God is Coming

Chapter 1282 Step-by-step teaching

Kai Tiantiaoguitiao, Chu Jungui will not ignore it when things come to an end. He also had an impression of the girl. The first impression was still a bit vague. He remembered it purely because of the digital memory of the test subject. This time it was profound. The girl's attack timing was not chosen well, her attacks were not decisive enough, and she had no strategy at all. She was immature in combat, but her attacks were too terrifying. The attacks with concept erasure were added to the imperial

It is also the top attack in Snow's civilization. Fusion nuclear explosions and antimatter annihilation are not on the same level. The doctor was hit twice by her, and his left hand could not be recovered at all. All the genes had been changed. Even if he was cloned, he could only clone a doctor without a left hand. It was not until the essence of life changed after being adjusted by Desno that the doctor regained his left hand. But the new left hand is not a real left hand. The doctor at this moment is somewhat similar to the Mist Clan. All the cells in the body can be transformed freely. There is no longer any difference between important and unimportant. There is no difference between the brain, heart and epidermis, and they can all be transformed freely. Only in this way can Get a new left hand. The doctor lost his shoulder for the second time. In fact, those cells were also permanently lost, and they were later replaced with new functional cells.

. However, after all, the doctor and Chu Jungui are not aggregate beings like the Mist Clan, and cells are not independent individuals. Therefore, if the thinking organ at that time was hit by the girl, the corresponding wisdom and memory would be lost immediately. Now Dr. Chu Jungui and Dr. Chu Jungui have stored a lot of memory data in the environment, which seems to be able to avoid risks. However, this is only because the girl does not know the true use of her attack. The person she wants to attack is not the person, but Zhou

In the surrounding environment, the terrifying green light will erase the concepts added to the environment, thus essentially killing Disno. Chu Jungui waved, called the girl to his side, and then began to explain to her how to use his own energy field to control matter. The girl picked up a stone according to the method taught by Chu Jungui, and a green light flashed in her hand.

The head turned into gray-white powder. "That's not it. Don't attach the idea of ​​attack, but separation and concentration. That is, after separation to the atomic level, extract the necessary elements and place them separately." As he said that, Chu Jungui picked up a piece of ore and put it in his palm.

With the same flash of light, the stone decomposed into a large piece of inorganic impurities and multiple pure metal particles.

The girl followed suit, and then the ore decomposed and then aggregated into several small pieces of ore.

"You want to separate the consciousnesses, and each consciousness processes one component. Try this again?" The ore in the girl's hand decomposed into a piece of copper and a few small stones, which was considered progress. With Chu Jungui's little guidance, the girl gradually adapted to the parallel thinking mode of multiple consciousnesses, and the ore decomposed became more and more delicate and accurate. At first, she was worried that it would delay Chu Jungui's work progress, but when she saw 100*100 bullets appearing in front of Chu Jungui, and then automatically stacking them neatly, the pace did not slow down at all.

She was relieved now. Then she herself learned to have multiple consciousnesses running in parallel, and she understood that Chu Jungui's instructions to her were actually about separate consciousnesses, so she studied with peace of mind.

Seeing the girl studying tirelessly, McMillan was deeply gratified, stroking his beard and smiling. Kaitian's body structure suddenly changed a little, and the cells in that part suddenly concentrated and emitted strong light! Chu Jungui glanced at Kaitian, a little strange. The light energy emitted by the sky is concentrated in the frequency band invisible to humans.

When a normal person looks at it, he or she will feel the light flashing, like a flashlight lighting up in the distance.

McMillan didn't feel like this in the distance. He only felt his eyes light up, and then he couldn't see anything anymore. His eyes were sour and astringent, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

McMillan was shocked and angry. The sky had just opened and two extremely thin beams of light were shot out, shining directly on his pupils! The frequency of light is still specifically targeted at the area where his perception is most acute, and the warning is obvious. MacMillan didn't dare to stay any longer and left quickly. When he was in a deserted place, he reluctantly opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were red and swollen, full of tears. McMillan quickly checked it out. Fortunately, he only suffered some burns and had no function.

If there is a problem, then you can rest assured.

"They are all monsters!" McMillan lowered his voice and cursed bitterly, but he couldn't help but feel a little envious in his heart. On the other side, the girl finally went through the three processes of material purification, raw material refining, and manufacturing and shaping, and created the first Disno bullet. The shape of this bullet is not uniform enough, and the warhead is obviously deformed. The trajectory of the bullet must be erratic, making it unpredictable for both the enemy and yourself. But no matter how many shortcomings it has, no matter how ugly it is, this bullet is injected with data and related to the environment. This is the essence of Disno's weapon and what distinguishes it.

