God is Coming

Chapter 1283 The end of the universe

After entering the gate, Hathaway went through two more scans to make sure she was not carrying weapons or contraband before entering the final area. She was secretly surprised. These were the top floors of the Ministry of National Defense. People who could reach here were

After multiple checks both overt and covert, why do we need two more scans here? Hathaway also has the ability to obtain real dreams, and her perception is extremely keen. She vaguely felt that the scanning beam was very penetrating, and she might have been scanned inside her body just now. This kind of safety facility is used here, but

It is easy to cause controversy. But the Ministry of Defense still used it, and there were two different scans, indicating that the thing or person you were about to see was extremely important.

After passing the security check, Hathaway entered a hall. The entire hall is dark gold. A few rays of light descend from the ceiling, illuminating the bottom of the hall, but the top is hidden in darkness.

The hall was empty except for a high-backed chair in the center. A cursor appeared in front of Hathaway, pointing to the chair in the center of the hall.

She didn't know why, but this trip was an emergency call and an order signed by the Chairman of the Joint Meeting. At this time, she followed the guidance of the cursor and came to sit on the chair. Then her body became slightly numb and she actually lost the ability to move!

Hathaway did not panic and waited quietly for the follow-up.

A door at the end of the hall slowly opened, and a familiar figure walked into the hall and came to Hathaway. A chair rose up from the floor of the hall, and the man sat in front of Hathaway.

Hathaway moved her fingers and said, "Marshal Austin, is this necessary for our meeting?"

Austin leaned back in his chair and said helplessly: "These are the rules set by those in the internal affairs department, saying they must absolutely ensure my safety."

"It seems unnecessary. How can I hurt you?" Hathaway said.

"Of course it wasn't necessary before, but now I'm afraid it's somewhat necessary. If I were punched by you now, I'd probably be really dead." Austin's tone was calm, and Hathaway was really surprised. She knows only too well how terrifying Austin's strength is. Since the last return of the real dream, Austin has fallen out of the human category, and her strength is unknown to what extent. This was also the most criticized aspect of Austin during the war between the Federation and the Dynasty. Even if the war was unfavorable and the Federation was on the verge of destruction, Austin always put the research on real dreams first.

. The only large-scale battle he personally presided over was the raid on Xu Bingyan's flagship, which failed. Although he has great strength but ignores the ongoing all-out war, this has caused the federal people to increasingly criticize Austin, and has forced the federal government to move him out of the center of power and continue to deprive him of his power and resources. Know

When Dao Crimson appeared and threatened the survival of the entire human race, Austin returned to the center of power and restored his former status. After this, Hathaway had no idea what he was doing and had not heard from him.

Hathaway is still very clear about her own strength. Under normal circumstances, let alone one punch, even if Austin doesn't resist, she can't beat Austin with all her strength for ten minutes. Seeing Hathaway's doubts, Austin said: "This time the real dream opens, our explorers are the fewest, and the first batch of people in it also suffered the greatest losses. The first batch of people who die are basically really dead, so many people All

Complaining, not knowing what I and the people I trained are doing. Austin smiled a little self-deprecatingly and said: "Actually, I went in in the first batch, and brought 8 capable subordinates with me. They are also my biggest achievement since the last real dream, artificially cultivated superpowers." By. I knew that neither the Doctor nor MacMillan would be among the first to enter, so I wanted to be the first to explore the changes in real dreams during this time. After all, our federation suffered the most heavy losses in the last war.

Heavy, we are the first to bear the brunt of Crimson’s appearance. "After entering the real dream, I quickly found a clue, a strange rabbit. There are extraordinary energy fluctuations on its body, it is simply... it is like a moving nuclear bomb that is exploding. It seems to have great wisdom and keeps tempting us to go somewhere. This kind of strange life has never been seen before, and I was extremely confident in my own strength at that time. If the doctor and MacMillan did not improve later, they would not be my opponent together, not to mention there are eight subordinates to assist them. ? So I gave chase. Of course, I would not be stupid enough to throw myself into a trap. The rotten sky appeared in the real dream, which is obviously related to the deep red color.

