God is Coming

Chapter 611 Standing

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Chu Jungui disassembled several bullets, mixed another powder into the gunpowder, and reloaded the bullets. He picked up the sniper rifle, aimed at the opposite apartment building, and pulled the trigger.

The sniper rifle made only a small sound, and the bullets fired very slowly, only a small hole was cut on the outer edge of the window. Chu Jungui shot two more shots, opening the small hole into a triangular shape, then picked up the remaining parts, assembled a mechanical crossbow, and shot a crossbow arrow the size of a finger, just right into the triangular hole. Chu Jungui took another shot from the sniper rifle to seal the hole, making it no different from the surrounding walls.

Really remote fine engineering work.

Chu Jungui adjusted his personal terminal, and the image on it was slightly blurred, and then the image in the apartment was clearly displayed. The crossbow launched a comprehensive imaging system, which can restore all the information in the room into images and sounds, and can effectively avoid the shielding of one-way safety glass.

The apartment is not big, although it has three rooms, it is a bit cramped for a family with 4 children. When Zhou Shilei returned to the apartment, the three older children were chasing and playing, and the youngest one was crying constantly, but no one came to comfort him. Hearing the sound of the door, a woman came out of the kitchen. She looked about 40 years old, with deep lines around her eyes, and she looked like she had worked hard day and night.

Duan Xuyan looked at the information and said, "This is his wife, who is 4 years older than him. But she just turned 40, why is she so old?"

In the apartment, Zhou Shilei took off his coat, scolded the children who were running and playing, and drove them into the room to do their homework, and then sat down with a tired face. The woman came out with a plate of leftovers, Zhou Shilei ate it, and said as he ate, "This is much more delicious than the food from the machine."

"I'm afraid we'll have nothing to eat but the machine next week."

Zhou Shilei raised his head, "I've spent all the money for this month? Oh, it doesn't matter, we still have some savings, and we will be able to receive our salary soon. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, do you remember Zhou Minhai, that old guy, I finally sent him to prison, haha! He always thought that I would be as obedient as before, and the police are in front of him, but he still didn’t forget to reprimand me, you should really take a good look at his face!"

Zhou Shilei laughed a few times, and found that the woman was not smiling, but was staring at him. He slowly stopped laughing and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The old guy you just mentioned is your uncle. You seem to have mentioned that he wants you to help with things?"

"Yes. He wants me to leak the case information to him, so that he can rescue that damn big family lady. It's such a disgusting human routine again. Is the law invalid for people like them? "

The woman said: "He asked you to help, he should promise to give money, right?"

"Of course, not a lot. Unfortunately, no matter how much money he gives me, it can't change my determination to send him in."

The woman suddenly broke out, slammed the table hard, and shouted: "The fourth child is about to be genetically optimized, have you forgotten? We don't have money now, what can we do for him? It's been 12 years , is he going to be like his brothers and sisters, who can only use the free optimization provided by the government?"

Zhou Shilei's voice was a little dry, "The government's free optimization is actually not bad..."

"Fuck you! They can't jump high enough, they can't run as fast as others, and their intelligence is even worse. What those top-optimized children can learn in an hour, our children need at least 5 hours! They can only go to the most ordinary I was bullied and laughed at from time to time. Is this life? You can’t raise him well, why do you want me to give birth to him!” The woman grabbed the dish and smashed it on the ground.

Zhou Shilei's face was pale, and he growled, "You want me to take that old thing's dirty money? Don't you know what he did to my mother back then, if you didn't send him in, you don't know how many young girls will be left behind?" In his hands."

The woman's voice rose an octave, "Your mother did it for you! Without that money, you wouldn't be able to get into that university, and you wouldn't have the position you have today."

With a bang, the woman was slapped!

Zhou Shilei looked at his hand in disbelief, it was shaking uncontrollably.

After the woman was astonished, she didn't cry or hysteria, and said calmly: "This is the second time you hit me. The first time was when you refused to be promoted and transferred, and I quarreled with you. You said that you will fight with these big boys all your life. The family fights to the end, I don't care if you really hate what they did, or it's just because your ex finally abandoned you and married into a rich family. I also know that you are actually not satisfied with me, I am just a free optimization after all But don’t forget, no matter how much you look down on me, others will look down on our children.”

Zhou Shilei was at a loss and said, "No, I didn't, that's not what I meant..."

"You have your persistence, I respect it. But I think children are more important than your hatred. You can ignore them, but I will never let the fourth child also accept free optimization. I will use my way to get money , after the genetic optimization is completed, you can treat me whatever you want."

After the woman finished speaking calmly, she carried the child into the room, then closed and locked the door.

Zhou Shilei threw himself onto the sofa and covered his face.

Duan Xuyan exhaled smoke, looked at the cigar in his hand, the lines were slender and smooth, and there were dark lines printed on the wrapper, it was a rare collection version. Calmly, he turned the cigar half a turn, covering the label with his finger.

Chu Jungui asked: "Is the free optimization provided by the government poor?"

Duan Xuyan said: "Of course it's not bad. After optimization, the overall quality will be 40% higher than that of ordinary people who have not done any optimization. The problem is that because everyone has it, people who do free optimization are actually equivalent to no one. Change. You can only outperform others if you spend money on special optimization.”

"Why not provide a better optimization?"

Duan Xuyan said: "Because there is no money. 10% of the dynasty's budget is spent on free genetic optimization. The improvement of the quality of a similar federal plan is only 37%. The community simply does not have free genetic optimization. If you want to optimize it, you have to pay for it yourself." .In fact, the optimization of the whole people is the key to the dynasty's suppression of the federation and the community in recent years. Besides, it is useless to provide higher optimization. Everyone has it, which is equivalent to no one. They still want better optimization. Treatment and status are relative."

After taking a deep puff on the cigar, Duan Xuyan said: "No matter what, things have to be done. This guy is a person who can't get around, and he doesn't seem to be someone who will change his position. Even the future of his own children If you can give up, we don't expect to have anything to convince him. Ruobai was too hasty this time. He met people rashly without even understanding him. He didn't feel wronged at all. Hmm? He was communicating with people, can he Do you intercept the content?"

"No problem." Chu Jun adjusted the receiving parameters, and the voice from the personal terminal was amplified.

Zhou Shilei's voice was a little hoarse: "Director Xu, I have some difficulties recently and want to advance some salary."

"How many?"

Zhou Shilei hesitated for a moment, then said, "...Three years."

"...you'd better come to me after you wake up."

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