The fundamental symbol of human weapons. No matter how bad Disno is, it cannot be compared to human weapons.

Chu Jungui picked up the bullet, obtained its data, and simulated the firing process in his mind. In the world of consciousness, Chu Jungui faced forward with his gun, and fired out a shot. The bullet flew upwards, spiraled in the air, and then exploded. Countless metal particles shining with green light shot out everywhere. All leaving a clear empty trail. After being empowered by the girl, this bullet actually had some concept-erasing properties. Not to mention the skin and flesh of strange beasts, even the modified human heavy armor cannot block this attack. Only starship armor can withstand this attack.

Armor can resist with a thickness of several meters.

However, its shortcomings are also obvious. Chu Jungui, who was simulating it in his consciousness, looked at the several holes that penetrated his body and helplessly dissipated.

Chu Jungui took back the consciousness connected to the bullet and praised: "The power is very good! Come on!"

"Really?" The girl looked surprised. Chu Jungui was actually a little ashamed in his heart. The power of this bullet was not only good, it was simply much greater than what he had done. It's just that this bullet has some disapproval, and as long as it is within the range of its power, it may kill someone. just

In his mind, Chu Jungui himself was killed by the bullet that exploded in advance.

Chu Jungui continued to instruct how to accurately shape, how to build a data model in advance, and then fill it with materials, so that the final product can be manufactured in one go. This already involves the core of Disno's production technology. The girl studied hard and became more and more proficient in using multiple consciousnesses. She could already use more than a dozen consciousnesses at the same time. In fact, all those who awaken their physical abilities in real dreams have actually been adjusted to a greater or lesser extent by the environment, and their life levels have already risen. Multi-consciousness parallelism is only a basic feature of Disno's life form, and the difference is just more or less. However, many human beings do not realize that they have many meanings due to blind spots in their thinking after they have the ability.

The possibility of parallel knowledge. Therefore, the girl had not developed this ability at all before, and the same was true for McMillan. Needless to say, Chu Jungui on the side of the dynasty, the test subjects can think with their toes, and there is no upper limit on the number of parallel versions of the Kaitian theory. The doctor looks like a human, but is actually a ruthless person who can think in parallel with multiple threads. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain what he is doing.

He is an all-rounder in various fields, and the battle in the real dreamland also proves this, because the doctor is never afraid of siege. The girl's joining was Kaitian's choice, and she was given to Chu Jungui to teach her. Lin Xi didn't have anything to do with her the whole time. This seemed normal, but Lin Xi felt an inexplicable sense of crisis and didn't know why. Work with multiple consciousness at this time

It played its due role. Lin Xi thought about it while making the magazine in his hand, and then decided to put into practice an idea he had long had. In the federal Department of Defense building, Hathaway walked into the elevator and watched the floors jump, and soon reached 4 digits. While waiting to arrive, she looked at herself in the mirror. Vibrant blond hair, impeccably white

The skin, the eyes that are so shiny that people dare not look directly, and then the full lips, which are slightly pursed, as if in an invitation.

Hathaway smiled slightly, fascinated by herself. When the elevator arrived, she regained her cold expression and adjusted her general uniform. The three general stars were particularly dazzling. When she walked out of the elevator, all the officers who came and went looked at her. Many of them were shocked by her

His appearance also shocked the three generals. But with the combination of such a young general and such an invincible face, there is only one person in the entire federation, Hathaway. Many old generals came over to say hello and chatted casually. Many are well-intentioned and enthusiastic, but many are vaguely hostile. The Winton family has many friends, as well as many enemies. However, even those who are hostile to Hathaway can't find any arguments when they want to ridicule him. Hathaway's achievements in military achievements are very tough, and he is barely worthy of being a general. And people were coming and going in the Ministry of National Defense building.

Generals, if the requirement of serving the Federation for many years is removed, most of them will have to earn two general stars. There is still a lot of hidden admiration in the eyes looking at Hathaway, but most of them are young officers who are still struggling at the school level. Only the core children from the Qiangwei family have the opportunity to wear the general star before the age of 30, but it stops here. Subsequent promotions are all based on merit. So even those who were brave and planned to risk their lives to express their feelings were cowering in front of Hathaway's admiral's epaulettes. The most outstanding young men in the federal army suddenly found themselves

No longer worthy of Hathaway. Hathaway walked through the long corridor, greeted dozens of people, responded to countless people with smiles, and finally stood in front of a simple brass door. The door opened automatically and she walked in. Until the back disappears, everyone

The person's eyes were reluctant to look back. Several young officers whispered, discussing what kind of person could be worthy of Hathaway today. They listed many names, but none seemed substantial enough. Suddenly someone mentioned the rumor, and everyone was silent for a moment. Then they suddenly felt boring and dispersed.

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