If that rabbit was going to go down there, I wasn't going to go. But it didn't, but went somewhere parallel. "

"I followed it, and followed it for more than 8,000 kilometers, and finally arrived at the destination. It was a refuge, a refuge left by the race that created the real dream world. It was an incredible civilization called Disno..." Xiao The princess held her breath when Austin waved his hand and projected a holographic scene in front of him. It was an unremarkable hillside with a few messy rocks and sparse bushes. Similar scenes can be seen everywhere in real dreams, and there is nothing surprising about them. But then a black and white rabbit ran over. It ran and stopped, looking back from time to time. However, Hathaway discovered that it occasionally violated the laws of physics when running.

, it moves when it wants to move, stops when it wants to stop, and occasionally floats.

When the rabbit reached the hillside, all the rocks suddenly flew up and turned into countless particles, and then gathered into a gate. There was nothing behind the door, just a door standing there.

At this time, Austin appeared. When the rabbit saw him, he quickly got into the door and disappeared. Austin came to the door, leaving six people guarding outside, and he entered the door with two of his men. The scene changed accordingly. Behind the gate was a wide hall. It was empty, with only a few geometric objects such as cylinders and cuboids. It was milky white everywhere, with no dust or variegated colors. It was simple and clean to the extreme. Austin glanced at the hall and saw two doors on the opposite side, so he came to a cylinder and looked carefully, then reached out and touched it. The place where the hand falls is round and smooth, with some warmth. The material does not look like metal, but

I can’t say what exactly it is.

Everything in the hall is illuminated with soft light, making it possible to see everything clearly, but not dazzling. Austin walked around the hall and found nothing. Those geometric objects obviously had special uses, but he didn't know how to turn them on. If the rabbit is not in the hall, it must be behind two doors. Austin entered two separate doors. There was a shelf and a cabinet behind one door, but nothing else. The shelves were empty, and there were some metal particles in the cabinet, but there were not many left. Austin told his men to put it away

I found metal particles and planned to study them in detail after returning to the camp. There is only a round platform behind the other door, about one meter, and the rabbit is sitting on the round platform. Austin walked into this cylindrical room, and his pupils suddenly shrank! He saw many cracks on the opposite wall, and there was blood slowly flowing out.

Slow leakage!

In an instant, the premonition of death enveloped Hathaway, making her whole body cold and almost speechless!

From the moment the scene was projected, Austin shared all his senses with Hathaway, so what Hathaway experienced at this moment was Austin's mood at that time.

At this time, the rabbit turned its head, looked at Austin with two scarlet eyes, and said in a very strange and high-pitched voice: "You have seen the end of the universe!" After saying this, the rabbit stopped moving, and then two tears flowed from his eyes. blood. Austin slowly approached and saw that the rabbit was motionless. He stretched out his hand and tried to touch the rabbit. The black and white rabbit is not good-looking, with black hair

It still looks a little dirty. Austin gently wiped the black hair with his fingertips. It felt a little slippery, as if something was stuck to his fingertips. He took his hand back and saw that there was sticky blood on his fingertips!

The blood was very sticky, almost solidified, and had a purple-black color. Austin could tell at a glance that it was human blood. A subordinate next to Austin suddenly reached out and grabbed his throat. His eyes protruded, his face turned black, and his tongue stuck out. Austin immediately grabbed his hand and pulled it out hard. In terms of absolute strength, Austin in the real dream is about 15 times larger than the eight men, and the eight men are on average 5 times larger than the average explorer. Originally, with Austin's strength, it would be easy to rescue his men, but he didn't expect that he couldn't pull the trigger this time.


This subordinate's power instantly increased by more than ten times? After his first shot failed, Austin immediately changed his strategy and used concussion. The frequency of the shock is targeted at human muscles. Once hit by the shock, even the strongest muscles will be temporarily paralyzed. This time it turned out to be my subordinate

The hand was pulled away, but it was too late. The subordinate's eyes showed despair, he lost his last look, and his tongue slowly stuck out.

