God is Coming

Chapter 1281 Cooperation is more meaningful

After the data model of one adjustment room was built, the second room started again. This time MacMillan understood clearly that the mysterious Kaitian was also involved. With the emergence of data models one after another, MacMillan speculates that this is based on data.

Build a house based on a model? But how to build it, he couldn't figure out. When all the models in the adjustment rooms were built, a shocking scene appeared. Countless building materials of all kinds appeared around Chu Jungui and Kaitian, and then turned into something that could not be seen by the naked eye and could not be observed by MacMillan.

Particles are injected into each data model like a torrent. As a result, the data model quickly changed from virtual to real, and a complete and brand-new adjustment room seemed to emerge from the bottom of the water and appeared in front of everyone.

The explorers in the camp have seen similar scenes more than once, but they are still deeply shocked every time they see it. This is a miracle! McMillan was even more shocked because he saw that the total amount of building materials imported was less than the final product. In other words, many substances appeared out of thin air. As soon as this thought came to his mind, McMillan saw countless

On the other side, countless particles appeared out of thin air, and even more of them were originally pure data particles that suddenly gained mass and turned into material entities!

He was stunned and had only one thought in his mind: This is Crimson's technology!

Doctors and the others have mastered Crimson, which is the technology that induces natural disasters? Although McMillan still knows nothing about Disno at this time, he still has a deep understanding of the level of civilization and the level of technology. Back then, Chu Jungui raided the Crimson Base and risked his life to bring back first-hand data. However, the three major forces all penetrated each other like a sieve, and the doctor also had many people from the Community and the Federation under his command, so these top-secret data soon appeared on the desktops of the top leaders of the Federation and the Community. At that time, whether it was the community or the

The Federation was deeply shocked by Crimson's construction technology, and because of the matter that appeared out of thin air, they understood that humans and Crimson are not of the same era at all when it comes to the study of matter, energy, and space. For human technology at that time, matter that did not originate from other material transformations or energy was simply unimaginable, and there was no theory. But it suddenly appeared before our eyes and was used on a large scale. Right

It was because of the leakage of this data that both the Community and the Federation changed their attitudes towards real dreams, and the three-party joint exploration was formed. As for the small actions after entering the real dream, that is another matter.

And now, Chu Jungui and Kaitian have not only reproduced this technique, but they are also so skilled!

He looked at it quietly for a while and said, "Put the escape plan aside for now."

"Aren't you going to escape?" The girl is trying to break through the restrictions at the molecular level. In her opinion, as long as she enters the atomic level operation, she may be able to understand the prohibition device placed on her body.

"Let's not run away. Cooperation is more meaningful now and more beneficial to mankind." McMillan looked upright. The girl wanted to say that she was almost successful, but seeing the determination on her father's face, she could only swallow her words. There was actually a small joy in her heart, that is, her father seemed to have finally stopped doing those annoying things.

. After the new adjustment room is built, the number of adjustment rooms in the entire camp has doubled to 20. The first batch of explorers who came out of the adjustment room were sent directly to the laboratory for various inspections and tests. Testing is conducted by Discovery

Or scientists, the time of PhDs should be spent in more useful ways. As soon as he finished building the adjustment room, Chu Jungui received another new task, this time to build a batch of individual weapons. The task is not only for Chu Jungui, but also for Kaitian and Lin Xi. The three people came to the designated work place. Here is

An open space with large piles of materials piled on the edge. In the eyes of ordinary people, there is nothing but a roughly leveled site. In Chu Jungui's eyes, the data framework has been set up, the environmental energy is ready, and the task summary is written in eye-catching light characters in the center of the site.

I was afraid that the three non-humans would forget to do their work. Chu Jungui and Lin Xi looked at each other, shrugged, stretched out a light strip from their fingertips, clicked on a data block, and linked it together. In an instant, several pieces of materials piled on the edge of the field turned into particles.

Fly to the designated location under the guidance of the target, and gather them into bullets. After the bullets are made, environmental energy begins to be injected, and finally a silver line is left on the bullets.

The bullet manufacturing process is very cumbersome, and even using Disno technology requires several steps. Fortunately, the bullets in front of Chu Jungui were arranged in a 100*100 array. They shot a whole side at the same time, and in a few minutes, 10,000 bullets landed. Next to Lin Xi is building a magazine. It looks like a very traditional structure, but in the end it also needs to be guided to inject environmental energy. The number of magazines is relatively small and the structure is simple, which is just right for Lin Xi. Kaitian is manufactured at the same time

Frame and multi-purpose saber. The gun body has a very simple structure on the surface, almost like a solid fire stick, but the actual internal microstructure is extremely complex and is also made at the molecular level.

The three pieces of equipment combined together form a single weapon. While he was busy, the girl walked up to Chu Jungui and asked in a low voice: "Can I... help?"

Just such a sentence made her face turn red.

Before Chu Jungui could answer, Kaitian said, "Okay! Here's what we have to do..."

The girl looked blankly in the direction of Kaitian. Although she heard Kaitian's voice, there was nothing in that direction, only gun bodies and sabers appearing out of thin air. Only then did Kaitian remember that he was completely integrated with the environment. From the effect, it was equivalent to total invisibility. Only Chu Jungui and Lin Xi could see it if they had data exchange. Others, even with special vision, could not detect Kaitian's existence.


Kaitian immediately adjusted the mode of existence, causing every cell to begin to glow, and a dazzling flowing light belt appeared in front of the girl, like a miracle.

The girl was so shocked that she covered her mouth, but still let out a small "ah" sound.

Only then did Kaitian realize that there was something wrong with his appearance, and he quickly turned off most of the light and shadow effects, and all of a sudden it turned into an inconspicuous puff of dust. In the distance, McMillan seemed to be wandering around casually, but in fact he was looking here from the corner of his eye. He was also shocked when he saw Kaitian's appearance. However, I saw that the girl opened up the situation and successfully started a conversation.

, McMillan couldn't help but smile. Kaitian formed a figure in front of the girl, pointed at Chu Jungui, and said: "We don't have enough ammunition, go and help! Master will teach you how to do it, if you don't know anything, just ask! Master knows everything Know.

"Chu Jungui was stunned for a moment. Why did it become his own business? The number of bullets to be made has been decided in advance. There is absolutely no such thing as insufficient ammunition. What on earth does Kaitian want to do when he suddenly jumps like this?

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