God is Coming

Chapter 1277 Preliminary Test

The power of Lin Xi's shot far exceeded expectations, and the Festering Sky also gave a strong reaction. The ground bulged over a dozen kilometers in radius, and clusters of giant eggs in the distance began to tremble and crack.

At a glance, Chu Jungui judged the number of enemies: 138,215.

"Withdraw!" Chu Jungui made a decisive decision. This time, the three of them stopped flying. Instead, they ran close to the ground and escaped dozens of kilometers in the blink of an eye. A flood of strange beasts emerged from the ground, hot on their heels. The monster hatched from the giant egg takes a few minutes to grow and strengthen, so

to fall behind. There are many strange and weird beasts mixed in the group of monsters. It is like many species that cannot be hit with eight poles are kneaded together and then squeezed a few times at will. There's nothing symmetrical, graceful, or powerful about them

adjective. There is a group of monsters that are like meatballs with more than a dozen tentacles inserted into them. They roll rapidly and rely on the strength of the tentacles to bounce up and jump. They can reach hundreds of meters in one go. Their speed is the fastest among all monsters. Chu Jungui carefully observed the tentacled monster rushing at the front, and found no sensory organs, nor openings for eating and excretion. With a thought in his heart, he suddenly moved sideways and ran several kilometers away in an instant. Those tentacles are weird

The beast indeed kept its original direction and rushed past Chu Jungui in the blink of an eye, rushing towards the distance. It looked like it could reach the end of its life.

Many monsters in the rear saw Chu Jungui and adjusted their direction to pursue him. The large group of monsters behind them turned around. The tentacled monsters that had originally overshot seemed to have received some signal, and finally changed their direction and pursued Chu Jungui.

"Do it!" Chu Jungui gave the order in his mind. He separated his hands, pulled out an arc of light between his palms, and then fired it out. The arc of light immediately expanded after leaving the hand, and finally turned into a huge light blade of more than ten meters, flying close to the ground and flying into the herd of beasts. Countless monsters were instantly cut open in the play, with their upper bodies flying into the sky while their lower bodies were still running forward. Chu Jungui fired several more light blades in succession, cutting several huge gaps in the approaching beast herd. Each light blade can cut through three or five rows of monsters before dissipating.

As soon as the Daoguang Blade went down, more than 1,000 monsters were wiped out. On the other side, the sky opened up and blew out pieces of light mist. Wherever the light mist fell, not a single blade of grass grew. All the shrouded monsters will turn into charcoal. Some monsters with extremely tenacious vitality are still struggling, but their bodies that have been completely carbonized on the surface will crack under the struggle, and then drop charcoal blocks, leaving only a small piece of the monster core body. Naturally, the beast cannot survive. The light mist in the sky has a radius of tens of meters, and hundreds of strange beasts fall down together, and they attack in one round

He killed twice as many monsters as Chu Jungui. Lin Xi still used the rifle. After the shining silver bullet was fired into the monster's body, the monster would rapidly expand and explode, exploding countless silver fires. Dots of silver fire would fly down, and as long as the monster got on it One o'clock, immediately

Will be burned to ashes. Judging from the burning effect, the power of silver fire is even greater than the light mist of Kaitian. According to Di Snow's standards, Lin Xi's strength is far inferior to Chu Jungui and Kai Tian. The environment she can cover is only one-tenth of Chu Jungui's and one-thirtieth of Kaitian's, and she cannot use pure energy. attack, requires bullets

as a medium. But with the blessing of the silver fire, the attack power became very terrifying. The killing effect of one shot was not much different from Kaitian's light mist, and it was stronger than Chu Jungui's light blade. Chu Jun returned and silently adjusted his attack method. The arcs of light between his hands revealed dots of silver. The light blade emitted this time had some silver spots on it. With the same exertion, the size of the light blade doubled, and it

Only when it can cut through seven or eight layers of monsters will they dissipate. The monster that was half cut through began to burn, and it could no longer charge forward for a while before falling down like before. With one strike, more than 600 monsters were killed. Seeing that the effect was so obvious, Chu Jungui perked up and continued to adjust. The next light blade was more silver and cut through 10 layers of strange beasts before dissipating. But the power ends here. No matter how Chu Jungui adjusts it, or even copies Lin Xi's data, the light blade emitted will not be more silver. If it is copied in full, its power will be greatly reduced. After trying several times in succession, Chu Jungui finally found the optimal ratio, and the light blade emitted had many silver stripes on it.

Pattern, it can kill more than 900 monsters at one time. Kaitian on the other side remained calm and didn't even look at Lin Xi, but the light mist it emitted also changed. Although Kaitian carefully dispersed the silver light spots into countless tiny silver light spots. On the surface, the light mist it emitted was just a circle larger, but the flames rising from the covered monster changed from black to black. It turned into silver, which can't be deceived. Kaitian's adjusted attack power is even more astonishing. A piece of light mist can reach thousands of people.

The monster disappeared. The three non-humans all launched large-scale attacks, and the dense groups of monsters disappeared in pieces. After the killing, the charging speed of the monsters could not keep up with the killing speed. Chu Jungui fired seven or eight light blades in a row and was about to pause.

The new one draws energy from the environment, while the open sky has 5 pieces of light mist that need to be replenished. On the contrary, Lin Xi is the most durable and needs to change the magazine after 30 rounds.

Just like that, 10 minutes later, hundreds of thousands of monsters were wiped out. Chu Jungui raised his hand and waved, and several strips of light fell on himself, Kaitian, and Lin Xi. Then the overflowing energy disappeared immediately. From the energy point of view, the three non-human beings were invisible. After dealing with the traces, Chu Jun returned to the border of the festering sky.

Fly away. At this time, the area of ​​more than ten kilometers within the boundary of the festering sky was full of craters, all of which were nests left by strange beasts after they appeared. There are more than a dozen clusters of egg shells on the ground, and the strange beast inside has hatched long ago, and it is unknown what species it is.

It was already time for Chu Jungui and others to massacre all sides.

It's a piece of land, so there's no way to check in detail which monster came from where. The purple surge in the air is slowing down, and the ground is still squirming, but no new monsters have appeared, and more thick mucus is flowing, pouring into the deep pit left by the monsters. Some pits are full, with pus on the surface

The noodles begin to solidify. Strange beasts appeared one after another in the distance. After they came to this area, they became obviously confused and looked around but could not find the enemy. Chu Jungui did not enter the boundary line immediately. He counted the wandering monsters on the screen and came up with the number 41,000. He looked into the distance again and found that the range of subsequent monsters was about 3 kilometers. In other words, after poking a hornet's nest, the direct impact range is a radius of 20 kilometers, and then the second wave will come from a range of 20-23 kilometers. Looking at it this way, the warning range of the Festering Sky is not large, and the response is very slow. A high-speed assault is possible.

You might have succeeded before it could react. But this is only a preliminary conclusion. Lin Xi's temptation may not be powerful enough. For derivative natural disasters, hundreds of square kilometers are completely negligible. Its basic unit of measurement may be light years, or even light years.

Years are not enough. Whatever happens in this small area is of no importance. It just depends on whether the derivative natural disasters will focus their attention here.

"Second test, charge forward!" Chu Jungui ordered, then withdrew his energy to become invisible, his whole body was ignited with raging energy flames, and he rushed into the boundary first. Kaitian followed closely behind, and Lin Xi was at the end of the team.

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