With a click, there was an extra crack in the wall, and blood began to slowly seep out. The subordinate slowly fell to the ground like a mollusk, his body unnaturally collapsed into a pile, and more and more blood began to ooze from his body. When rescuing him just now, with the help of the shock feedback, Austin knew

All the bones in his body were broken into particles, which were so small that they were close to molecules.

With Austin's strength, he didn't know how his subordinates died, let alone who was attacking.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed before his eyes, and he could hardly see anything. Then there was a sharp pain in his head. He seemed to hear the sound of nails scratching the glass, and then two streams of warmth flowed down his nose.

Hathaway, who had shared her senses, almost held her head in her hands in pain, but her whole body was imprisoned and she couldn't move at all.

In the image, Austin reached out and wiped his face, his hands covered with blood. There was another click, and there was an additional crack in the wall, and blood seeped out faster. Austin turned his head suddenly and saw another man falling to the ground, his body constantly deforming. Austin still doesn't see how he died

of. At this time, the surroundings were suddenly silent, without any sound, but there seemed to be a faint high-pitched sound echoing. Hathaway knew that this was the background sound created by the brain itself because of the absolute silence, but

I was also nervous subconsciously.


Austin looked up suddenly and saw another crack in the wall!

The entire scene turned red instantly, like countless blood falling from the sky.

The scene was frozen, and Austin on the seat also came back from his immersion and said: "Before watching the next paragraph, we have to go back and watch some things that were missed." Hathaway still felt cold at this moment, It was a chill from the bottom of her heart, a fear of the completely unknown, so that the psychological quality she had trained for many years lost its effect, just like an ignorant little girl facing it alone.

To the man-eating beast.

"What is that?" Hathaway couldn't help but ask.

"That is the real enemy we are facing, the crimson from other universes. There is a lot of information hidden in the image just now, but you can't absorb it at normal speed. Let's slow it down 500 times and take a look." Image response It gets to the point where Rabbit says, 'You saw the end of the universe,' and then one of his men dies and there's a crack in the wall. Then there were flashes of light, piercing sounds, and a sudden twinge of pain and nausea. all

Hathaway accepted all these feelings at the time, and she still hasn't recovered from them now. From the moment the flash appears, the image begins to play back at 500 times slower speed. Hathaway saw the flash, and this time there was something more in the flash. She looked hard, but could only roughly make out the outline, but inside

There are so many things there, it's like seeing countless bees crawling around.

In the flash, Hathaway vaguely saw the rabbit, its eyes glowing red. For some reason, Hathaway suddenly had the idea that it was the rabbit talking. There is no reason, the rabbit is just talking. With this thought, Hathaway suddenly felt countless data rushing into her mind.

knowledge. If her consciousness is a pond, then the data rushing in is the most terrifying tsunami in history. The flow of every second can fill countless ponds.

Hathaway screamed subconsciously, and two thin lines of blood shot out from the corners of her eyes! Just when she felt that her entire consciousness was about to be shattered, the influx of data suddenly stopped, and then Austin's voice sounded: "This won't work. You need to divide your consciousness into several and receive them separately. The more points, the better.

Hathaway endured the severe residual pain and began to split her consciousness according to the method Austin said. After experiencing the tsunami of data, Hathaway felt as if she had caught something. After trying a few times, she suddenly At once

Split consciousness into two. For a moment, it was as if there was an extra version of herself in her mind. They shared their thoughts instantly without distinguishing each other, but they could think independently without interfering with each other. Having started, the rest became much easier. Hathaway split up more than 100 consciousnesses in the blink of an eye, and she was still able to do it. This time, when the data tsunami hit again, many consciousnesses were diverted and processed at the same time, which greatly reduced her burden, and she finally managed to see clearly what was hidden in the flash.

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