason why you said that, and I am willing to improve within my ability."

"Can you restrain MacMillan?"

Faso suddenly smiled bitterly: "You know him better than I do. In terms of ability, he is a god, and we are all humans. How could a god listen to a mortal?"

"This is indeed forcing you. Then can you tell me, as the second-largest person in the community intelligence system, why did you come here in person? Don't you know that once you come in, you may not be able to go back?" Faso After pondering for a while, he said: "To be honest, the overall action strategy this time was decided by the highest level, and I am not qualified to participate. Only a small number of the explorers who came in will listen to my words. I want to see what I can do point

What, after all I don't think crimson is a hazard that can be easily eliminated. "

The action strategy in Faso's words refers to a comprehensive attack on the explorers of the dynasty and the federation in order to seize control of the entire real dream.

The doctor said: "This strategy should be promoted by McMillan and a few old guys, right? If you are lucky, maybe he will succeed." The doctor thought of the girl, her ability was so powerful that it was like Desno. The concept erases the taste. Even the doctor can only dodge and cannot resist. McMillan should be no match for his youngest daughter. McMillan also had a trump card. He caught the doctor the moment he entered the real dream and launched a siege. If the doctor is captured or killed, the situation in the dynasty will not be optimistic. It’s just that the community is destined to fail because

At this time, Chu Jungui and Kaitian had found Disnuo's refuge and obtained Aige's inheritance. Faso was straightforward, saying: "As long as you can promise not to kill the explorers of the community indiscriminately, I mean those who are willing to cooperate, then I am willing to do my best to persuade the people I know to join this camp, and I will obey unconditionally.

your order. "Very good, I happened to find a few community camps. Go and have a look around and see how many people you can bring back." Also, make a list of people you trust. When we go to conquer other camps, please pay attention to

If you can, keep your hands. "

"Thank you very much!" A ribbon of light floated towards Faso and disappeared directly between his eyebrows. Faso subconsciously wanted to dodge, but restrained himself from moving. There was no feeling when the light band entered the body. At this moment, the doctor's voice suddenly appeared in Faso's consciousness.

A voice sounded: "Make a list and attach simple information, mainly appearance and physical characteristics. Oh, there is no need to do any special operations, just think about it." Faso was shocked, not daring to think randomly, and hurriedly listed one by one I reviewed the list information in my mind. The names on the list are either old subordinates who have been with him for many years, or secrets he spread, all of which are possible.

Those who can disobey the community government and directly obey his orders. There are more than thirty people on the list, and Faso is still a little ashamed. As the boss of the community intelligence system, he can finally place such a few reliable people. However, the doctor is already very satisfied. After all, the community government has always been surrounded by mountains, and the factional struggle is extremely fierce. Most people's sense of belonging to the factions is far greater than their belonging to the community, so there are dozens of people willing to follow Faso to fight against the government. This is caused by the innate system of the community, and no one has


After handing over the list, Faso left the experimental building. Damian was already waiting outside and said, "I will accompany you. The flight platform is already waiting."

Faso and Damian walked towards the flying platform and asked casually: "Who is in charge of this operation?"

"You and I, I'm mainly responsible for keeping you safe."

Faso was surprised: "The two of us? Where are the team members?"

"There is a list, most of which are from the community."

Faso breathed out and said, "Isn't he afraid that we will seize the flying platform and run away?"

Damian smiled bitterly: "You can run, but I can't. I have the devil's body in my body, and I will die immediately if I rebel."

Faso had forgotten all about it. He has been hiding among ordinary explorers, so he is not yet eligible to obtain a control subbody. When the two walked to the flying platform, a dozen explorers were already waiting. When everyone arrived, the side door of the flying platform opened automatically, the escalator was lowered, and a flowing cursor appeared out of thin air, guiding everyone to the designated location.

seats. The explorers exclaimed, but Faso had already seen similar scenes, so he was calm. But when he walked to his seat, he suddenly found that the guidance cursor was clearly pointing to a seat in the front row, while everyone else had their own seats, all arranged. The problem was, Faso only saw his own cursor, not anyone else's. This means that each person can only see their own guidance signals, but not others. in reality

World, these can be achieved through personal chips. But this is a real dream, and there is no personal chip at all. Faso immediately thought of a terrible fact. The doctor could not only let them see what he wanted to see, but also know what they were thinking. For the doctor, his consciousness has become one-way and transparent, and his heart is no longer peaceful.

