God is Coming

Chapter 1280 Losing unfairly

Looking at the new 5-meter-tall doctor, MacMillan swallowed hard and was extremely shocked. He looked at the doctor's left hand and right shoulder. They were intact, without any gaps. Obviously the concept of girls has been erased

Terrorist attack methods failed on the Doctor.

The newly appeared doctor exudes a faint light, like a god. Now there is only a bare flat plate and a few engines left on the flight platform. The original cargo boxes, sundries and some seats are all disguised by the doctor's body. McMillan finally suppressed his shock. He knew without thinking that the doctor's sudden transformation into 5 meters was definitely not for the purpose of scaring people. He must have combat power that matches his size. He quietly weighed the comparison of combat power between the two sides.

I have some intention of retreating. At this moment, the flying platform suddenly turned into sand. Countless flying sands turned into a whirlwind in the air, and finally condensed into a huge figure 10 meters high. This is Kaitian, its huge body is somewhat translucent

, there are vaguely countless eyes wandering back and forth inside.

McMillan's expression was already dull and he moved towards Chu Jungui. At this time, the flying platform had disappeared, and Chu Jungui stood alone in the air, holding a steering column in his hand.

It turns out that the entire flying platform was disguised by the doctor and Kaitian, and the only prop was a control stick.

"Let's do it, time is a bit tight." The doctor waved his hand and launched the attack. The sky instantly turned into flying sand, overwhelmingly pressing towards the girl. The girl exclaimed, and a large green light blade suddenly shot out from her body, instantly cutting more than a dozen large holes in Kaitian's body! There was a strange cry from the sky, and he stood up

He immediately retreated. He had no idea that the girl's attack was so terrifying. It wiped out 5% of his body cells in one round. While repelling Kai Tian, ​​Chu Jungui quietly appeared behind the girl, stretched out his hand to strangle her throat, and a layer of light gold spread quickly under his palm, extending into the girl's collar in the blink of an eye, constantly spreading around her. she

body extension. Wherever the gold covers, it will stiffen and then lose consciousness. Chu Jungui used environmental energy to directly penetrate the girl's body, paralyzing the nervous system inside her body and disintegrating the girl's ability to move. This is an ability that only Disno has. It can be used without damaging the appearance of the body.

In this case, it directly paralyzes the internal functions of the body.

Chu Jungui and Kai Tian cooperated and captured the girl in one encounter. Kaitian's damage was actually not serious, and the lost body cells could be restored after just one meal. The aggregate life form of the Mist Clan is the nemesis of the girl's ability to erase concepts. There was no suspense on the battlefield on the other side. The doctor, who had more than doubled in height, had more than doubled his abilities, easily suppressing McMillan and all the elite explorers of the community. In the end, McMillan was killed by a rope made of light.

The rope was firmly tied, while the other explorers were floating in the air, unconscious.

"A great victory, not bad!" The doctor was in a very good mood. He came to the girl and asked, "Where did you put the relics?"

"I... don't know." The girl almost cried.

The doctor pointed at MacMillan and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. You are still of some use, but he is of no use at all."

The girl was shocked and immediately said: "I said! Put it in a camp 800 kilometers away!"

"...You can't say that!" McMillan's roar came over at this moment, and it was obviously blocked by the doctor just now. By this time, it was too late for McMillan to stop him, as the girl had already pointed out the direction of the camp.

"Let's go get something." Following the doctor's order, Kaitian's body spread out and turned into a flying platform again, but this time the surface of the platform had more bumps and bumps, which were obviously temporarily erased by the girl. Can't be filled. The doctor returned to normal size and sat down next to Chu Jungui, and then there were rows of seats on the flying platform. The doctor seems to be sitting next to Chu Jungui. In fact, he is also sitting on the seat. He is also on the platform below. The seats behind him are also him.

And the storage box is still him. Numerous light belts tied McMillan and the Community Explorer to their seats. Chu Jungui had already untied the girl and let her sit next to him. With Chu Jungui's reaction speed, he can attack the girl after she regrets it.

moment to subdue her.

The flying platform at this time was actually Kaitian and Doctor. The flying speed was naturally extremely fast. The distance of 800 kilometers was reached in a few minutes, and the camp below was successfully discovered. This camp of the community is very carefully built. There is a three-story main building in the middle, with production factories and laboratories on both sides. There is a row of small buildings on the outside, which are laboratories for elite explorers. On the outermost side is a building.

