God is Coming

Chapter 609 Mad Dog

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Both the girl and Xinuo breathed a sigh of relief, but Li Ruobai still didn't relax, and asked, "You really haven't thought about it? Don't lie to me!"

Chu Jungui did not answer directly, but said: "In fact, it is not bad to manage light years with heart."

When he said this, everyone understood and shook their heads helplessly. Li Ruobai said, "To tell you the truth, I even have the same idea. Just look at this and you'll know."

An image was projected in front of Li Ruobai just before he was released. Zhou Shilei walked in, threw a file in front of Li Ruobai, and said, "This is a document that is exempt from prosecution, and you can go out after signing it. Do you think you are lucky, do you think you are very capable? "

When Li Ruobai opened the file and looked at it, his expression changed a little.

Zhou Shilei leaned in front of him with a distorted smile, and said, "Is it a surprise? Did you suddenly realize that your so-called powerful family is nothing more than that? What a pity, if there were no regulations, I really wanted to take your The military rank has been rolled to the end, but now it can only be reduced to a major. The rank of the reserve is still useful, and it is a pity to give you this kind of waste. Now that you have no military merits, I advise you to be more honest, otherwise, you will be better next time. No one can save you."

Li Ruobai closed the document and asked, "Where is Jungui, how is he?"

Zhou Shilei picked up the document and said, "He has nothing to do. After all, he is on active duty, and the department is special, so it is not under our control. And I have read it. He has no background. He has done a lot for you, and he only became a major." Just another idiot being used by you people, just like me back then. But you are different!"

With a snap, Zhou Shilei threw the document into Li Ruobai's arms, tapped Li Ruobai's chest hard, and said through gritted teeth: "You people have everything from birth, and all the resources are the best. Yes, you have obtained it." A little achievement, but even if anyone has only half of your resources, how far will the achievement be? If the resources of a big family to cultivate a child are distributed to everyone, how many talents can be produced! You so-called famous families are nothing but A group of short-sighted and selfish guys. People like you are simply moths!"

After some hysterical venting, Zhou Shilei calmed down and said, "It's not that I don't have a chance for promotion, but I have to be transferred to another department, so I gave up. I just want to stay here and take care of people like you one by one." Send them to prison, destroy everything you depend on for survival with your own hands. Without the aura brought by your birth, you are nothing!"

Li Ruobai sneered, "At first I thought you were a talent, but looking at it now, you're just a poor wretch living in low self-esteem."

With a slap, Li Ruobai was slapped!

A few finger marks appeared on Li Ruobai's face, his eyes were instantly bloodshot, and he wanted to fight back violently.

Zhou Shilei stroked his hand, and said slowly: "After you leave, I should go to interrogate Lin Xi. Today's scheduled interrogation time is 8 hours. But I can give you a promise, as long as you are obedient Give me one more slap, and I can shorten the interrogation by an hour. What's the deal?"

Li Ruobai gritted his teeth, turned his face to one side, revealing the other side that hadn't been whipped.

Snapped! !

Zhou Shilei laughed and left the interrogation room, and said to the guard at the door: "Notify the other side that today's interrogation of Lin Xi will be shortened by one hour."

Video ends.

Li Xinyi was already furious, "This is a lunatic!"

Sino said: "It's normal, there are many similar people in the Federation, and they don't miss any chance to attack nobles."

Li Ruobai calmed down and said, "This guy is a mad dog they released to attack the Lin family. There are still many people in the Lin family who are in high positions in the military. It will not happen overnight if you want to bring them down. , Sister Xi may still be tortured for a while."

Chu Jungui, who was thinking all the time, said: "We must save people as soon as possible."

Even Li Xinyi said: "Don't be impulsive, Sister Xi won't be in danger inside, but it's just annoying. As for Ruobai's big mouth, it's fine to get hit twice. Otherwise, we wouldn't be like this if he acted rashly." passive."

Chu Jungui said: "I'm not impulsive. The other party can use mad dogs to disgust us, or use mad dogs to do other things, for example, hurt. Afterwards, they just need to push them out to take the blame."

"You mean, they might attack Sister Xi?"

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "Then we will follow our respective division of labor, and I will think of other ways."

"any solution?"

"We can't use normal methods to deal with mad dogs." After Chu Jungui finished speaking, he left the apartment.

The city under the night began another kind of prosperity. This huge city with a population of tens of millions is like a small country. Chu Jungui walked into the flying car and turned on the automatic driving function. In this urban area, the speedway is divided into 20 floors up and down. It is said that in the busiest part of the city center, the speedway can have as many as 40 floors.

Drive to a remote city. After driving not far away, Chu Jungui found a speeding car following him. You don't need to check to know that this is the arrangement of the Security Bureau.

Chu Jungui sat in the car and quickly cracked a speeding car on the upper channel. The speeding car suddenly turned around and fell down multiple lanes in a row, hitting the following speeding car hard. The two flying cars went up and down, and quickly fell to the ground.

There were two bang bangs, and Chu Jun Guian sat still, allowing the speeding car to continue driving according to the established trajectory.

The speeding car quickly drove out of the bustling area and entered a neighborhood that already showed dilapidated signs. In any city, there is a bright and prosperous side, as well as an old and dilapidated side. The flying car drove to the destination and slowly stopped at the parking spot. Chu Jungui got off the car and looked at a high-rise apartment in the distance. This apartment building is located a few blocks away, and Zhou Shilei lives here.

It was also a bit of luck to get this information. The personal information of the officials of the Security Bureau is strictly confidential, and the level of confidentiality for a high-level official like Zhou Shilei is already quite high.

Chu Jungui walked along the street, came to an inconspicuous tavern, and walked in. The business of the tavern is mediocre, there is only one table of guests, and the boss is scrubbing the glasses behind the counter.

Mr. Chu came back to the bar and said, "I heard that besides wine, you also sell some special things here."

The boss looked at Chu Jungui warily and said, "Tell me what you want first."

Chu Jungui said: "Data, data about this block."

"There are a lot of data, which one do you want?"

"Everything, no need to be professional, such as who lives in a building, what they do, age, gender, these are all fine."

"You want to advertise?" the boss asked.

Chu Jungui spread his hands, "Sell a house, or hold a training class or something, the kind that teaches people how to make money."

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