God is Coming

Chapter 608 Fishing Warning

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After a while, Chu Jungui, Li Ruobai and the old man were brought into three separate interrogation rooms.

There were three interrogators sitting in front of Chu Jungui. No matter how intimidating or tempting they were, Chu Jungui never said a word, and even the expression on his face did not change at all. He just kept looking at the three of them. They are uncomfortable all over.

Finally, a young female official sitting on the left couldn't bear it anymore, and she jumped at the desk: "What are you looking at?!"

Chu Jungui thought for a while, and finally said the first sentence: "I am identifying your biological characteristics."

The three judges were all taken aback, and thought about it carefully, but the more they thought about it, the more something was wrong. The judge on the right slammed the table and shouted: "You'd better tell the truth, otherwise, I'm afraid it won't do your friend any good, and you'll add more crimes to him."

"No." Chu Jun said calmly.

"What did you say?"

Chu Jungui ignored him.

At this time, the judge in the middle coughed and said: "Your companion, the older one, has already said everything. So you still have the last chance now. Tell me, why do you want to intervene in the review case?"

Chu Jungui entered the state of biometric identification again. The interrogator in the middle was helpless, explained to the left and right, and left the interrogation room.

Outside the interrogation room, a cold woman was standing in front of the screen, observing the situation in the three interrogation rooms. The old man described it as gray and defeated, and was muttering something, while the interrogator pressed him step by step, constantly asking him to tell more things.

After watching for a while, the woman sneered, "This old guy is finished."

The atmosphere of Li Ruobai's interrogator was a bit weird, the one who kept asking questions was Li Ruobai.

"Who is your technical director?"

"This has nothing to do with you!"

Li Ruobai said: "Of course it's related. If your equipment happens to have a small malfunction during the recording capture process, for example, a few minutes of footage is missing, such a major mistake may cause the technical director to step down. If your equipment is not malfunctioning, hehe..."

"Now is not the time for you to quibble, the evidence we have is enough to send you to prison, no matter who you are!"

"Really?" Li Ruobai sneered, "Whether the things in your hands can be used as evidence is not up to you. I can find a dozen lawyers in this area."

The three interrogators looked at each other in blank dismay, all lacking momentum. Li Ruobai is well versed in the way of the law, and he is very clear about their methods, he will not be fooled at all, and he will not be able to intimidate them.

Li Ruobai knocked on the table, leaned forward, and asked, "How about it? Do you want me to contact my lawyer? This is the fourth time I've asked. Remember, no interrogation video has been deleted. After four paragraphs, the interrogator can still sit in his original position!"

The interrogator in the middle was helpless, and after asking for instructions, he finally said: "Give him communication permissions."

In front of them, Li Ruobai opened a private communication channel without any logo, and only said: "I was arrested."

An electronically synthesized voice sounded from the other end of the channel: "Received."

An hour later, Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai walked out of the small gray building, and the big iron door slammed shut behind them. Chu Jungui looked back, and then looked around, engraving all the environmental information in his heart.

A flying car came and stopped in front of the two of them. The girl sat in the driver's seat and said, "Get in the car."

Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai got into the car, and the car drove all the way back to the apartment building where they lived. After returning to the apartment, the teen threw herself on the sofa and said: "I checked, it's safe here."

Of course the apartment building is safe, and the mastermind's authority is still in the hands of Chu Jungui, and all the monitoring devices installed by the Security Bureau are blocked the moment they are activated.

Li Xinyi and Xinuo sat on the sofa, looking at Li Ruobai, waiting for him to speak.

Li Ruobai sorted out his thoughts, and said: "Obviously, we were framed this time. The other party's attitude was rude, and their intention was to warn us not to interfere. The main messenger behind the scenes probably didn't want to make too much trouble with our family, so they allowed us to use military merits." Clean up the charges."

Chu Jungui checked his military achievements and found that they had been cleared. According to past experience, Chu Jungui accumulated quite a lot of military merits, but he was cleared of them unexpectedly, which shows that the charges this time are quite heavy.

Li Ruobai was also furious, cursed, and said: "These guys are really badass, they just cleared all my military achievements, and even deducted a lot, demoting me from a colonel in the reserve to a major. This account, I have no end with them!"

Sino said, "Does this have any impact on Lin Xi's case?"

Li Ruobai's face was gloomy, and he said: "Although they have withdrawn our charges, they just didn't prosecute and the case remains there. Now sister Xi's review case has such a name of illegal interference, which is very detrimental to the review result. .”

Li Xinyi said: "Sister Xi has fought so many battles and accumulated so many military achievements. Now that the war is just over, if you treat her like this, won't you be afraid of the hearts of the soldiers in the world?"

Xinuo spread his hands and said: "I don't know anything else, but Lin Xi was really powerful at that time. Our four legions took turns to dispatch her, and there was nothing we could do about her. If such a person wants to move, isn't this self-destructing the Great Wall?" ? But the Federation is not much better, and I only lost one battle, you see, now I have become like this."

Li Ruobai said: "At this point, the matter is very clear. This case is against the Lin family. It can be said to be part of a series of actions. The relationship behind the scenes is very complicated. The elders in the family have tried their best to balance it, but they told me , This phishing against us is a warning from the other party, let us not touch this matter."

"They said they won't touch it if they don't touch it?" the girl said.

"Then what can you do?" Li Ruobai asked back.

The room fell silent. After all, the three of them are still very young. Even though they have seen a lot of power struggles since they were young, they are still no match for those old treacherous and slippery people. At this moment, they are helpless.

Chu Jungui finally broke the silence and said, "Is there no way now? Then use my way."

"No!" The three of them stopped almost at the same time.

Li Ruobai said earnestly: "Don't be foolish! Sister Xi's kind of censorship is at best losing her military post, but if you force it, it will become a real treason! No matter how you say it, we shouldn't betray you. dynasty."

"The security bureau's guards are very powerful. The automatic defense facilities inside are all controlled by a separate mastermind, which cannot be accessed from the external network. Therefore, if you want to rob people, you can only attack hard. But the security bureau's own guards There are only 500 people, and an additional 500 support troops will arrive within 5 minutes, and the air will be completely blocked at the same time." Li Xinyi said.

Sino shrugged, "Although you are powerful, this is suicide."

Chu Jungui was a little puzzled, and said, "When did I say I was going to attack the Security Bureau?"

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