Complete secret storage place.

Faso saw that Damian's face looked a little ugly next to him, and he obviously thought of the same problem.

When everyone is in place, the flight platform closes the door and automatically flies to the destination. At the same time, an equipment box floats on the floor in front of everyone, which contains the individual equipment necessary for the operation.

At this time, Faso had completely given up on hijacking the flying platform.

At the edge of the festering sky, Chu Jungui fell from the sky and landed on the ground. A few kilometers ahead is the area covered by the festering sky. He raised his head, and this was the first time he observed the festering sky from such a close distance. There is an obvious dividing line in the sky. On one side is the blue sky and on the other side is the creeping purple-black. The dividing line is not a clear line, but winding and criss-crossing. Standing directly below the dividing line,

Chu Jungui clearly saw that the dividing line was still changing. The purple-black color was like a dense swarm of insects, biting away at the normal sky bit by bit. You could even hear the sound of chirping! Behind the dividing line, there was purple mist everywhere, the earth had no edges and corners, and there was purple viscous liquid flowing everywhere, like pus from an ulcerated wound. The sky is also filled with purple, extending to the borders of the entire world. But it was color rather than fog. It was more similar to a kind of light that transmitted slowly, and had no entity that could be distinguished by the normal naked eye. Even Chu Jungui can't see the entity in his current vision, which means tomorrow

If the purple in the sky had an entity, it would be at the atomic level or even smaller.

Under the festering sky, the earth turned into rolling bulges and bulges, like melted cheese that flowed everywhere. There are some standing giant eggs on the ground, rising and falling rhythmically. Kaitian dealt with monsters the most. He pointed at the giant eggs and said, "That is a source of new monsters. In addition, the monsters that have been generated usually hide underground. It is hard to say how many enemies we will face." think

If you want to know, there is only one way, to alert the snake. "

Chu Jungui said to Lin Xi: "Attack once and control the intensity."

Lin Xi picked up the rifle, stretched out his hand and wiped it on the magazine. The silver light blended into the magazine wherever his fingers passed. She aimed at the position next to the giant egg group and fired.

The bullet whizzed out, emitting a dazzling silver light, hitting a raised hill at an incredible speed and sinking into it instantly. The small hill first swelled, then shrank, and finally the top suddenly exploded, spewing out countless silver fire points like fireworks! The silver fire fell slowly, leaving silver trails in the air. When it hits the ground, it will

A silver flame ignited, and under the burning flame, the purple-black substance and pus quickly melted. A small spark can leave a pit one meter deep. After a long time, the large silver fire gradually extinguished. Within a radius of several hundred meters, there are large pits one after another. The ground has been cut down by one meter on average, and the original small hill with a height of more than ten meters has disappeared.

film. Such power not only shocked Chu Jungui and Kaitian, but also Lin Xi herself. She knew that the bullets would have explosive and burning effects after adding abilities. This was the most effective attack method that Kaitian had proven to deal with monsters. Lin Xi estimated that if he used all his strength, one shot could wipe out everything within a radius of more than ten meters. This time, in order to control the intensity, he only used 60% of the force. She wanted the aftermath to spread to the dozens of giant eggs piled together.

, and then observe the reaction of the monster. The power of Nachengxiang was so incredible that the pile of giant eggs had long since disappeared completely under the cover of silver fire, and the monsters inside could no longer react.

Kaitian was the first to react, and immediately called out "Xi Shen", and then asked for the data formula of the silver fire energy. Lin Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Not long before the opening of the sky, he had been stern with him, but now he became a god again when he saw the power of the silver fire. However, Silver Fire is particularly effective in causing natural disasters, so Lin Xi naturally would not hide it and immediately shared all the data with Chu Jungui and Kaitian.

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