God is Coming

Chapter 1279 The Chosen People of the Universe

Two days later, a simple flying platform appeared in the real dream, slowly flying towards the dividing line of the festering sky. The flying platform is somewhat similar to the one Chu Jungui originally made, but the surface is mottled and rusty everywhere, and the workmanship is also quite rough. Chu Jungui was sitting in the driver's seat, holding the joystick in his hand, and was concentrating on flying.

platform. But even if he was serious, the flying platform would rise and fall, and would sway significantly if there was a stronger crosswind.

There are two seats in the driving area, and the doctor is sitting next to Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui himself was wearing a face-covering helmet, covering his entire face, looking like an ordinary explorer. "I said, we don't need to be like this, right? Isn't the drama a bit too much?" Chu Jungui shook the steering column in his hand and said helplessly. Following his movements, the flying platform swayed violently from side to side, almost knocking down the box tied to it.

Throw it out. The seats on the flight platform were removed and turned into a cargo area. There are several large boxes stacked on top, secured with net bags and ropes. This primitive fixing method is naturally unstable, and as the platform shakes, the stack of containers continues to shake.

move. The rope doesn't look very strong either. The doctor sat on the seat next to Chu Jungui. Not only had he returned to his normal shape, but his left hand had also disappeared, just like when he first came to the camp. The doctor looked at the scenery leisurely, not caring about what was behind him

Whether the goods will fall. The flying platform flew swayingly for a while, and Chu Jungui suddenly pulled the control column. The flying platform raised its head sharply, almost standing in the air. A ray of fire passed in front of the flying platform. If Chu Jungui hadn't made an emergency brake,

If you do, you will be hit directly. Chu Jungui leveled the flying platform and saw McMillan floating in the sky in front of him, looking over here with a sneer. Then the surrounding space continued to flicker, and explorers of the community appeared one after another. They all turned out to be short-lived.

The way to jump appeared, and the encirclement was completed in an instant. A girl appeared next to McMillan. She saw the doctor's missing left hand, with some apology and helplessness in her eyes.

MacMillan sneered: "You are fishing, and I am also casting the net! It depends on who is more powerful. The person sitting next to you is Chu Jungui, huh, who are you trying to deceive by pretending to be an ordinary explorer? Take off your helmet!"

Chu Jun Gui Yiyan took off his face-covered helmet and threw it aside.

McMillan glanced at the cargo boxes on the platform and said, "They look pretty similar. What are these boxes? Is there someone hiding there?"

"No," said the doctor.

"This is right. In the battle between us, no matter how many ordinary explorers come, they are just cannon fodder. Doctor, let me ask you again, do you want to work with me? You have also seen that you are not the only one who has gained something." Doctor's His eyes scanned the surrounding community explorers. These explorers contain huge amounts of energy in their bodies, and they have just been able to jump through space. This is a technology that is difficult to achieve in reality. Obviously, McMillan has not been idle since the separation and has gained something. However, the doctor saw no signs of using the surrounding environment on McMillan and these explorers. Obviously, they have not yet been able to obtain the core of the Desno civilization.


"Have you found some ruins?" the doctor asked. "It's just some incomplete relics, but with these relics, I believe that the real relics will be found soon. What do you think, do you want to join us? I will disclose all the information to you, and all research can be based on you.

leading. "McMillan said sincerely.

"To be honest, I'm a little tempted by such a generous offer. But I still have to ask, why? The reason last time couldn't convince me."

McMillan hesitated and said: "After the last time, we got some very important information from the relics. It is very likely that you are not a simple human being."

"What else can I be if I'm not a human being? A monkey?" The doctor made a joke that was not clever. McMillan did not laugh, and said: "The data I recovered from the relics found that the civilization that created this world once put a batch of data seeds into our universe. They called them concepts. Concepts are imperceptible.

It has changed some human beings, and you are probably the one who has changed the most. "

The smile on the doctor's face gradually disappeared, and he said: "It's strange that you can interpret so many things!" "This is not my credit, but hers." MacMillan pointed to the girl and said, "She was also People whose concepts have been transformed, you are all the chosen ones of the universe, and you should cooperate. We just need to work together to close the deep red channel here.

Tao, after we get out, the entire human race will surrender to us! "

Chu Jungui retorted: "All human beings are created equal. This is a belief engraved in the bones of mankind. How can you guarantee to rule the entire human race?" McMillan snorted and said, "All human beings are created equal. That is the establishment of On the basis that there are no essential differences in the abilities of each human being. Now let alone the doctor and my daughter, we are completely different from ordinary humans. From a biological point of view, we can no longer even be regarded as human beings. Relatively speaking To ordinary humans, we are already gods! How can gods be equal to mortals? Even if this kind of thing does not happen in our generation

It will happen to the next generation and the next generation. Huge differences in individual abilities will eventually lead to class differentiation, and people with more abilities will naturally seek more rights. This is the law of nature. "Chu Jungui didn't know how to refute for a moment. It seems that the only reason is that their abilities are not that strong? But Chu Jungui has already sensed the terrifying energy fluctuations in the girl. If she leaves the real world,

If Mengjing can retain most of her abilities, then with the weirdness and power of her abilities, it wouldn't be outrageous to kill an entire fleet by herself. Maybe another way is to spread the ability to all humans?

At this time, the doctor finally said: "Your suggestion is good, but we should take the lead, not just research, but everything else. Since you know that I am fishing and still dare to show up, then don't leave this time."

McMillan sneered: "You are too confident. Do you think my daughter and I have not made any progress?"

"Your progress is meaningless." The doctor stood up and flew into the sky. The girl next to McMillan took action like lightning, and a flash of green instantly covered the doctor. The green light was mostly neutralized by the light emanating from the doctor, but a small piece of it still remained.

, leaving a gap in the doctor's right shoulder.

"Did you see that? You can't resist Mil's attack!" McMillan said.

The doctor smiled slightly and said, "This is a small wound, but it can't be said to be harmful!" "Small wound?" MacMillan sneered and looked at the gap as big as the mouth of a bowl. He was about to ridicule when he suddenly noticed that the doctor's feet were dragging a piece of paper. A rope, that rope has been connected to the flying platform. It looks like the doctor is a

A kite with a string. Doubts flashed through MacMillan's mind, what was this rope used for? Such a strange scene naturally made him take a few more glances, and then he suddenly discovered that the rope was actually connected to the doctor's body, and the material did not look like a common rope, but rather resembled leather or flesh...

flesh? !

McMillan was suddenly shocked, and the doctor laughed and said, "You finally saw it?" As he said that, the doctor's body began to deform, and the entire flying platform was also deformed. The rope dragged the pile of cargo boxes and flew towards the doctor, and then Become one with the Doctor!

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