God is Coming

Chapter 1278 Targeted Weapons

Chu Jungui rushed forward at full speed, and in the blink of an eye he had penetrated more than 100 kilometers. The purple surge in the air accelerated again, and began to faintly echo with thunder. Chu Jungui suddenly felt a creepy feeling, as if some incredible existence was coming

Open your eyes and focus your attention here.

Chu Jungui suddenly turned his head upward, flew hundreds of meters into the air, then raised his right hand high, and a bright silver ball of light rose from the palm of his hand. He swung down hard and threw the ball of light to the ground!

The light ball quickly grew in size as soon as it left your hand, and instantly turned into an extremely dazzling silver sun! Countless light blades burst out from the silver sun and blasted towards the earth below. The purple-black earth seemed to feel threatened, and it squirmed significantly faster. Dense bulges appeared on the ground, and countless strange beasts were about to break out of the ground. However, countless light blades have fallen from the sky, and there are countless more on the earth instantly.

Criss-crossing incisions were made, and then silver flames tens of meters high erupted from the incisions.

In an instant, the earth turned into a silver flame hell!

Countless monsters were melted before they even climbed out of the ground, and countless giant eggs were cut into pieces and burned, with no chance of hatching. After a round of attacks, there was no intact piece of land within a radius of several kilometers below. There were interlaced cracks everywhere, and there were still fires burning everywhere. The purple-black earth was generally cut down by one meter, and in some places there were

A huge pit of more than ten meters was found. After Chu Jungui's first round of attacks, Kaitian's second round of attacks came immediately. Pieces of light mist fell from the sky, melting the fragmented earth again. Finally, there was Lin Xi. She followed the plan and instructed,

A bunch of bullets hit the same place, silver fire spurted out from the ground again and again, and a deep pit quickly formed. After the last fire eruption passed, a large crater hundreds of meters deep appeared in the center of the earth.

Such an unscrupulous attack finally caused the rebound of Festering Sky, and a long and angry roar filled the world, making Chu Jungui and others feel as if all their cells were resonating with it.

Chu Jungui's face suddenly turned pale, and countless cells lost their activity in the resonance with the roar. Even the molecular structure was completely changed, turning into inorganic matter without any vitality. Chu Jungui immediately wrapped his whole body with energy fields, completely blocking out the roar. Kaitian suddenly trembled, shaking out countless gray-white powder from his body, like moths dropping powder. Those powders are dead cells, and they are more complete than dead. Lin Xi felt something was wrong with her body, as if thousands of fine needles were stirring in her body at the same time. She almost screamed out in pain. Fortunately, a warm energy immediately fell on her body

on, isolating the terrifying roar.

"Retreat!" Chu Jungui grabbed Lin Xi and rushed outside the dividing line at full speed. Before leaving, he did not forget to wave his hand to roll up a handful of gray powder dropped by the three inhumans. After Kaitian made a tacit agreement, he opened a protective layer behind him to resist the constant roar. Puffs of white powder continued to explode on the protective layer, but Kaitian remained silent and did not reduce the area of ​​the protective layer at all.

, escorting Chu Jungui and Lin Xi out of the dividing line. "What was that just now?" Lin Xi was still frightened. The roar was so terrifying that she was seriously injured in just a moment, and more than 5% of her body cells died. If exposed to the roar for more than one second continuously, she

He will die immediately and cannot be saved by any means. Perhaps there is only one way, and that is to clone using genes that remain in the real world.

Chu Jungui looked at the festering sky behind the dividing line with a solemn expression. He first asked Kaitian's condition: "Are you okay?"

"19% of body cells die, but it doesn't matter. I'll add it quickly." In normal humans, one-fifth of the cells would have died long ago. After all, this is a general random death in the body, not a concentrated one. In some unimportant part. Fortunately, Kaitian is from the Mist Clan, so for the Mist Clan,

In other words, every cell is equal and equally important. In other words, it is equally unimportant. Chu Jungui checked his condition and found that 7% of his body's cells had died. Fortunately, he reacted in time and immediately isolated it with an energy field, thus minimizing the harm. He carefully reviewed the characteristics of the roar and said: "Then

It is a special energy weapon that can tear apart the bond structure within molecules and then reorganize them into meaningless inorganic substances. "

Kaitian added: "It seems to be specifically aimed at cosmic creatures like us."

