God is Coming

607 Just right

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The woman winked at her subordinates, and the big man who was about to continue beating Chu Jungui stopped immediately. The woman said, "If you had been obedient from the beginning, you wouldn't have suffered so much. Let's go!"

The big fellows picked up Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai, escorted them outside. The old man followed behind, and he was beaten so hard that he could barely walk. Unlike Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai, the old man was pale and trembling, as if he had lost all his strength.

Li Ruobai said solemnly to Chu Jungui: "Don't be impulsive! Leave everything to me!"

Chu Jungui nodded expressionlessly. At this moment, the two components are fighting fiercely, and the political component insists that they should not be impulsive. The purpose of these people is to anger Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai, and make them act irrationally on impulse, or even kill people. The handle that can't be erased, what was originally reasonable has become unreasonable.

Tactical deception feels that honor is more important than anything else, and there is no need for Chu Jungui to be humiliated by these people today. Chu Jungui could kill them all in an instant, then leave Tianmen 7 without anyone noticing, and return to N77 to continue to operate Light Years. When the strength is further developed, and there are people with money and guns, even black people can become white.

The political component totally disagreed with this, and sarcastically mercilessly said: "You are a professional liar and you also talk about honor?"

Tactical deception is justified: "Tactical deceit and a liar are two different things!"

Art rarely stood on the side of tactical deception, roaring: "This kind of humiliation is intolerable! If we can't live with dignity in the way we want, what is the point of struggling? We earn so much money and support so many Soldiers, why are you fighting so many battles?"

The political component did not back down, and said in bold, enlarged and underlined fonts: "At this time, these people are not representing themselves, but the entire government behind it, or at least the Security Bureau! Now, if you beat them, you are challenging Security Bureau. When they take off their uniforms, they can do whatever they want, but not now!"

Chu Jungui had heard everything he wanted to hear, turned off the components, and silently followed Li Ruobai into the prison car.

The prison van drove quickly to the suburbs and stopped in front of an inconspicuous gray building. After a while, Chu Jungui and the three sat in the interrogation room. Li Ruobai had recovered from the shock and rage, and his expression was calm. Chu Jungui was constantly searching for legal provisions to see how much legal liability would be caused by different escape methods. The old man's expression was numb, occasionally a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, and he slumped in the interrogation chair like a puddle of mud.

The three sat in the iron prison chair like this for half an hour. Li Ruobai was afraid that Chu Jungui would not understand the mystery inside, so he broke the silence and said, "Don't worry, they are trying to scare us! We are here The longer they stay, the harder it is for them to end up. So, sit patiently."

As soon as Li Ruobai finished speaking, the door of the interrogation room opened, and Zhou Shilei walked in. As soon as the old man saw him, he regained some energy and said, "Xiao Lei, what is going on? Why did you do this to us? Let us go quickly. I am old and in poor health. Let's make a fuss!"

Zhou Shilei said: "Uncle, you are probably really old. Just now you tried to bribe me and steal confidential information. The evidence is convincing. I don't think you will be able to go back for a while."

The old man was startled and angry, and said: "You, how could you do this! I was so kind to you when I was a child! Your father died early, and I paid for your college money!"

Zhou Shilei leaned forward, stretched out his hand and patted the old man's face, and said word by word: "I was very grateful to you back then, but later I found out that you didn't give me the money, but forced my mother to give me money." I traded my body, so I'm even more 'appreciative' of you now! Do you understand?"

"You, how do you know..." The old man seemed to lose all his strength in an instant, and he collapsed on the chair completely.

Li Ruobai and Chu Jungui looked at each other, feeling helpless. Li Ruobai thought that he had found the most direct way, but who would have thought that there would be such entanglements behind it.

Li Ruobai leaned back, closed his eyes and rested his mind. Chu Jungui can sit until the end of time, anyway, he can get out at any time.

Zhou Shilei came to Li Ruobai and said, "As for you two, you can only consider yourself unlucky. Do you have anything to say?"

Li Ruobai opened one eye slightly, and said calmly: "Just because of your family's mess, do you think it can affect us? Don't put money on your face, let your master come out, solve it early, and you can still be safe." Kill a few less substitutes."

Zhou Shilei was stunned, and anger surfaced on his face, and said: "You are still stubborn at this time! You people from big families have always been so arrogant. Do you still think that the world belongs to you when you come here? Think about it first." Think about how to wipe your ass clean!"

Li Ruobai looked at him, his eyes were full of sarcasm, "Your problem is that you are obviously just a passerby, but you want to play yourself as the protagonist."

Zhou Shilei grabbed Li Ruobai's collar, his face was almost close to his, breathing heavily, it looked like he could slap Li Ruobai's face at any time.

Li Ruobai still looked indifferent, and said with a sneer, "Anyway, you have already fought, so you don't care about a few more blows. Let's fight."

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, and rested his fingers on the iron railing.

Zhou Shilei's face was a little distorted, he lowered his voice, and gritted his teeth: "You know, I hate you so-called rich families the most since I was a child! Why are the girls I like being taken away, why are all the opportunities being taken away?" It’s yours, why do you have the money to hire the best teachers to make up lessons, do the best genetic optimization, and don’t even leave us the chance of the entrance exam! Why!!”

After roaring, Zhou Shilei slowly loosened his grip on Li Ruobai's collar, and straightened his clothes for him, saying: "We little people don't have a chance to make a difference, but as long as you give me a chance, I will become It's very troublesome, trouble that you can never imagine. Whether it's you or Lin Xi!"

Zhou Shilei slammed the door and left, Li Ruobai's face was gloomy, and he suddenly called out: "Don't look, come out and talk directly!"

He even yelled twice, but there was no response.

Li Ruobai took a deep breath and said, "I'll count to three, and if no one shows up, then there's no need to talk about anything!"

"Three!" Before Li Ruobai could finish his sentence, the middle-aged woman who was as cold as iron walked in, and behind her was a strong middle-aged man with a fierce face.

"Captain Yu!" The old man seemed to see a savior and wanted to jump up, but he forgot that he was still locked in the interrogation chair. But the old man saw the situation clearly in a blink of an eye, and found that Captain Yu seemed to be the woman's subordinate, and his whole body turned cold.

Li Ruobai met the cold woman's gaze, and said: "You came in time, it seems that you don't want to make trouble."

The woman said: "If things are small, the weight is not enough, if they are too big, they will be troublesome, and now they are neither too big nor too small, just right."

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