God is Coming

Chapter 606 Big Fish

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A silver, black, and blue speeding car was parked outside the gate of the apartment, its smooth curves implying a high price. Even in the Tianmen 7 galaxy, the appearance of this flying car still attracted a lot of attention.

When Chu Jungui walked out of the apartment door, he saw the door of the speeding car raised, and Li Ruobai beckoned from inside. The flying car looks good on the outside, and the interior is even more luxurious.

After getting into the car, Li Ruobai said, "It is necessary to get a good car for today's meeting."


"To prove we're not liars."

"It seems that only liars drive this kind of car." Chu Jungui patted the armrest.

Li Ruobai smiled and said: "We have shown our strength by being able to find him. Now we need to give him a hint as to the benefits of helping us."

Half an hour later, the speeding car stopped in front of a simple but artistic building. Li Ruobai and Chu Jungui climbed to the top floor and entered a private room, which was very large and had a superb view.

Zhou Shilei and a majestic old man were already waiting in the room, Zhou Shilei was full of respect, while the old man was old-fashioned. Seeing Li Ruobai and Chu Jungui coming in, the old man immediately stood up, put on a warm smile on his face, let Li Ruobai to the upper seat, and said: "This is the first time we have met today. He is really a good-looking talent. The Li family is worthy of being the top class." Aristocratic family! Those of us who are small and small are far behind. Who is this?"

Li Ruobai pointed to Chu Jungui, and said, "This is my immediate boss, and I'm working for him now."

The old man was in awe.

Chu Jungui sat down casually without speaking, completely dominated by Li Ruobai.

The food and drink had already been served, so Zhou Shilei had a toast first, and then got to the point: "You want Colonel Lin Xi's review materials? But this is not in compliance."

The old man put on a straight face, and said: "Xiao Lei, you are wrong! Rules are dead, but people are alive! If Bai finds us, then we are honorable. Think about how you are in such a position. How many years have you been working? Why don’t you seize the opportunity when it comes?”

Zhou Shilei seemed very hesitant and struggling, "But..."

"It's nothing!" The old man said without anger.

Zhou Shilei shrank back a bit, and said, "I have all the review materials here, I don't know what you want?"

"I want everything." Li Ruobai said.

Zhou Shilei hesitated even more, and his voice became softer unconsciously: "If you want all of them, the nature will be completely different. I can give some less sensitive materials, so the problem is not too big."

Li Ruobai frowned slightly, accentuated his tone, and repeated again: "I want everything!"

Zhou Shilei took several deep breaths in a row, his face flushed strangely, and he stammered a little: "Then, if this is the case, I...I want to say, that...I will..."

The old man snorted heavily, and said, "That's all! You want to talk about benefits? There's nothing you can't say!"

The old man said to Li Ruobai: "This child has indeed taken a lot of risks, and he is willing to help. Look..."

Li Ruobai was confident, and said with a smile: "This is what it should be. How about this, give me the information this time, and the car parked at the door will be yours. In the future, I will continue to track the progress of the review. When the review is over, I will Thinking about your future, maybe I can help a little."

Zhou Shilei was still hesitating, the old man said: "We have already talked about this, if you want anything else, just say it."

Zhou Shilei said from time to time: "Our salary has always been relatively low, and the subsidy is very small, so I..."

Li Ruobai raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "So, you want some cash. No problem, I can pay you 1 million first..."

Chu Jungui who had been silent all this time suddenly shouted: "Ruobai! Shut up!"

Li Ruobai was startled, and looked at Chu Jungui in puzzlement. At this moment, Zhou Shilei suddenly laughed out loud and said, "It's too late!"

At this time, the door opened, and several people rushed into the private room. The first woman with a face as cold as iron glanced at the situation in the room, expressionless, and said: "We are from the monitoring room of the Dynasty Security Bureau. Now there is evidence that you are trying to Bribe officials of the Security Bureau to obtain information illegally. Please cooperate with our investigation, if there is any resistance, we have the right to shoot. Take them all away!"

A number of big men quickly rushed in from the next room, and more than ten guns were pointed at everyone.

Li Ruobai was shocked at first, then suddenly realized, he looked at Zhou Shilei. The old man looked in disbelief, and shouted to the big guys who came up: "What do you want to do? Do you know who I am? I will give you a little time now and leave immediately, otherwise if I go to your Captain Yu, you I can't eat and walk around!"

The woman sneered, "Captain Yu is waiting for you. If you want to see him, then go."

The old man was stunned for a moment before realizing it. He turned to look at Zhou Shilei, then at the woman, and finally understood what he said angrily, "You guys tricked me!?"

"You're just incidental, and I'm not qualified to set you up specifically for you." The woman gave the old man a disgusted look, then looked at Li Ruobai and Chu Jungui, and said, "They are the big fish."

Several big men rushed forward, pressed the old man to the ground and handcuffed him forcibly.

Two big men grabbed Li Ruobai, Li Ruobai's body shook slightly, and the two of them immediately flew backwards and hit the wall heavily. With a bang, all guns were pointed at Li Ruobai instantly.

Li Ruobai said coldly: "You can take us away if you want to, but do you have to do this?"

The woman's face twitched, she looked even more sinister, and said: "This is a necessary procedure. If you refuse to obey, then I have the right to use force. No matter how much status you have now, if you die, it is just a corpse. "

Li Ruobai's face was livid, and he said in a cold voice: "Based on what you just recorded, there is no way to do anything to me! You know this in your heart!"

"What can I do to you? Let's talk about it when you get inside." The woman waved her hand, and a big man immediately took a gun and smashed Li Ruobai hard on the back of the head. This strike was extremely heavy, knocking Li Ruobai to the ground on the spot, stepping on his head with a big foot, and then several big men rushed up and tied them tightly, their movements were extremely rough. After tying it up, two big men came over and kicked Li Ruobai several times.

Chu Jungui was also pushed to the ground and handcuffed. Then there were a few bangs and a few kicks on my body. Of course, these few blows couldn't hurt Chu Jungui, even if they were several times heavier, they couldn't hurt him, but the anger slowly grew in his heart, which was hard to restrain.

Chu Jungui clenched his fists and forcibly suppressed the urge to kill these people instantly, but it was very hard.

Li Ruobai himself was very calm when he was beaten, but when he saw that Chu Jungui had also been beaten a few times, he became furious and shouted, "If you dare to touch him again, I'll pull out your entire cord!!"

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