"Really?" Chu Jungui was also surprised. "To be precise, it is particularly effective against elements containing carbon and sulfur, which seem to be its targets. In addition, it is effective against various elements with oxidizing effects. But the specifics still need to be PhD

For analysis, I have recorded the data. "Go back first." "Chu Jungui ignored the large number of monsters rushing out from the dividing line and returned directly to the camp. The camps were thousands of kilometers apart anyway, and it was impossible for these monsters to find the camp by mistake without losing their target.

, most likely still have to return behind the dividing line. Lin Xi instinctively felt that there was one or several extremely powerful monsters hidden deep in the festering sky. After all, there had been precedents before, and this was also consistent with intuition. All she heard was the roar of the beast. But after listening to Chu Jungui and Kaitian's analysis, she realized that she seemed to be wrong. She was still used to relying on her senses, but Chu Jungui and Kaitian had long spoken with data, and human senses had gradually become a decoration for Chu Jungui. Kaitianjiu

Needless to say, the various senses are temporary and disposable data collection tools.

Chu Jungui still blessed everyone with energy invisibility and returned to the camp. As soon as I returned to the camp, I saw many explorers lining up to send one-meter-square cubes into the laboratory. Chu Jungui glanced at it and saw that those cubes were rich in nutrients and had quite high calories. However, the material composition inside it is very complex, including fat, protein, plant fiber and minerals. It is like all kinds of food raw materials are crushed, stirred evenly and then made into blocks. Chu Jungui suddenly had the urge to slap his thigh.

Is it just a nutritional block? A product that has harmed generations of interstellar voyagers, it is still poisoning the bottom workers of many mining and industrial planets. The explorer was carrying dozens of cubes, and a manufacturing machine in the distance was still spitting out new nutrient blocks. Why does the doctor need so many nutritional blocks? The concentrated nutrient block is not light, one cubic meter is five or six tons.

, so many nutrient blocks are almost thousands of tons. When Chu Jungui walked into the laboratory building, he saw that the nutritional blocks were neatly stacked on the first floor. The first floor is quite empty, with lots of storage space. Many bands of light, invisible to the human eye, are extending from the ceiling into these camps.

Nurturing blocks, so the nutrient blocks are like ice cubes, constantly melting.

Chu Jungui went directly to the third floor and saw the doctor sitting in the high-backed throne. It's just that the doctor at this moment is two meters tall even when sitting.

"Doctor, what are you..." Caught off guard, Lin Xi asked whether his mental quality was not up to par.

The doctor glanced at her and said calmly: "The cells are not enough, so they become a little bigger. Sooner or later you will have to go down this road, what's the surprise? You are also an adjusted person, don't you understand?" "

Lin Xi can only be taught.

At this time, Chu Jungui's thin voice sounded in Lin Xi's consciousness: "Kaitian and I were also surprised. We asked about it just now. But we asked based on data, so there is no need to talk."

Lin Xi suddenly understood, and the halo of the doctor and others dimmed a bit.

Then the laboratory fell into silence. Countless light bands linked Chu Jungui and others together, and the doctor began to comprehensively analyze the data they brought back.

The sky was getting dark, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

The doctor finally recovered from the countless data and said, "I roughly understand it, but it's not good news." Countless light spots appeared in the center of the laboratory, each of which represented a species known to mankind. Then the doctor snorted softly. Hearing this sound, Lin Xi suddenly felt a slight numbness all over his body. He checked what was going on inside his body.

Now, some cells actually died! The doctor's hum and the roar under the festering sky actually have similar effects.

Amidst the humming, countless species fell to the ground and died. In the end, only a few hundred of the most powerful species could barely stand. Then the Doctor snorted again, and this time all species perished.

"Is this a weapon used by natural disasters to target us?" Chu Jungui looked ugly. "Yes, it destroys organic structures in a targeted manner and changes the oxidation process. It is a weapon in the dimension of our universe. In the Desno universe, they develop conceptual weapons that directly erase the concept of existence of Desno. In this way

Only in this way can Desnuo be completely killed. "

"If this kind of weapon enters the real world... Fortunately, it can only propagate at the speed of light." The doctor shook his head and waved his hand to project a round creature, which was like a ball formed by countless loudspeakers. Its data immediately entered Chu Jungui's consciousness. This is a creature that can emit waves of death energy.

It can absorb energy from the environment and has the ability to jump through space. The span of a jump is 100 light years. "This is a weapon we can design now. I can build it, and sooner or later it can cause natural disasters. So we can't wait any longer and must act as soon as possible. But before that, we need one more person, MacMillan

The old man's daughter. "

"How to find them?" "It's very simple, fishing." The doctor said.

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