The two-story building is a dormitory for ordinary explorers. There were more than 20 ordinary explorers in the camp. The doctor showed MacMillan and quickly subdued them. There are several scientists among these explorers, and the rest are ordinary people doing worker vigilance and other odd jobs. The doctor took some time to look at the ongoing research projects in the camp, most of which were conducted around relics. The so-called relics are actually the remains of some scavengers, including samples of armor and S102 metal. The Scavenger came from the base where Kaitian and Rabbit were originally located, but the original site of the base should have been completely destroyed. Somehow, one Scavenger escaped the fate of being completely destroyed. Some of the wreckage was left behind and was destroyed by McMee

Lan got it. The scientists of these communities are talented. They actually extracted some Disno data from the wreckage and successfully deciphered part of it. For these ordinary people who have not adjusted at all, this

The achievement is simply incredible. When checking the data, Chu Jungui unexpectedly discovered a piece of data that he had never seen before. It was a memory fragment of Iger, and the content inside it was some records left after a certain concept was launched. Egg detected that the concept was triggered at that time. It believed that some lives in this universe had triggered the concept of release. Even if they did not have the definition of the concept and were far from reaching the technological level to utilize the concept, their life essence had also been

underwent changes. They will likely come into contact with some of Desno's civilization through hallucinations, dreams, etc., and then there will be more profound changes.

These changes in life are essential, and the appearance and some external characteristics remain the same. But in Disno's eyes, these beings have long since become completely new species on a conceptual level.

Seeing this piece of data, Chu Jungui's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered something. The scavenger fragments and S102 metal samples are now of little value to the doctor, and other aspects of research conducted by the community are far behind the original progress of Chu Jungui and Kaitian. As for manufacturing equipment, for already

Chu Jungui and others who started environmental manufacturing were more than an era behind. So in the end, the doctor took the wreckage, took the explorers in the camp, and returned to the camp.

Back at the camp, the doctor distributed a large number of tasks and began to arrange the first attack on the Festering Sky. At this time, there were more than 500 explorers from three parties in the camp. The doctor classified all the explorers into three categories. The most were commandos, who were mainly responsible for fighting monsters, and then there were a small number of researchers and engineers. Explorers who are assigned to the assault force must undergo preliminary adjustments. This is a reduced version created by the doctor based on the adjustment technology of the shelter. It can only add a little bit of the ability to replenish energy from the environment to the human body, as well as the ability to use the environment to process data.

The adjusted increase is one percent of the original. The intuitive effect after the adjustment is that the explorer will feel powerful, full of physical strength, and quick in thinking.

The adjustment equipment in the camp is a separate cubicle. The explorers who received the adjustment lined up one by one, took off their clothes inside, and stayed for 30 minutes to complete the adjustment.

At this time, McMillan and the girl were standing in the distance, looking at the row of white adjustment rooms with complicated expressions.

"Is there still no way?" McMillan suddenly asked. The girl said timidly: "I found their device, but... those things are too small, and they have all penetrated into the cells. I can't remove them without damaging the cells. Cell-level operations are just

This is my limit. "

McMillan sighed and said: "It seems that what they have mastered is indeed far beyond ours. Forget it, it's not an unfair defeat...huh? What is that?" McMillan saw Chu Jungui walking to the row of adjustments. He opened his posture in the open space behind the room. Although it seemed that Chu Jungui was alone, there was a very eye-catching light group in McMillan's field of vision, but that kind of light was not visible to the naked eye. When MacMillan saw this light, he knew that the mysterious creature that had taken down the girl with Chu Jungui that day was also there. It seemed to be called Kaitian. He is even more interested in Kaitian than

Chu Jun returned Da, because Kaitian is likely to be the intelligent alien life that humans have been searching for for many years. Chu Jungui struck a pose and then remained motionless, but in MacMillan's eyes, house frames continued to appear and rise in front of Chu Jungui, and after a while, a row of adjustment room frames appeared. These frames are transparent and emit light invisible to the naked eye. The explorers couldn't see anything, but McMillan knew very well that those frames were just data, without energy or matter. But then, something incredible happened

Something happened. In an adjustment room, light begins to continuously outline the complete structure. The structure is not only external, but also includes the subtle internal structure. McMillan's vision barely reached the molecular level, and he discovered that the microstructure was actually reflected at the molecular level. Traditional buildings use prefabricated bricks and prefabricated panels as basic components, so its structural foundation can be regarded as prefabricated bricks and prefabricated panels. But the structural basis of the adjustment room is actually molecules. In other words, this is a

A room built from the ground up. As for whether molecules are the real basis, McMillan doesn't know. He can only see molecules, which are still very vague. Only young girls can see molecules clearly. Fortunately, it's just a data model... McMillan comforted himself. Although the data model is also great, it is not an entity after all.

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